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Israel and the New World Order

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:00 PM
Consider this symbol.

This symbol is commonly known today as the Star of David [Magen David, or Shield of David]. It is considered to be a Jewish symbol. However, there is no evidence that show the symbol to be of Jewish origin. In fact, it has only risen to prominence as a Jewish symbol in the past 200 years, especially after this symbol appeared on the flag of Israel.

In fact, this symbol was actually IMPOSED upon the Jewish people during the medieval period, where Jews were FORCED to wear this symbol so that they could be identified for PERSECUTION. This practice was later revived in Nazi Germany.

So why would Israel choose to use the symbol of Jewish oppression, rather than the traditional Jewish symbol, the Menorah?

To understand this, we must understand the symbol.

The hexagram is a Mystery School symbol that was adopted by Jewish mysticism, or the Mystery School of the Jews [the Qabbalists], and thus was the first accounts of Jews using this symbol. The true name of the symbol is the Double Interlaced Triangle of Solomon, or the Seal of Solomon [it is also the sign of Vishnu, a god of GENERATION].

There was never a real "King Solomon." The word Solomon is to be broken down into three parts, Sol, meaning SUN in latin, Om, a sacred word in Hindu/Buddhist/Vedic traditions also meaning the SUN, and On, which is the ancient Egyptian word for their city of the SUN (also known as Heliopolis). The symbol is consisting of two equilateral triangles, one pointed up, and the other pointed down. The triangle pointing up represents FIRE and the MALE principle [dominant, control, make things happen, etc.]. The triangle pointing down represents WATER and the FEMALE principle [submissive, spontaneous, let things happen, etc]. Thus we say, men are from MARS [FIRE] and women are from VENUS [WATER].

The two triangles together form a SIX sided star. The number SIX is extremely important to the Mystery Schools, who held it to be the number of MANIFESTATION or GENERATION. This is because SIX is the number of sides of a cube [the Sacred Geometrical figure of FOUNDATION], SIX is the number of fundamental forces [to the ancients], SIX is the only number in which it's factors are three consecutive numbers [the first three numbers!] which add up to itself [6=1x2x3=1+2+3=6]. In the Bible, God takes SIX days to create the world, and creates man on the SIXTH day. Even today we use the word "sex" to describe the GENERATIVE act.

Thus, the Seal of Solomon is a symbol of the SUN and it's GENERATIVE powers. The bonding of male and female is not meant literally as in sex but metaphorically to represent the universal principle of DUALITY as well as the androgynous nature of the Absolute/Creator [both male and female, fire and water, everything and nothing]. To the Mystery Schools, gender is a quality of imperfection, as by definition, each gender is lacking in something that the other has. In order to create life, it is reasoned that the Creator must have both male and female properties. Anyway, this can go on and on as we can delve into the intricacies of the symbol [it also represents ETERNITY], so for all points and purposes, just know that it is a symbol of the SUN and it's GENERATIVE powers.

It is adopted as the symbol of the flag of Israel to symbolize the power of the Cult of the SUN [Mystery School] and the GENERATION of a New World Order. Note that I am not saying that Jewish people are taking over the world or anything like that, but rather the Jewish people are being used by those who are, unknowingly. The nation of Israel is the planting of the seed to disrupt the Old Arabic Order [the FOUNDATION]. Please know that I am not an anti-semite, but the Illuminati [the Adepts of the Mystery Schools] likes to hide from criticism behind the shield of anti-anti-semitism.

It is another common misconception that Israel was founded in consolation of the horrors the Jews had to endure during the Holocaust. The idea of creating a Jewish state began to be seriously considered in the late 19th century, which also happened to be the same time as the rise of new age mysticism [rise to power of the modern Mystery School "Illuminated"] with such prominent occult figures as HP Blavatsky and Eliphas Levi. In fact, Hitler was very much steeped in the occult, as the Nazi Party was basically the Thule Society made into a political party, and was heavily influenced by the works of Madame Blavatsky.

It is a fact that after the end of the First World War, the League of Nations [obviously a NWO organization, as it is the first prototype world government] gave Britain mandate over Palestine for the sole purpose of creating a Jewish state [which failed and had to be relocated]. It is worth noting that during this era, the early 1900s, very few cared about the Jewish people [as racism was rampant], a people with no nation of their own, and those who belonged to the League of Nations were aristocratic white men who were the leaders of the major imperialistic nations of the time. Did they REALLY have the best interests of the Jewish people in mind? It was obvious that major conflict would arise as you can't force someone to give up the land their forefathers farmed to a foreign people of different ethnicity, and then have them live next to each other. The Jews and Arabs were not always enemies.

By blowing the Holocaust out of proportion [there are a lot of discrepancies about this historical event; nonetheless, it is not the "worst event in history" as many are taught to believe, nor was it an event that targeted Jews. In fact a worse genocide was happening during the same time in Asia, which is now almost forgotten], the Illumined elites used the event to generate pity for the Jewish people so that they could finally establish the State of Israel in the Middle East, but also do what they wish, because opposing the policies of Israel makes one an anti-semite. It is ironic that we now have an Anti-Defamation League, whose sole purpose is to defame.

[hold comments for next post]

Mod Edit: Image Hotlinking – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 29/12/2008 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 29-12-2008 by italkyoulisten]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:05 PM
I am not trying to say that Israel is the New World Order, but rather Israel is a major arm of the NWO whose goal is to disrupt and replace the Old Arabic Order. In fact, most of today's problems has its roots in the Israeli-Middle East conflict. I am willing to bet that the event that triggers WW3 will be directly related to this conflict.

Of course, the hexagram symbol is not limited to Israel, but by looking closely, you will find it on tons of Mystery School related things/places.


What does it spell? MASON

Mod Edit: Image Hotlinking – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 29/12/2008 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:38 PM
Starred and flagged. This is spot on. Great information.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Phazon

Thank you, but apparently nobody else thinks so.

I also meant to clarify in the OP that it is a Mystery School goal to establish the New Atlantis [see Sir Francis Bacon's New Atlantis, or listen to William Cooper's lectures, or see Manly P Hall's Secret Destiny of America] in time for the Age of Aquarius. The New Atlantis is supposed to be a Utopia, like the original.

Hitler sought to [re]create the Aryan race because he believed he was the one to establish the New Atlantis. Aryan does not mean "white". The Aryans are the esoteric "sons of god" race and Hitler/occultists believed that it is from them all magical and psychic powers originate. True Aryans would supposedly have tremendous magical and psychic powers and they would also be morally superior to normal people. Their esoteric symbol was the swastika, the symbol of the SUN. The reason he wanted to create the perfect people was not out of some sick, twisted insanity [implying no reason, as most people are led to believe], but rather because in order to establish the New Atlantis, a perfect society, it must have perfect rulers. In fact, the original Atlantis is said to be the dominion of Poseidon, and each district was ruled by a half-human son of Poseidon; "sons of god".

This idea was so embraced at the time that universities around the world would offer courses on eugenics, and eugenics programs would pop up around the world as well [such as in the US]. You see, a one world government ruled by supermen is considered by the "illumined" elite adepts of the Mysteries as not only necessary but inevitable.

I would highly suggest anyone to research the "sons of god" concept, which is basically the supposed interbreeding of the gods and humans. This appears in almost every ancient religion, and is even found in the Bible.

"1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."
Genesis 6:1-2

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:01 AM
I flagged your thread and figured I'd give it a bump. Great job!

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by italkyoulisten
reply to post by Phazon

Thank you, but apparently nobody else thinks so.

There are already tons of similar info on here and the net about this subject.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:39 PM
the symbol used as "magen david" was took by the rothschild family
and it's only after this that jews used it as the jewish symbole

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:15 PM
It is also located in "the Great Seal of the United States of America":

as well as this (also part of The GREAT Seal of blah blah):

I am sure you recognize it quite well from being on the back of your dollar bill. It is a double sided seal. So, I am sure that everything that has been said about them is being said about us in some form or fashion somewhere in the world right now. Just something to think about.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by italkyoulisten

What does it spell? MASON

Mod Edit: Image Hotlinking – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 29/12/2008 by Mirthful Me]

Looking at your linked image, I don't see it spelling MASON. You have a six point star, and have taken letters adjacent to only 5 of the points. Why? Even if we ignore the top point of the star where there is no adjacent letter, it is impossible to spell the word MASON either clockwise or counterclockwise.

At best you could say that looking at letters adjacent to 5 out of the 6 points of the star, one can see an anagram for the word MASON. Put another way, we must rearrange the found letters in order to arrive at the word MASON.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:06 PM
Deleted double post. Apologies.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by bronco73]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by bronco73

You have to rearrange the letters. ASMON = MASON.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by italkyoulisten
reply to post by bronco73

You have to rearrange the letters. ASMON = MASON.

That's pretty much exactly what I said, thanks. Of course with the exception that one of the points of the star isn't identified with a letter at all. Therefore, the OP was inaccurate. Perhaps re-reading my original post might help?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by bronco73

The top point of the hexagram is the All Seeing Eye. It does not point to a letter because the designers of the seal left a needed space there, since "mason" has five letters.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by italkyoulisten

The Star of David information was mostly correct in my opinion. The NWO comment is probably accurate in that Israeli Government is part of the NWO but I don't think it is to get rid of Islam.

The Star of David was taken from a people that King David defeated, this was not a rarity in ancient times either. Once King David defeated the enemy he took their symbology as a trophy of sorts... It is considered fact amongst most Orthodox and Messianic Jews that the star was probably on the shields of the enemy and was probably displayed on the outside of King Davids Royal House and some think possibly even Solomon's Temple.

I agree that the symbol is pagan in origin and the symbol has several meanings in Occultism including the pyramid and inverted pyramid male/female symbolism. I would disagree that this means anything more than the thought above, trophy of battle win.

I think that islam come under Roman Catholicism soon enough as it is they that spawned them in the first place. I think most religions will come under Rome soon enough except for possibly two...

But if one wants to talk about symbolism of the star one only look at the 50 PENTAGRAMS on the Us Flag, the Moon and Stars on most Islamic flags and on and on and you can see how deeply rooted into society is the ancient symbolism much of which is pagan in origin.

Cool thread and you did it in a way that didn't seem to me to be a cover to bash Jews as some of these posts are.

Star and Flag

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

The relationship between the hexagram and King David is mostly speculation. Of course, many Jewish scholars of recent times have tried real hard to link the hexagram symbol to King David, but not to much avail. Note that even you are keen to use the term "probably" quite often in your description.

Although scholars have attempted to trace the Star of David back to King David himself; to Rabbi Akiva and the Bar Kokhba ("son of the star") rebellion (135 C.E.); or to *kabbalists, especially Rabbi Isaac Luria (16th century), no Jewish literature or artifacts document this claim.

The pentagram has become more so the accepted "regular" star. It is the symbol of the MAN and the MICROCOSM. However, the Hexagram is the symbol of the SUN and the MACROCOSM. As you can see, the hexagram is an extremely sacred emblem of the occult.

Also, about Islamic nations and the Crescent. The crescent is the symbol of the moon [which is of course, the opposite of the sun] in its first phases, considered sacred to Isis, Diana, Aphrodite, Venus, etc. It's crescent shape symbolizes the female generative force, the vagina. It is also related to the Earthly; MOTHER EARTH vs. FATHER SUN/GOD. The EARTH is the seed, the rays of the SUN the sperm, and together, life is created. Ironically, women are treated as second class citizens in some modern Islamic nations, but this was not always the case. In fact, women started out as being sacred which is why they are veiled; it was to be protected from the gaze of the impure, but this protection evolved into oppression.

Islam has always been viewed as an enemy of the west and have always been demonized by the media. Muslims have always been portrayed as deviant and evil people who cannot be trusted in hollywood movies. Interestingly, the Holly tree is associated by ancient druids with death and rebirth [initiation] and its wood is made into wands and are associated with dream magic. Therefore, it is the initiation of the masses for the NWO paradigm. Holly was considered a MALE plant, with its female counterpart being Ivy.,M1

What all this means, I do not know. However in all the main NWO nations obelisks are erected [pun], which are phallic symbols of male power dedicated to Osiris, the symbol of Divine Knowing. Freemasons are also very fond of erecting obelisks. It seems that the NWO has an acute fascination with the phallus and male principle [domination, oppression, control, power, law].

I give you a star for your thought provoking reply!

[edit on 2-1-2009 by italkyoulisten]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:45 PM
Menorah (7 candles-holder) is much more prominent symbol. But a magen David is also ancient. Much older then 200 years (by the way, Israel as a modern country exists for 61 year, not 2 centuries. We will have to wait for a while till it will happen).
Oldest is on Assyrian black obelisk
To the left (on picture) there is Assyrian king with symbol of Assyria above him and to the right there is kneeling king Jehu (from Israel,not Judea) that just lost. His symbol is magen David.
Then there is an ancient Torah scroll (1000+ ad) with magen David.
As for other NWO assumptions - do not know. Highly doubt.
Edit - trying to fix the link

[edit on 2-1-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

If you will read what I have actually written, I said that the Magen David gained prominence in the past 200 years, and especially more since the establishment of Israel. Never did I claim the current nation of Israel to be 200 years old, but rather that it boosted the popularity of the symbol since its establishment. I also mentioned that Israel was attempted prior to WWII, in fact right after WWI. It seems that you have only skimmed what I have written, if that.

It is an ancient mystery school symbol, as I have stated, and it's name was the Seal of Solomon. Again, I will quote this:

Although scholars have attempted to trace the Star of David back to King David himself; to Rabbi Akiva and the Bar Kokhba ("son of the star") rebellion (135 C.E.); or to *kabbalists, especially Rabbi Isaac Luria (16th century), no Jewish literature or artifacts document this claim.

It entered Jewish culture in ancient times via Jewish magic/mysticism. Mysticism = mystery school. However, its origins are not in Jewish tradition.

Yes, it is on the black obelisk. The obelisk is a mystery school symbol of the phallus, dedicated to Osiris [and his equivalents in other cultures] and the SUN.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by italkyoulisten]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:21 PM
Anyway, I wanted to add this:

In his New Atlantis, a work unfinished, Sir Frances Bacon recites the virtues of an ideal philosophic empire. This empire, which he calls Bensalem, "the sons of peace, or of the ladder," is ruled over by a mysterious institution designated "Solomon's House." This "House" is an order of men united in the quest of universal realities. They are patrons of the arts and sciences, and investigators of nature's lore. The whole story is founded upon Plato's empire of Poseidon - the lost Atlantides, or the Isles of the Sea.

from Lectures on Ancient Philosophy by Manly P Hall in the chapter entitled "The Goal of Philosophy"

Seems like a lot of things are connecting.... Of course, Hall perceived this to be a noble cause.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by italkyoulisten]

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