posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:43 PM
Well, this one hit close to home for me so I am going to post it up. I read a thread (link above) about a boom up north. No one seems to know what
it was. There is an Airforce base here but as far as I know there are only the large C-17s and C-130s, neither can produce a sonic boom.
(Links above)
The WCIV link is a local South Carolina news station link." is a link to an Iowa newpaper. Read the comments at the bottom of the Hawkeye page to see what some people are saying about what
happened in Mt. Pleasant.
Third link is to the Charleston, SC AFB website.
Not to much being said about the boom as of right now. Anyone hear of any other booms anywhere else?
(visit the link for the full news article)
[edit on 29/12/08 by Pfeil]