posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:33 PM
I work for an electric company and today i took a call from a lady with a email address. so i asked her if she worked for nasa and she said
yes, obviously. then i told her that i had been hearing a lot of tall tales about space these days. (guess where i heard all these tales)
i was trying to ask her about the ships we have between the earth and sun that were doing testing on solar flares and such but i couldn't remember
the name of the ships. (still can remember, it's not cassini probes is it?)
anyway, she got real quiet and didn't want to say anything. i got the impression that there's probably a lot of ships out there that we don't know
i also asked her to make the the current impact risk website is kept up to date becuase i like to check it every once in a while and she said...
"trust me, you don't want to know."
now, the conversation was light hearted and we laughed a bit about some of the conspiracies but she was very quiet about those things i mentioned.
what do you guys think?