posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:18 PM
Good afternoon.
I have read this site off and off for at least the past year, probably longer than that but my memory doesn't serve me too well.
Just a little about me: I'm not what you'd label as someone that believes everything he hears or reads. I tend to think I am very strong willed, and
while I want as much information to discern as possible I will ALWAYS base my conclusion upon all the information readily available. (added of course
to my general sense/feeling on the subject.)
I have found many threads listed on this sight entertaining and some informational while others easily debunked.
Due to some events in my personal life as well events in the world in the general I have felt compelled to start speaking my beliefs in a public
manner, this being the easiest and most comfortable for me to start with.
Every reason I can think of that pushes me to post here can be simply stated that "I am tired of being afraid".
I don't believe in every 911 story and I don't believe in every 'doomsday' scenario. But I do believe our government is controlling. I do believe
we may at the verge of losing more of our rights. I do believe the TPTB use fear not only as a front for control but also as a hidden agenda to attain
extra profit.
While most close to me (I won't really talk about my fears or personal beliefs to anyone I don't know extremely well) know my stands on issues, its
pretty much a 50/50. Half of my friends and family think I'm crazy, the other half agree with me and support my ideas. The ones that think I'm crazy
got more nervous when I started to build a firearm collection as of late. (and I lol at this because I've been around firearms since I was 5.. I
don't even have any parking tickets and wouldn't hurt anyone else except to save mine or my families lives)
Anyways, I'm starting to ramble, just wanted to give a friendly hello and some background about myself.
-Edited for spelling errors
[edit on 29-12-2008 by n1zzzn]