posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:01 PM
I grew up with two kids who had similar conditions. One in grade school, the other as a teen. I don't remember the name of the conditions because
it was during a time when medical-talk was foreign to me.
I remember the kid from my teens quite well though. He used to kid around about being bulletproof and stuff like that. I think the most important
thing for him was that he was always in good spirits about it.
That is definitely something that you contribute in. Being diagnosed with any sort of medical condition is rough, especially it's something that
makes you different... But honestly that can be anything. I remember getting picked on when I got braces...
Just be there to encourage him, reassure him and make sure that he sticks to the regimen that the doctor tells him as that will make his time wearing
the device shorter.
By the way, the guy I knew who had to wear a brace wore it until he was 18 or so and is perfectly fine now, years later. No posture issues or
anything like that.
Anyways, sending positive thoughts to you and your son.