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Only junk found at Roswell, useless garbage!

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posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 03:26 AM
We all know the story behind the alledged crash at Rosewell NM.I propose that if in fact an extraterrestrial craft did crash that it would be absolutly useless in any way shape or form, for your consideration:

An f-117 enters a temporal vortex and crash lands somewhere in Washington;1861,The pilot is ejected and dies from the impact, his body burned byond recognition.The aircraft was not damaged too severly but sustained heavy damage and large parts of the wrekege are strewn about the crash site.

Locals, finding this strange object report it immediatly to the millitary fearing that it could be some kind of confedderate weapon. News of the find reaches president Lincolon who orders the object sent to be examined and stored( Lincolon most likley believes this could be used as a weapon also) The aircraft is loaded up onto horse drawn buggies and taken to a nearby town and placed in a barn under guard by Union troops. The best minds of the time are called in to examine the object and it's "occupant" from this point what are the likley advances to the technology of that time that could be gained from our downned F-117?

Aluminum was not yet invented so even that simple assessment could not have been made as to the usefullness of the metal. Computers were far from a reality and as most keen on aircraft know, the F-117 has an advanced computer for everything ranging from, flight controls, motor function controls, weapon controls, ect, ect, this concept would have been so forigne to the examiners that they would not even understand the concept of these controls. Countless other materials involved with the airframe, engine(turbines) would have escaped the examiners.

Lets say for the sake of argument that the aircraft in question was armed.What if any beneift would the weapons aboard the F-117 provide the examiners as most of the weapon systems require computer controls as well as pilot input ie slection of targets, arming ect exct.They (examiners) would not even recognize missles and bombs as weapons.They most likley would have discarded them or attempted to fire one out of a cannon with disastorous results and loss of life in which cautioning them from "messing" with the others any further. with the lack of knowledge in all areas of aircraft mechanics and flight altogether they would not have been able to make suitable repairs to the aircraft to return it's air worthyness, thus rendering it what? junk absolute garbage.

Point being, (and I'm playing devil's advocate) not attempting to prove or disprove weather or not anything did in fact crash in the New Mexico desert, If what the U.S military recovered was of extraterestrial origin, then what benifits would a craft that advanced actually have for human kind, given the scenario above I ask would we even be able to comprehend the most basic of technology one would expect to find in an "alien" craft? would we be abe to conclude what items and systems did what? Given the obvious language barrier how would we comprehend the use of the opperating systems? that is if any written language exsisted on the craft at all.

I base these questions on the assumption that an extraterestrial craft capable of traveling millions of light years would be unfathomably advanced technologicly ( ie F-117 crashing in Lincolon's "lap") and that we in our current or then current level of scientific understanding would have not been able to do anything with a wreakage of that nature, so again what are left with? junk absolutly.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 03:34 AM
Becasue the mindset of humans in the late 1940's would be sophisticated enough to recognize something technologically advanced than the mindset of the 1800's.

Your forgetting about the "learning curve" over a span of 100+ years, and the fact that there were plenty of hi tech devices and weapons used during WWII prior to the Roswell incident.


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by RFBurns

Question is, were the tech devices used during WW2 advanced enough as to give researchers of the Roswell incident a "jump start" on what was found? learning curve accecpted but would the technology even be comprehendable? to 1940's scientists or have we just begun to to scratch the tip of the "iceburg"?

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by alyosha1981
reply to post by RFBurns

Question is, were the tech devices used during WW2 advanced enough as to give researchers of the Roswell incident a "jump start" on what was found? learning curve accecpted but would the technology even be comprehendable? to 1940's scientists or have we just begun to to scratch the tip of the "iceburg"?

The term of it is "reverse engineering". With the level of the scientific and technology of the time, yes it would have been understandable to a point of being comprehendable to study it and learn about it.

Keep in mind, the scientists and engineers of the time made atom bombs and understood atomic physics and even early quantium physics, so even tho they were on a very early stage of the learning curve, it was complex enough to begin reverse engineering what was found.

It is no mystery as to why years was spent on studying the material and then only recently we start seeing incredible advances within a 40 year time span from zinc plated vacume tubes to microprocessors the size of half a credit card capable of calculations and speeds that even 5 large warehouses filled with wall to wall equpiment could not even come close to matching.


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by RFBurns

I know the reverse enginering would require a basic understanding of that which was being reverse engineered, however what I propose is thst said ET tech is light years beyond quantum physics and how do we know that the rules of physics that apply here on Earth also apply on worlds in wich that tech might have origionated? not only that but would require a level of intellegence beyond our capabillities of understanding without some sort of guidance
Ie ask a two year old to spell cat, thay can't due to the fact that they don't yet know how to talk let alone understand the concept of spelling,

See what I mean this applys here in that if the tech recovered was that advanced, then our scientists might not have possessed even the groundwork understanding to unlock the usefullness of it, i'm not discrediting thenm but only proposing that they didn't have the understanding to do anything with it.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:43 AM
I think you are all rather insulting towards the scientists and engineers which have developed devices such as microprocessors. They have placed years of their life to invent them, and you're going to give credit to an alien race giving us the technology when you have no evidence to back up your claim.

[edit on 12-28-2008 by William One Sac]

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Thats exactly what I was asking in my OP as I put the question out there, I expected some flack for the theory for the sake of discussion.As mentioned I did not mean any dis credit to the scientists and engineers that pioneered breakthrough technology.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I think you are all rather insulting towards the scientists and engineers which have developed devices such as microprocessors. They have placed years of their life to invent them, and you're going to give credit to an alien race giving us the technology when you have no evidence to back up your claim.

[edit on 12-28-2008 by William One Sac]

No one is claiming anything here. What is being said is there was a huge and sudden, almost overnight acceleration in technology within a very short time frame. We have also stated that its very probable that any captured alien technology will be studied and scrutinized to the capitol letter S and then some. It would be foolish to just collect it store it and ignore it espeically if it could be understood and used for say....military purposes like Aurora's!


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