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Is Our Great Nation, And The World, Headed For Collapse?

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posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 02:02 AM

Forgive me if this topic has been run into the ground, or if this video clip from the History channel has already been used. Also I hope that the mods will put this thread into the correct topic area if this isnt right.

This is my first thread, so bear with me people!

I was emailed this video yesterday, and while the topic has been beaten to death, I believe there may be some truth to the prediction.

Now, it's proven that every generation since the beginning of recorded history believes that they are living in the "End Times." So it seems a little silly to add my name to that list. All I am looking for here is just an open discussion and new and interesting views and information on this topic. I truely believe that we are living in a very turbulent, dangerous time.

If you look at the state of affairs of alot of the major nations in the world, most are struggling with an inordinate amount of strange and troubling things. There are so many things right now pointing to a breaking point that seems to be in our near future.

I was watching the news tonight, about the fight in the Gaza Strip. Seeing civilians running for cover in their streets. Seeing things like that lately make me realize how disconnected I, and alot of Americans, have become. We have grown up our whole lives without really seeing the horror of war in our streets, with the exception of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

I dont think people realize, while we sit at our comfortable house, in our comfortable little world, that our lives could change into that in the blink of an eye. The horrors of war at our doorstep.

The farther into the history of America we get, the closer we get to that unstoppable fate that consumed every other great super power in the world. I believe that the stage is setting itself for a domino effect, and society as we know it will crumble.

This is a terrible realization for me, as I have two young children that I hope can have a good life. It is amazing to me how many things point to a devastating future, including the Dec. 21, 2012 doomsday, mayan calendar thing.

I wish that I could find it, but quite a few years ago a friend gave me a paper he had printed off the internet. It talked about a collection of information confiscated from a communist base by allied troops during the Cold War. (Something like that, I cant remember exactly. If any one knows what I'm talking about, please post it to this thread so I can have a copy of it again.) Anyhow, these documents basically broke down a simple process of how to implement communism in a community or country.

I cant remember all of it, but one of the steps were: take away the average persons ruggedness and self suffienincy by distracting them with fashion, useless technology, advertisements aimed at the youth of the area, ect..

My point is, I believe that we are headed into a time when people better know how to take care of themselves and their family, ie. home defense, outdoor survival skills. I think anyone who doesnt prepair for the worst, will wish they had in the coming years.

Take a step back from everything, and see how many dominos are setting up, and prepair for the first to fall.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:44 PM
There is an air of 'somethings about to happen' everywhere it seems to me. I really believe that if people dont begin stocking up on guns, ammo, non-parishable food items, and some basic knowledge of how to take care of themselves without electricity, refridgerators, gas heat, ect., they will live to regret it.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:56 PM
I truly believe that everything is crumbling around us, but most of us are too blind to see it, or too wrapped up in ourselves to care. I'm 18 and I look at the people around me, specifically in my age bracket and I find myself ranting about it a lot of the time. All people seem to care about are their blackberries/cellphones, myspace and reality TV. Meanwhile, I get made fun of for knowing how to light a fire without a lighter and how to build a shelter for myself.

I'm not afraid to take charge with a firearm, or any other weapon for that matter and I tend to look at what's going on around me. I don't know, it's the way I was raised to be. I don't spend all my time plugged into one thing or another.

There's a feeling, and I know a lot of people are feeling it, and it resonates this ominous tone. I know something's going to happen and my only solace is in the fact that I can at least help in keeping those close to me safe.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:57 PM
The differences between doomsaers now and before are huge. Even ignoring the relgious prophecies, the world has never had weapons before like we do now. The psychos that weezle into power, and oh what power they have, have never been so numerous (regardless of which "side's" eyes you see through). The process and technique of manipulation has never been so perfected (self-defining). Also, this is pure speculation, but it's hard to imagine a more lazy, and apathetic society than the one i'm forced to wake up in every day. These ingredients make for quite the # stew.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by heyo

I can't agree with you more. It's like in wall-e where everyone's hovering around on those chairs with the screen in front of their faces, they can't see anything. What's more is people have become so used to technology that they don't bother to learn how to do manual skills. Why learn how to cook when you can buy anything you want already cooked and frozen? All you have to do is microwave.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 02:38 PM
Tree, welcome to the debate, yes your country is going down the pan and no the Wolrd is not. I'm affraid that the perps who are running the show have been bleeding the US to death. I'm afraid it will get alot worse before it gets better

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:36 PM
Thanks for your take on this stuff guys, it's great to have a place to discuss these things.

Is'nt it amazing how incredibly lazy and dependant our citizens have become? I think the key to our downfall has been technology, and crooked politics. We have finally come to place as a nation where I can confidently say that Americans would be lost without these things.

When this country was founded, regular citizens not only knew how to look after themselves, but knew that it should never be the governments job to do so. The government wants us to be totally reliant on them, in order to have total control.

I think in the coming years, with all of the potential for horrible things to happen right here in our own back yards, Americans will realize too late that they have given too much control to people ( GOVERNMENT )who do not have their best interests in mind. And they will die without the basic knowledge of how to survive without the help of big brother, or tech..

It's good to hear that gun sales have sky rocketed, and all I can hope for is that good American people are prepairing themselves for the possible hard times ahead.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:23 AM
The world is the way it is, precisely because of people like you! Make no mistake that other peoples creativity suffered for your ego! A topic was being discussed overtly which requires creativity, and along you come with your Need to judge and poke fun at. Such has always been the case with small minds! By your own admission on another of your threads you watch cartoons, and if you think for even a moment that you are so powerful as to be unaffected by the nefarious content that so much television programming contains you are only fooling yourself as was just evidenced by you derailing another's passion, with no regard for anyone other than yourself! How long did it take that Gentleman to author that thread?
If the subject was so beneath you why did you expend the effort? Who were the people behind the keyboards discussing something of their choice, bothering no one? How would you feel if someone did the same to you? You are blissfully unaware of what you say with your words, a perfect example of the society in which you were raised. You embody everything that is wrong with this world and are very simply unaware of how!

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:35 AM
I agree with your take on things.
Probably will be a domino effect.
Any natural disaster could start the snowball rolling.
Lack of fuel from infrastructure collapse similar to katrina
but on a larger scale, leads to shortages in the stores,
leads to violence leads to more of all the same.
No trucks delivering anything, they are looted and burned before going anywhere, etc. The driver robbed of his 1.85$.
Then there are possibly the supervolcanos, asteroids, inevitable nuclear and biological wars over remaining resources, etc.
Heck, when the right wing war machine gets elected in 2012,
that could start it all right there!
(remember bomb, bomb, bomb,... bomb, bomb, Iran?)
They think war is funny and cool apparently.
There are far too many ways of crash to go into in one post.
You already gave the best advice!
Try to be a self sufficient as possible!
Good luck everyone!
It almost seems as if tptb are doing it all on purpose!

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by treemanx

While you may be right, what does taking "away the average persons ruggedness and self sufficiency" have to do with communism. Russians are a pretty tough bunch before they were communists and after they were communist and now that they're run by oligarchs. Plenty of them can hunt, farm and fight.
Just saying...

I do like your "Big Trouble in Little China" avatar.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:58 AM
Here are your words on someone else's thread!

OMG, I just read a hint at what this thread is about, and I just cant believe it!! Are you people friggin serious? Your going to continue to dredge up this BS over and over again, when there is absolutely no point to it! If you want to talk about "it" somewhere, go talk about "it" with your stoner buddies or sites that encourage that type of thing!

Seriously! Get the **** over it already! Why is it so important to talk about that? The rules say you cant, thats it!

Maybe some of you guys that bring this up all the time arent actually stoners, but at the very least you are definitely malcontents! You can talk about EVERYTHING under the sun here, except that, and it tweeks you out! So you HAVE to be drama queens and bring this crap up every other day.

Like I said......WHO CARES! GET OVER IT!

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:06 AM
No seriously, this kind of thing just gets under my skin. I wish there was a "beating a dead horse icon" that I could post here, because I so would! You know, like a little smiley face guy with a 2x4 bludgeoning a cartoon horse with x'ed out eyes!

It drives me crazy that people cant just get the heck over this topic! Like theres some sort of hidden agenda! I know it IS a conspiracy site, but honestly! They just dont want people taking about this, for many good reasons, so why constantly bring it up?

(Notice out of respect, I did not use the forbidden term? Im not trying to poop in anyones cheerios here, I just think its ridiculous! )

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:13 AM
OK, so theres rules. Big deal! Most respected sites have rules, and if you want to be a member, you have to follow them. Not such a difficult concept.

Also, how is this topic relevant to the NWO? Wait- before you answer, it's because you want it to be legal and accepted the same as alcohol, right? So some forums dont want you to discuss it, and the Government says it's illegal, so, there must be a conspiracy? I'm sure there are government officials that make money on it, but it's hardly linked to any relevant NWO theories.

Finally, can you think of any other "category" people who would want to continuously dredge up this subject could belong to? Because I promise you, we all fit into some category based on our beliefs. Why is that so wrong for me to mention?

You just listen to the ol' Pork Chop Express here and take his advice on a dark and stormy night when the lightnin' crashin' and the thunders rollin' and the rains coming down in sheets thick as lead.... just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the poison arrows fall from the sky and the pillars of heaven shake.... yeah ol' Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm square in the eye and says gimme your best shot pal, I can take it!-Big Trouble In Little China

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:22 AM
Also, how is this topic relevant to the NWO? Wait- before you answer, it's because you want it to be legal and accepted the same as alcohol, right? So some forums dont want you to discuss it, and the Government says it's illegal, so, there must be a conspiracy? I'm sure there are government officials that make money on it, but it's hardly linked to any relevant NWO theories.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by PaulKCA

Not sure what you're really trying to say!

You can always just not read it ya know....

I mean if it bugs you so bad....
There are thousands of other threads to read for cripes sake!
Just sayin'.

When did taking control of one's future become so wrong anyway?
All we are sayin' is it may be wise to prepare for the worst.
If nothing ever happens at least you have extra food.

And it's probably cheaper to buy now than it will be in the future!
Good luck whatever happens! Or doesn't....

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

Actually, Other than the first post from me, the rest of these are treemanx's words, as he felt it his duty to make his opinion known on someone else's thread that was shut down by a moderator shortly after his arrival. So perhaps he will revel in his own intellect and superior command of life liberty and justice for all! Does anyone recall This sites motto?

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

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