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Just what makes ET's SOOO unbelievable?

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posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:41 AM
The one thing that really gets me mad is when people laugh at the idea of aliens. They think it is crazy. They think it is impossible that we are being visited by aliens. Just WHAT is sooo crazy about it anyways? I mean, people literally laugh at that. Thats like laughing at the idea that there are way more species of animals on earth than we currently have knowledge of.

I think the reason that people laugh is because of how we have been raised. And the media. The media portrays aliens as fictional monsters from outerspace, coming to "Attack" and "Take over the world". They make a complete joke out of it. Thats why they think that. That must be it. They simply wont open their minds to the idea. I ask them, "And just what is so unbelievable about real ET's visiting earth, trying to help our planet from the destruction we are causing." You know what they say. All that they can say is "Its just crazy, think about it. ALIENS!!!??? your retarded dude." They truely have no evidence that there are no real aliens.

You have to have an open mind these days. I remember watching speeches by Alex corrier. He says stuff about how the moon is an artificial sattelite. And how we are inhabiting it. He showed the most amazing pictures of structures on the moon. It was jaw dropping. I still dont understand why the earth is so important to these intergalactic civilizations though. But it was the pictures that really blew me away. There were only around 1000 views on his speech on youtube. Nobody even knows about these things.

All that people care about these days is their MTV and watching other people live out their lives. Im really starting to think that people are being brainwashed. We are getting more stupid by the minute.

Sorry, I just had to post this somewhere. The thing that frustrates me too is that theres not a damned thing I can do about this. I do not have the power to influence millions of people. Only the media and government can do that. Guess what? The last thing that the media or government will do is influence people on the matter of ET's. Sorry, but thats just the way it is. Unless ET's actual come and land on earth, and actually show themselves to us, people will never know.

Not even the president can do anything! There is a government operating inside of the government that nobody has control over! They are in deep ****, they have made so many lies that they cant just come out with it. Go on google images, type in moon structures. Hmm I wonder whos making that? WE ARE. You dont hear about that on the morning news now do you? What a shame. This is truly an endless cycle. The only way we will ever find out is if we do it on our own. Unfortunately the public does not have access at the moment to multi billion dollar spacecraft or telescopes.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by King neptune117

It's not the idea of aliens that's laughable, it's the idea of aliens coming here.

The reason being it's an irrational assumption that beings could engage in trans-solar travel and then be 'suppressed' by the government. Yeah, like the government with their out of control budgets and dysfunctional bureaucracy could do anything. Seriously, we'd be at ET's mercy.

To cover that ground people start inventing new levels of government, and when people roll their eyes at this unverifiable shadow government, the believers get all emotional and call people 'stupid', 'brainwashed', 'sheeple' and 'not looking at the evidence.'

OK, looked at the evidence, not enough to get a conviction out of me. Sorry. Move on with your beliefs and stop trying to validate them by having other people believe it.

You don't need us skeptics. No rational person truly does care if you believe in God, the Easter Bunny, or UFOs -so long as it does no harm. If you're content in your belief, that should be enough. Why worry about it beyond that?


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