posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:03 PM
Ever since the Schism and Reformation of Western Christendom a Secular system has been implemented for governance in Western Nations
Defined as a separation of Church Authority and State Authority
But Christianity has always been interwoven into the institutions and nature of Western State governance, peoples that cherish and observe Christian
teaching and ideology have given rise to the tolerant free societies that exist in our modern world
Religion is a Greek word, which simply means, a people of common understanding.
If a Catholic Pope decided to spread war and gain power and wealth and father children one would observe the obvious that he is not a Christian for he
does not observe the teachings of Christ but serves his own gratification, and similarly the Catholic faith could not be judged as anti-Christian
based on this one mans actions
just the same if a President commits atrocities and violence even against his own people, it doesn’t mean Americans are evil and the Constitution is
evil it means that man is evil and serves his own gratification
Christianity is the teachings of Christ, and if followed the resulting societies are beacons of unity and harmony through out the world
But these societies are under constant attack from Atheist ideologies that seek the gratification of self as opposed to the, service of others as
Christ prescribed
They seek a division of Christianity and State or an Atheist State devoid of any Christian teachings or ideology, a State fully immersed in the
gratification of man
I understand that Atheist literature promises many noble even Christian ideals, such as equality and a brotherhood of man, some communist ideals mimic
Christian ones but they dispose Christ and impose man and which ever man is most ruthless and deceptive gets his head on a red banner and declares
himself a god, Hitler, Stalin, Mao ect
Personally I believe this uprooting of Christianity is a UN agenda aimed at silencing any opposition to its Atheistic policies and communist nature,
if they succeed yet another despot will impose himself in the place of Christ and proclaim himself GOD
The most notable of UN agenda against Christianity is the implementation of multiculturalism into western nations to spread indifference and apathy of
national sovereignty and culture with the quotas of non Christian migrants into Christian Nations
I ask what can define a nation other then its culture?
And what defines multiculturalism other then a nation divided?
The dissolving of Christian based institution such as marriage, the undermining of Christian teaching in schools and universities, the alternative
history offered in so called ‘modern scholarship’ and finally their alternative notion of secularization as the separation of Christianity and