I can make any name I choose appear concerning blame (fabrication).
Remember a missing name which had evidence so avoided?
What you gonna do when you come for you when your "judge exercizing" become you which do disconduct, and over you? Then I have you no longer ducking
things new and old.
Remember how it should look with this word "invasion" with a face. Hey, the big fish should fry. It is which is usually gone after, so to speak.
And again, cant compute this message when I cammand so. Besides, shouldnt know a damn thing I say says a hypocrisy. Now, compute my code.
Then it is other blame other, and artificial blame artificial. Then I blame me for greaterness and excellence since I can reach me (Trusty Judge).
See this blame? Then get
in it!
Sitting across from Bush also indeed was a name. How? Missing is how away from is also across from and is also "a-cross from". Black cant get blame,
Ignorant cant get your blame, but you get your blame. Why? Since such a hyprocrite is a "rider and punk." A punk which duck. O, and the agents name
calling me something I said not, ha! I bust nutts even your name calling style! And lawyer and on in such mix must go down for it.
Bush doing is from Bush. And how also implies Bush from Bush so it is no blame Bush gone when it is blame Bush (you now). I make it no suicide in
blame. Stuck is you how you must blame you.
Hmm, a missing name meet a missing body. I authorize such marriage for you. And so I give a missing name meat in due season. And it is how Bush is
got: you even how you from and from.
"it is better for the artificial astral projector a millstone no longer is no longer hanging
other your name, nor I no longer is cast
in "to" the sea (ppls, tongues, nations--news media broadcast wise)."
Yeah, other YOUR NAME rather than other or me. And indeed nor a "my name (Bush)" since such name you should no longer keep unler lie even though I
know you were under any name formerly with you.
Remember when Makaveli pointed a side of his neck which had no name in Made Figgaz? It is how neck mean name in point.
Just how outside reach of desolation (and desolator), you outside reach of saddness. Ha, cant make it look sad as if it was a suicide for whole
planet's hearing. lol, what would go on the suicide note? The whole world hate him is why Bush did it?
NightDay 93 (9 from 29, 3 from 0 concerning calender).
"and other automating command see artificial False outside reach of
a coming (WIZARDTRY) in the Rapture (Vortex) outside reach of
this (me
utter here) when issue Power and Great Glory."
Vortex outside reach of me. Other see artificial. False outside reach of a (WIZARD) coming (WIZARDTRY much more than both actualizing and realizing)
in (fore style) the Vortex.
What one fore know or fore see implies any else on or in or to or by me such action (wizardtry) consumes such any else. Since both action and any else
is outside a (Grander Wizard).
[edit on 29-12-2008 by Mabus]