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G.W.Bush and Co. Say there hasn't been a terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11?

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posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:01 AM
As I'm sure anyone who has been paying attention this week has heard Bush and Co going around claiming there hasn't been a attack here since 9/11.

So by this statement are they implying that...

A. The Anthrax attacks were part of 9/11 , not a separate event.

B. The Anthrax attacks were not considered a terrorist attack.

C. Just "their" attempt to forget that the Anthrax attacks ever happened.

The Anthrax attacks, five dead, 17 injured, military grade anthrax, created a millionaire, blamed on a dead man. If that isn't a conundrum wrapped in an enigma I don't know what is.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 02:01 AM
Presidential signing statements appended to laws and anthrax intimidation are considered part of the legislative process in the Bush/Neocon American Security State.

I thought it was a nice gesture in the aftermath of 9/11 when the government decided to underwrite insurance claims for terrorist attacks for a year or so, until the insurance industry could get it's terrorism policy terms worked up.

At least people who had already figured out who the terrorists were, knew they had a year or so of breathing easy until another burst of neocon creativity might happen.

Personally though, I don't think the bio-terror hammer has completely dropped yet.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:15 AM

posted by Stillresearchn911

Bush and Co going around claiming there hasn't been a attack here since 9/11.

Well I don't know. As most of you likely recall, the Homeland Security color alerts were in high gear for a long period of time, sending the more easily frightened Americans under their beds to hide with their rolls of duct tape. I witnessed some really terrified people after a color alert who looked at me like I was crazy when I asked what were they frightened of.

What were those color alerts in actuality? Success stories of heroic repelling of terrorist attack after terrorist attack? Blatant scare tactics to force frightened Americans to acquiesce to the freedom robbing Patriot Acts? Just simply more evidence of the incompetence of yet another Bush Regime cabinet member? Were the color alerts set up specifically for fake warnings? Did our leaders know we would never receive real internal terrorist attacks because it would just be too difficult and they really did not hate our freedom after all? Maybe all these people in the Middle East just secretly wish they could have some freedom of their own like we used to have.

So what were they? Real terrorist attacks that were blocked? Or fake terrorist attacks that never happened? It has turned out that 9-11 was a faked terrorist attack, or rather an internal terrorist attack by our own treacherous murdering insider traitors. Outsiders may have been involved; but the betrayal was from our own.

[edit on 12/21/08 by SPreston]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:18 AM
Hmm The washington sniper, the anthrax, Several US bombings at us embassys all over the world, that kid that tried to make a smily face by send mail bombs to certian mail boxes ...

GW must of been drunk when he mispoke

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Stillresearchn911
As I'm sure anyone who has been paying attention this week has heard Bush and Co going around claiming there hasn't been a attack here since 9/11.

So by this statement are they implying that...

A. The Anthrax attacks were part of 9/11 , not a separate event.

B. The Anthrax attacks were not considered a terrorist attack.

C. Just "their" attempt to forget that the Anthrax attacks ever happened.

The Anthrax attacks, five dead, 17 injured, military grade anthrax, created a millionaire, blamed on a dead man. If that isn't a conundrum wrapped in an enigma I don't know what is.

bush lies, this has been proven over and over. so this is no suprise to me. i think there are alot of people waiting for jan. 21st, to start spilling their guts. but, until then, if something happens before obama gets in, bush could declare martial law and those people that want to talk will be hauled away. maybe that sounds a little paranoid, but those in the know, are probably covering their bases until then.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

Good thread. Star and Flag.

I live in DC and all I have to say is that the sniper events and the anthrax were worse than a single "terrorist attack" by bombing IMO. I remember having to wait at a gas station in VA for my sister to pick me up thinking, "I'm just a sitting target right now". Now that's terror.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:30 AM
Of course for the past year or so, and looking forward to 2009 when the Bush Regime TERROR MANUFACTURERS will be hopefully GONE FOR GOOD, and facing the reality of the true evidence of 9-11, we can see that there should be a brand new color alert for the easily duped American people majority.

Wake up America before it is too late. Toss those BOOB TUBES that are lulling you into slavery, and research and learn for yourselves. Get a computer and use the internet instead of your enemy Mainstream News Media as your source of information. Computers are easy and you will enjoy the sense of freedom they instill.

Get your children or grandchildren to show you how to surf the internet. Simple for them. Do it for America and the futures of your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Terrorist attacks against the US since 2001:

Anthrax attacks on the offices the United States Congress and New York State Government offices, and on employees of television networks and tabloids.

Jewish Defense League plot by Chairman Irv Rubin and follower Earl Krugel to blow up the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, California, and the office of Lebanese-American Rep. Darrell Issa, foiled.

Richard Reid, attempting to destroy American Airlines Flight 63, is subdued by passengers and flight attendants before he could detonate his shoe bomb.

Luke Helder injures 6 by placing pipebombs in mailboxes in the Midwest. Motivation to protest government control over daily lives and the illegality of marijuana and promotion of astral projection

An Egyptian gunman opens fire at an El Al ticket counter in Los Angeles International Airport, killing two Israelis before being killed himself.

John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo conduct the Beltway Sniper Attacks, killing ten people in various locations throughout the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area from October 2 until they are arrested on October 24.

Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-born graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, drives an SUV onto a crowded part of campus, injuring nine

A major anti-terrorist operation by British Police disrupts an alleged bomb plot targeting multiple airplanes bound for the United States flying through Heathrow Airport, near London.

An Afghani Muslim, Omeed Aziz Popal, hit 19 pedestrians, killing one, with his SUV in the San Francisco Bay area.

A student named Seung-Hui Cho kills 33 people, and injured 15 at Virginia Tech University

A pair of improvised explosive devices are thrown at the Mexican Consulate in New York City. The fake grenades were filled with black powder and detonated by fuses, causing very minor damage.

An explosion at a personal injury law firm in downtown Dalton, Ga., this morning injured four people, including at least one lawyer, and resulted in the death of the apparent bomber in what a federal law enforcement spokesman describes as a suicide attack.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:34 AM

posted by Jadette
John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo conduct the Beltway Sniper Attacks, killing ten people in various locations throughout the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area from October 2 until they are arrested on October 24.

One of the victims was FBI analyst Linda Franklin. What had her investigation into 9-11 turned up that the FBI decided she had to die? Oh yeah. A favorite tactic of government 'cleaners' is to make the target look like a random victim.

The hunt for the Washington-area sniper got personal yesterday for members of the FBI's cybersecurity division after one of their own became the latest victim in a killing spree that has claimed nine lives since starting Oct. 2.

Linda Franklin, a 47-year-old intelligence operations specialist at the FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), was killed Monday night in the parking structure of a Home Depot in the Falls Church area of Fairfax County, Va. Her death is the latest in a series of random, sniperlike shootings that have sent fears of terrorism rippling through the communities where tens of thousands of government employees and high-tech industry executives live and work.

On the sniper's list of foiled attempts to contact the authorities, one in particular stood out. It said, simply, "Priest at Ashland." (Investigators theorize that the shooter called a priest not for forgiveness but to find a go-between.) Around noontime, after Sunday mass, the FBI visited St. Ann's Catholic Church in Ashland. The pastor, Msgr. William Sullivan, told the investigators that he had indeed received a call from a man who reportedly introduced himself, "I am God." According to the priest, the caller complained that the woman at the Home Depot (FBI cyber analyst Linda Franklin, 47, slain on Oct. 14) would not have died if police had not ignored his calls. It took two visits from the FBI to surface the key detail. The caller had instructed the priest to write down a message for police to "look into Montgomery, Alabama." The caller wanted the police to know about the slaying at the liquor store. The call was garbled; the priest had thought he was talking to a crank. But this time round, the reference to Montgomery seized the attention of investigators. "That call did it," said one top law-enforcement official. After two and a half weeks of flailing and false leads, the trail was about to grow warm.

At about 9 that Sunday, Montgomery, Ala., Police Chief John Wilson was just settling down for an evening of football on TV. He had watched the Atlanta Falcons game with a friend and polished off a steak dinner and a glass of wine. The call came from his chief of detectives, Maj. Pat Downing. "You're not going to believe this," said Downing. A detective from the sniper task force in Montgomery County, Md., had called. He told his Alabama counterpart that the sniper task force had received a phone call from a man who claimed to be the sniper. Faced with skepticism, the angry caller had reportedly said, "I know something about a murder-robbery at an ABC liquor store in Montgomery, Alabama, near Ann Street."

Wilson and Downing were surprised. They knew all about the Sept. 21 slaying. A Montgomery cop had chased the killer on foot for a quarter of a mile before he got away (a blue car had pulled out and suddenly cut off the policeman). The case was languishing, unsolved. Could the missing Alabama killer turn out to be the Washington sniper? "It sounded so farfetched and too good to be true," says Wilson. Nonetheless, the Montgomery police turned over a stack of evidence from the shooting to the local FBI office. On Monday afternoon, a Montgomery-based FBI --agent, Margaret Faulkner, flew to Washington with the package.

The most important piece in the pile, it turned out, was the fingerprints pulled off a copy of a gun magazine, an ArmaLite catalog, apparently dropped near the scene of the liquor-store killing. No match had been found in state records. But the fingerprints had never been entered into the federal database (Alabama does not belong to the service that provides it). On Monday night, task-force investigators searched for a match--and found one. The fingerprints belonged to one Lee Malvo, a juvenile who was facing illegal immigration charges in the small town of Bellingham, Wash. He had been reported to the INS after police were called in to deal with a dispute involving the boy's mother and another man. That man's name, it appeared, was John Muhammad. Investigators finally had a name; in fact, two names.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Griff
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

Good thread. Star and Flag.

I live in DC and all I have to say is that the sniper events and the anthrax were worse than a single "terrorist attack" by bombing IMO. I remember having to wait at a gas station in VA for my sister to pick me up thinking, "I'm just a sitting target right now". Now that's terror.

Yeah Griff you are not kidding, I will never forget those ten or fifteen days whatever it was. Literally, everyone at the gas stations pumping gas while ducking down behind their cars, road blocks on 95 no less, so many other things it was a very strange thing to experience.

The fact that you could not do anything to avoid being killed, was the worst.

There was a story of a guy who discussed with his business partners the best plan to avoid the snipers he was about two hours south from DC and he was driving straight thru to WVA. He figured he would stop in Fredricksburg to gas up instead of the DC area like he usually had done to avoid being killed by the snipers.

The snipers had never went down that far from the NOVA DC area ..untill that day. The man was killed pumping his gas.

The company I worked for had offices in Manassas, Woodbridge, and Fredricksburg so it was good to see those two get arrested.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

I don't think its paranoid at all anyone can take a look back at even the MSM reports from over the years and you can see Bush and Cheney have done everything possible to make their records private and/or not even create records. The latest if i recall is Cheney doesn't want to turn over any of his (supposedly millions of documents) to the Archives.

As far as finding out any kind of new information in thirty days or whenever they finally leave office I highly doubt it. I tend to think along the lines of once we are finally completely out of Iraq and Afgan wars, or maybe when things are finally declassified.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 08:59 AM
This has to be one of the most screwed up paranoid threads going ( other than the NWO stuff ).

First of all, it's the Fed's responsibility to protect us from attacks by organizations outside of the US. It's not their job to protect us from what we do to ourselves. None of what is listed here, anthrax, snipers, etc., were foreign aggressors.

There have been no attacks on the US by foreign aggressors since 9/11. That is factually correct. By the logic you guys are using, every citizen attack against another citizen would be a "terrorist" attack.

What you people are supporting is giving the federal government the power to suppress individual rights in your paranoia of Bush. Perfect irony. You are doing that by arguing that domestic citizens' actions are the same as foreign aggressors. By doing that, you're underlying the most basic principals of the US Constitution. The right to protect ourselves, the right to free speech, the right to bear arms. None of those would apply any more as there would be no limitations on the government to treat you, an American citizen, any different than they do a foreign aggressor.

So I suggest getting your facts straight before making outrageous claims that are based on conspiracy theories and pure politics.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by Moonage

So I guess this makes you a "B" answer guy huh?

By your statement one might also infer that Americans cannot be "terrorists" to other Americans. Also, that the Oklahoma City Bombing wasn't a terrorist attack or even the UNA Bomber wasn't a terrorist. One would be wrong.

"Feds" you say are only supposed to protect us from outside the border threats?? That couldn't be further from the truth, then again Im not sure who the "Feds" exactly are to you. There are plenty of federal agencies tasked with protecting US citizens from foreign and domestic criminals/terrorists, whatever you call them.

The Anthrax attacks were a terrorist attack, the Bush administration toted them as one when they happened and now there minimizing all of the dead and injured that were involved in it and actually acting as if A,B, or C.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:56 AM
How can there be another terrorist attack, when the real terrorists are still running the Country! WAKE UP PEOPLE! Bush is not out of office yet. Bush is still plotting and planning his next move, it aint over yet! Who know, we might just get to see another airplane slam in to a building, but this time Iran will get the blame. I can just see Snidely and Chenney scheming in the war room as we speak.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

Look how many years it took to plan the last attack. So based on that, their statement is void of anything substantive.

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