posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:25 PM
Well here's another interseting clip from Chile.
When I first saw it I thought "oh no, not more lanterns", but after viewing it for a while things just didn't tally.
The movement of the multiple objects starts as a perfect triangle formation but then they split into 3 or 4 seperate formations.
They seemed to apparently drift with the wind UNTIL they began splitting again and moving, one by one, following eachother in the opposite
The lights themselves seemed quite "flickery" but very bright on occasion.
Helicopters....I don't think so
Puzzled again.
See what you think eh....
Youtube Video link in case the link above doesn't work.
So...anyone have any more info on this sighting and what do you think?
ps..the latest "debunk" of lanterns mistaken for ufos in the recent thread:
Source Of
Midlands UFO Revealed