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My little revation on the dimensions

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:33 PM
Ok, I was just pondering life and such and the dimensions literally moments ago and I just had a huge personal revaltion. Well, it is to me. I was thinking about the dimensions in math terms. I will draw a diagram for this eventually, but until then, just try to go along with my odd math genius

Each lower dimesion inersects to create the next dimension!

Thats right, The first dimension is an infinite straight line, you see, so, if there were two of those and the interseted, it would be the 2D! It would look like a line graph. So to 2D's intersect at a perpindicular angle to create the 3D! So, now for the tricky part! The 4th dimension. So imagine a paralell universe, another "3D" universe. Well these to now intersect eachother at their centers in a diretion that most can not perceive (not even I... for now) to create the 4th dimension.

Sorry if I am a bit confusing, but this all makes sense in my own mind and I tend to go straight over peoples heads when I talk about certain things. But when I figured this out, I was estatic! I was filled with much joy and energy, things have finally pieced themselves together for me. I don't know, but maybe, just maybe, I truly awakened, everything that has ever happened to me seems to make sense now, I feel a bit different. But I am so happy that this all just fit together!

[edit on 19-12-2008 by veryrandomannonomous]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:36 PM
Yeah, try the plane of a triangle, with each bit sticking out to infinity. The last line of the triangle intersects the first two. We have 3 lines and 2-D. Whoops.....

Try 'perpendicular' and knowing what you're talking about.

[edit on 19/12/2008 by redled]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:15 PM
Ok, I just updated it, though I am not entirly sure I make sense, I have explained it as I see it.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 09:44 PM

The fourth dimension as time Main article: Spacetime Often, when a reference is made to the fourth dimension, it is the temporal interpretation which is meant. In this case, the four coordinates are understood to represent 3 dimensions of space plus 1 dimension of time. Such a space is called a Minkowski space or "(3 + 1)-space",[2] and is the space used in Einstein's theories of special relativity and general relativity. Bertrand Russell explains that in Relativity it is more relevant to speak of "space-time" than to discourse on "space and time". He goes on, "... because that is, from a philosophical and imaginative point of view, perhaps the most important of all the novelties that Einstein introduced."[3] [edit] The fourth dimension as space The fourth dimension may also be interpreted in the spatial sense: a space with literally 4 spatial dimensions, 4 mutually orthogonal directions of movement. This space, known as 4-dimensional Euclidean space, is the space used by mathematicians when studying geometric objects such as 4-dimensional polytopes. It is not to be confused with the Einsteinian notion of time being the fourth dimension. Regarding this, Coxeter writes: Little, if anything, is gained by representing the fourth Euclidean dimension as time. In fact, this idea, so attractively developed by H. G. Wells in The Time Machine, has led such authors as J. W. Dunne (An Experiment with Time) into a serious misconception of the theory of Relativity. Minkowski's geometry of space-time is not Euclidean, and consequently has no connection with the present investigation. —H. S. M. Coxeter, Regular Polytopes[4] Mathematically, the 4-dimensional spatial equivalent of conventional 3-dimensional geometry is the Euclidean 4-space, a 4-dimensional normed vector space with the Euclidean norm. The "length" of a vector \mathbf[x] = (p, q, r, s) expressed in the standard basis is given by \| \mathbf[x] \| = \sqrt[p^[2] + q^[2] + r^[2] + s^[2]] which is the natural generalization of the Pythagorean Theorem to 4 dimensions. This allows for the definition of distance between two points and the angle between two vectors (see Euclidean space for more information).
Fourth Dimension - Wikipedia
I am happy for your revelation!

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:03 PM
are you saying that when dimensions "intersect" that it's inevitable that another dimension be created? that could lead to some wild stuff. consciousness is more fundamental then matter, you could also maybe work that into your theory as well.

1st level - empty space (potential)
2nd level - inanimate matter
3rd level - plant life

and so on

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:05 PM
Read "The Boy Who Reversed Himself" by William Sleator for an interesting take on how dimensions work. He seems to express similar ideas that might expand upon your own.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by veryrandomannonomous

Might want to check this out if you haven't seen it yet:

I got lost after a while, but maybe you would pick it up. The only way I can visualize the 4th dimension and make sense of it is to think of it like this:

In 2D space, we're seeing a cross-section of 3D objects. If you pass a 3D object, such as a sphere, through a plane you get a circle that appears to grow larger as you get towards its equator and then smaller as you move past it.

Using that as a template, I imagine 3D space as a cross-section of 4D space. What does that mean? Well the closest label I can apply that would roughly describe it would be "time". Imagine ALL objects that have ever existed, do exist, and will exist in this reality. Imagine the placement and movement of those objects for eternity into the past and into the future and overlap it all onto a single point in time. For example - If I throw a ball across a room, using this thinking, a sample of that in 4D would look like a solid arc that was the trajectory of the ball. We experience life as a cross-section of that reality. But then one might ask "doesn't that mean our future is predetermined?". I say no - The 5th dimension could be every POSSIBLE object and every POSSIBLE movement/placement of those objects. Since we're experiencing a slice of the 4th dimension at any given moment, which is a slice of the 5th dimension, which is limitless in possibility, then we still have free will to do as we please. What's past the 5th? I haven't sorted that out for myself yet. I'll be sure to let you know when I think I have some concept of it though. =)

I've come to that conclusion based on what I've seen in various nooks of the web and partially from my own interpolation of those ideas. I'm really tired, so I apologize if this makes less sense here than it does in my head.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by an0maly33
I think using words like 'reality' to describe a single dimension is a bit overboard. Dimensions have alot to explain about the strange nature of our universe but, whether you subscribe to string theory or not, the range of dimensions we are currently comfortable with [based on popular theories] are just our attempts to understand the internal/external structure of our universe.

Dr. Hill: "The #%$&* scientists are off in space looking for god!"

[edit on 28-12-2008 by Logic616]

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