Oooh, I've had it with this load-a
I have tried to find some useful links to what I am referring to here, but I lost patience- so forgive me please. I will try not to quote anything and
give out the wrong numbers, but I am 100% positive I know what I am talking about here!
Just let me get this first wave of rage of my chest:
Ok, first:
Oil prices suddenly plummeth. I saw this on the news the other day- the scale just crazy-dropped from the second half of this year. I mean, I am not
totally precise on this- as mentioned before, but we are talking barrel prices that went down from 150 to 50. I am sure you know these figures better
than I do.
They claim that this is because
that the U.S. stockpile of oil is larger than expected.
GET OUT OF HERE! This just HAVE to be the biggest lie so far! What the hell have I been reading all summer about gas shortages and the aftermath of
hurricanes, devestating the rigs in the Mexican Gulf? Did they FORGET about that they had so damn much oil stashed away that the price per barrel was
200% too high? Even though OPEC considers cutting the production, this affects nothing.
I smell the End Game Conspiracy of the Bush Era! And I
smell it BAD!
I will tell you why:
So, the Iraqi goverment has now finally understood that they are a soverign nation and that they can decide for themselves- so what do they do? Of
course they tell the US and the Coalition: "
Thank you for everything but now it is time to say: mission complete, go home please".
This decision can be debated, but I am sure they know what is best for themselves in the long run. Most of the coalition has left or is leaving
anyway, the mercenaries are losing their immunity to face trial for their crimes, and the US is told to get out
the latest in 2010, 2 years from
now. I seriously don't think this was the idea of the Bush Administration
at all! They most likely though that Iraq was the perfect base
for operations in the area for all eternity or more. Especially considering the Iran issues they've been having. I guess they are mighty outraged
with the fact that president elect Obama is playing along.
So now I will tie this together, and it is EXTREMELY GRIM:
There is no unknown stockpile of oil in the US. The cut of oil prices is a punishment (yet another) towards Iraq and its suffering population!
The cut in prices is just man-made from the absolute elite, call it the NWO or whatever to toally cripple their economy!
Falling oil prices has left a hole in the oil-dependant economy of Iraq in the size 100 billion dollars! That is the entire budget they had to
spend on reconstruction more or less all of their infrastructure! All of it! The decilne in oil prices came so suddenly they have had no time to
react. Now they have to re-calcualte the entire budget in a
very short time.
Everybody with a brain knows that infrastructure means security and that the lack thereof means the opposite! These
demons of the Bush
administration just loves to see this land bleed. They HATE it for all they are worth. Bush did not deserve a mere shoe tossed at him, he derevers so
far, far much more! I don't know how much I can write on this forum without having to fear the consequences, but I guess you can feel me on this
It is divide and conquer, shatter and dominate, shock and awe-
total disrespect towards life, peace and prosperity! This is PURE EVIL! They
have not defended ONE INCH of freedom, they have only promoted the
absoulte opposite! All the time! To you who still swallows this illusion:
TIME TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE DISASTER! To all of you who supported ANY PART of this, in ANY WAY, congratulations!
Makes me wanna
To add a little more to this atrocity I read in the paper yesterday that Bush and his sub-human legions of death are doing one more thing to desecrate
the earth:
The passing of a vast number of laws for destroying the enviroment.
This includes the right to burn coal closer to wildlife reserves, letting private companies decide for themselves if their operations threaten
endangered species or not (without insight or control by the govement), the right to prospect for coal and oil in wildlife protected areas and
reserves, cutting almost all limitations conserning usage of fossile fuels... The list goes on and on and on...
Enviromentalists call this new passing of laws "the worst that have ever happened".
I will try my best to fill you in on the details, but I
assure you that it is MUCH worse than I make it sound, and if I am doing this right, it sould sound PRETTY DAMN AWEFUL!
This is the end game, people! This is when the rotten remains of this reign of terror is clinging on to what is left with their rusted claws, dragging
the whole lot of us down the festering abyss from where they hail. Why do we all have to suffer? Why does this need to happen? Have we all brought
such shame upon the world? Do we all suffer from such infernally bad kharma that we must all burn?
I feel so, so sad for having to watch this happen. I feel depressed and outraged. I feel like: what't the point of believing in anything anymore?
Might as well screw everthing worth anything. This is the end. What we see now is one last prelude before the greatest turd since Nazi Germany hit the
Actually, the Nazis had at least some sort of romantic love for nature and the wild. This administration (from hell) wants nothing less than
the complete eradication of life, happiness, the future and all that is sacred.
Maybe this comes off as a bit of a rant, but it IS ONE HELL OF A JUSTIFIED RANT!!!
(sorry for typo's but I am in a sort of rage here)