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End Game: Bush. Punishment Iraq. Death to Earth.

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:59 AM
Oooh, I've had it with this load-a crap!!!

I have tried to find some useful links to what I am referring to here, but I lost patience- so forgive me please. I will try not to quote anything and give out the wrong numbers, but I am 100% positive I know what I am talking about here!
Just let me get this first wave of rage of my chest:

Ok, first:
Oil prices suddenly plummeth. I saw this on the news the other day- the scale just crazy-dropped from the second half of this year. I mean, I am not totally precise on this- as mentioned before, but we are talking barrel prices that went down from 150 to 50. I am sure you know these figures better than I do.
They claim that this is because that the U.S. stockpile of oil is larger than expected.
GET OUT OF HERE! This just HAVE to be the biggest lie so far! What the hell have I been reading all summer about gas shortages and the aftermath of hurricanes, devestating the rigs in the Mexican Gulf? Did they FORGET about that they had so damn much oil stashed away that the price per barrel was 200% too high? Even though OPEC considers cutting the production, this affects nothing. I smell the End Game Conspiracy of the Bush Era! And I smell it BAD!
I will tell you why:

So, the Iraqi goverment has now finally understood that they are a soverign nation and that they can decide for themselves- so what do they do? Of course they tell the US and the Coalition: "Thank you for everything but now it is time to say: mission complete, go home please".
This decision can be debated, but I am sure they know what is best for themselves in the long run. Most of the coalition has left or is leaving anyway, the mercenaries are losing their immunity to face trial for their crimes, and the US is told to get out the latest in 2010, 2 years from now. I seriously don't think this was the idea of the Bush Administration at all! They most likely though that Iraq was the perfect base for operations in the area for all eternity or more. Especially considering the Iran issues they've been having. I guess they are mighty outraged with the fact that president elect Obama is playing along.

So now I will tie this together, and it is EXTREMELY GRIM:
There is no unknown stockpile of oil in the US. The cut of oil prices is a punishment (yet another) towards Iraq and its suffering population!
The cut in prices is just man-made from the absolute elite, call it the NWO or whatever to toally cripple their economy!
Falling oil prices has left a hole in the oil-dependant economy of Iraq in the size 100 billion dollars! That is the entire budget they had to spend on reconstruction more or less all of their infrastructure! All of it! The decilne in oil prices came so suddenly they have had no time to react. Now they have to re-calcualte the entire budget in a very short time.
Everybody with a brain knows that infrastructure means security and that the lack thereof means the opposite! These demons of the Bush administration just loves to see this land bleed. They HATE it for all they are worth. Bush did not deserve a mere shoe tossed at him, he derevers so far, far much more! I don't know how much I can write on this forum without having to fear the consequences, but I guess you can feel me on this one.
It is divide and conquer, shatter and dominate, shock and awe- total disrespect towards life, peace and prosperity! This is PURE EVIL! They have not defended ONE INCH of freedom, they have only promoted the absoulte opposite! All the time! To you who still swallows this illusion: TIME TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE DISASTER! To all of you who supported ANY PART of this, in ANY WAY, congratulations!

Makes me wanna PUKE!

To add a little more to this atrocity I read in the paper yesterday that Bush and his sub-human legions of death are doing one more thing to desecrate the earth:
The passing of a vast number of laws for destroying the enviroment.
This includes the right to burn coal closer to wildlife reserves, letting private companies decide for themselves if their operations threaten endangered species or not (without insight or control by the govement), the right to prospect for coal and oil in wildlife protected areas and reserves, cutting almost all limitations conserning usage of fossile fuels... The list goes on and on and on...
Enviromentalists call this new passing of laws "the worst that have ever happened". I will try my best to fill you in on the details, but I assure you that it is MUCH worse than I make it sound, and if I am doing this right, it sould sound PRETTY DAMN AWEFUL!

This is the end game, people! This is when the rotten remains of this reign of terror is clinging on to what is left with their rusted claws, dragging the whole lot of us down the festering abyss from where they hail. Why do we all have to suffer? Why does this need to happen? Have we all brought such shame upon the world? Do we all suffer from such infernally bad kharma that we must all burn?

I feel so, so sad for having to watch this happen. I feel depressed and outraged. I feel like: what't the point of believing in anything anymore? Might as well screw everthing worth anything. This is the end. What we see now is one last prelude before the greatest turd since Nazi Germany hit the fan.
Actually, the Nazis had at least some sort of romantic love for nature and the wild. This administration (from hell) wants nothing less than the complete eradication of life, happiness, the future and all that is sacred.

Maybe this comes off as a bit of a rant, but it IS ONE HELL OF A JUSTIFIED RANT!!!


(sorry for typo's but I am in a sort of rage here)

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:10 AM
Actually I have some good news for you and things might not be as bad as you think. The reason for the drop in gas prices was because Bush was planning to launch an attack on Iran from Georgia to throw off elections and Russia is what stopped it from happening as detailed in this thread here. Maybe this will help you can relax.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:38 AM
Im sorry but you are way off. Oil is a commodity open for trade by anyone. Its price follows the laws of the market like any other commodity. We are now in a global recession and ALL commodities have dropped.

The price is controlled by supply and demand, this summer the demand was huge because investors had money and the bet was on oil. After the global financial crisis started all the investors sold their oil and the price went down. Current prices are mirroring the financial landscape we live in today. There is not nearly as much demand for oil on global scale as was predicted and OPEC has even cut its production for the first time in years.

At 50$ per barrel Iraq is making enough money, the 150$/barrel price was insane and even the oil kings in OPEC admitted that.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Waldy]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:40 AM
Oil crash is part of the plan ... relax hug a loved one.

Interest rates from Fed to Bank of America 0%

Phase three locked and loaded where have you been ...

Any questions ?

hug a loved one.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:54 AM
To begin with; here is an article in Swedish. I will try to find an english one, but I will translate the vital facts:

The Last Measures of Bush Benefits His Friends

"The worst we have ever seen" said Patti Goldman from the enviromental organisation Earthjusitce. (TT/Reuters)

"The only to give benefits to the corporate interests that the Bush administration has served" saud Ed Hopkins, head of the enviromental administration at Sierra Club (The Observer)

The last month (...) tens of thousands of pages have been filled with federal "midnight regulations" that does not need the consent of congress to be passed.

"...they waited until the last moment with these regulations so that it would not affect the election" (/Hopkins)

In parts, these regulations contain:
Easier to build coal powered power plants near wildlife reserves, allows the coal indusry to dump wastes from mining in valleys and rivers, open up 3,6 million hectars in the state of Utah for oil- and gas drilling and releave (fossile fueled) power plants from installing modern pollution control equipment and (by that) allowing them to increase their CO2 pollution closer to national parks (The Observer, among others)

More on, separate branches of goverment, such as the transportation admninstration, gets to decide for themselves if their operations is a threat to endagered species (both flora and fauna), without the consultation of scientists and proffesionals.

Bush has also tried to limit the possibility for women to aquire so called "last-minute birth control pills" and to go through abortion, given the FBI more sophisticated means of controlling the population (through surveillance), allwoing people to carry loaded weapons in national parks, allowing truckers to sit behind the wheel for 11 hours in a row thus threatening traffic security...

"Specifics for this administration in their last pure cynism. So little time, so much harm done" (The New Yorker)

The public is supposed, according to law, to be able to have their say about most of these new federal regulations. Therefore, it takes 60 days for the "economically important" regulations to pass and 30 days for the rest of them. Bush is fighting time here. He wants as many as possible to pass before Obama enters office.
These laws will be time-consuming and complicated to revoke

Check out the sources for yourselves in the meantime. I will add more.
Will scout around for more on the oil price/Iraq issue...

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by ROO-meh

I just can't take it anymore! I just can't! All this...throughout these last 8 horrific years...they have gotten me... I sense a devestating feeling of defeat...they have gotten me on my knees...

I have to let this rest now. Feels like my head is exploding...
I am not kidding. I am having a nervous breakdown.

Will be back when the blackness of my vision goes away. Can hardly see what I am typing anymore.

I am not "way off". I know what is happening here. It all falls into place to horridly perfect. "I know the pieces fit, because I have seen them fall away".

The darkness is no longer interesting and thrilling. It is just dreadful.
I guess I have to burn as well.
USA leads the way. We will all follow the pattern towards the firey gates.
I must gather all the strength I have to stay above this.

Got to rest now. The weight of the world on my shoulders is bringing me to the verge of tears.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:04 AM
If oil is kept below $50.00 then middle east will not be able to support their people in the fashion they have become accustomed. They will be back to riding camels and eating sheep before long because they won't have money for imports.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:09 AM
Interesting, we shall wait until after January 20th and see what happens. If the current administration can keep their clutches on this country and continue to pursue their illegal breach of the US Constitution we will become aware by February, in which case our civil patriotic responsibility is to protect our nation from enemies both foreign and domestic.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:45 AM
Calm down, don't rage or have any other fear based emotion.

At it's core this is all memetic control systems and emotional manipulation, designed to keep you from focusing on your own life, your own tecnology, your own economy and your own spiritual development. Don't participate or play into it.

Over time, if the awakening continues, these folks will have reduced influence, as their power is in the people, and what has to change is the mind of the people.

I see what they do, I comment on it, but I am left largely unphased, because I know that If I let them get me down they are winning.

Sure, the lies are irritating, but lies need constant maintenance and the truth is a one time deal. Things will tend to work out ok over time I think. Don't play their game.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:23 AM
Thank you Zeph...

I added you as a friend for a reason.

But to me, the ways of the world are very personal. It is hard to describe. But it is just everything. Throughout the ages. Everthing boils down to this hard, black, cold substance that I just can't swallow anymore. Nobody needs to tell me what to believe though, I have it all to clear infront of me. That is why I freak out. I see it much more than I want to.

I have just reached my limit. Need to take a little break from ATS and everything for a moment to reflect, or maybe NOT reflect over this.

I just need to lay still for a while now. Pretend. Go away in my head.

Thank you again for your support mate. You have no idea how much it means to me.

For you who still bothers: know that there might be a point when you get swallowed whole. And the vortex is without forgiveness. It is extremely black.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Just take in some sunlight, get back to basics.

The danger in the fear based emotion mindset is that it provokes physical and psychological imbalance, which is part of the psychic vampirism the control freaks personalise. They, literally or not, feed off negative emotions. So the solution is to know this, and focus on the positive.

It's all to easy to focus on the negative, but everything in nature has a positive and a negative, and the choice of where on the spectrum you focus is entirely yours. If you focus on the positive, nature slowly will open up doorways and solutions. If you focus on the negative, well, even if they're there you will not see them. It's the law of atraction idea, which is very much emotional. Emotions define actions, actions seek opportunity. Nature is full of opportunity.

Most people are decent, remember that, it's just that they are simply unaware of the importance of their own choices, or shackled by their materialistic mindsets to the fear of loss. Nature always overcompensates, you can tell that by the amount of energy that falls on the planet daily, from the sun (without even going into zero point). It's the mind of men (yes, mostly the males) that make things seem scarce, limited, dangerous. They're really not. More food is reabsorbed into the earth than is ever eaten. Scarcity is but a transitory aberration of natural systems. If you can see this you will find confort in this. And the NWO is nothing more than manipulation through artificial scarcity.

So, again, if you get back to basics you'll heal. I did.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 08:37 AM
Some thing differently than you do... Here are the silver linings...

1. Russia will fall again if crude prices stay this low... This is a good thing

2. What happens if the economy stays bad in 2009, and then Gas goes up to 4 bucks or more again... We will be crushed

3. We need to be looking to all types of energy today, including coal and oil... to detach our economy from everyone elses

4. I know most of you like to blame all of this on Bush, But if you look past you hate of Bush, you will see this crisis we are in was started by Jimmy Carter and given a boost by Clinton ( do a search on "Community reinvestment act") I can only hope that Obama does not give it another boost, and I hope people see the result of socialistic laws

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