Oh boy, what a fun thread.....
CoEnzyme Q10 is great if you're feeling weak and/or need energy, especially if you're taking statin drugs.
Cutting red meat and fats won't help you.
Multivitamins won't do much either.....though, vitamin D will.
I do agree with the idea of staying off of stimulants....including prescriptions for ADD, ADHD.
A word on sodium: Dietary sodium is thought to contribute, or cause, hypertension. The reasoning is; Salt intake causes the retention of water,
which causes hyptetension. Sounds simple, right? It's not...
Insulin.....causes sodium retention, which causes water retention...which causes hypertension. Insulin also causes the body to excrete magnesium.
What does magnesium do? It is an intracellular muscle relaxer. Without it, the cells that line arterial walls tend to constrict....which increases
blood pressure.
I wouldn't ask my cardiologist a damn thing about nutrition, honestly, including which dietitian to use. Both doctors and most nutritionists will
only make the problem worse.
What do you consider eating healthily?
My advice.....the best thing you can do to prevent heart disease, and any other disease of civilization, is limit carbohydrates.....and restrict
processed carbohydrates.
By limiting carbs...you're lowering blood sugar and insulin levels...thereby achieving hormone balance, improving blood pressure, improving
cholesterol levels, decreasing glycation, decreasing insulin resistance while increasing sensitivity, and, ultimately, reducing your risk of heart
disease tremendously.
Make sure and consume plenty of monounsature/saturated fat and protein....
I know it sounds counterintuitive but it's scientifically correct. If you want sources or proof...or whatever....just ask...i'll be glad to post
Doctors study medicine(not nutrition)....and nutritionists, for the most part, don't understand biochemistry.