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Im missing time from saturday and sunday night !

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posted on May, 3 2004 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by jhova
Dude, half of the time you have your mind made up before you speak or look at the evidence at all.Yeah, Real scientific!!
Stick to the topic.

[Edited on 5-3-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 4 2004 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Preest
Don't mean to diminish your experience but your experience takes me back to several comments I've made about people in the UFO community and their deep (sometimes all consuming) desire to be a direct part of the UFO phenomenon by either adopting some of the experiences they've read about thousands of times for themselves or actually scarring their own bodies to convince themselves.

I'm not saying you are either of those or that you're lying but I sometimes wonder if some people dwell on these topics so much that they subconciously create these types of circumstances in order to feel like they're "a part" or they "belong" or they create these experiences as elaborate lies in order to justify some of their wild beliefs.
As I said...I'm not attacking you or anything but I have noticed many people who claim they have experienced something that fits into the "alien abduction" possibility category normally neglect to mention they rushed to a doctor to make sure everything was running alright in the old dome casing. Instead they run to support groups or messageboards to talk about their experience and their strange "feelings"...
Could all of this be a manifestation of your subconcious desires? Have you ruled out all medical possibilities?

[Edited on 5-3-2004 by Preest]

I assume this was directed towards me.

I don't expect anyone to believe me, but I know it happened. I can't explain it, and I don't claim with 100% certainty what caused it. I also don't claim with 100% certainty that the UFO (remember, unidentified flying object, which is exactly what it was since I don't know what it was) I saw was extraterrestrial in origin. The marking did not cause any physical pain or anything else that would have led to my mother taking me to a doctor at the time. However, if there is a natural cause for something like that, then I am not aware of it.

My avatar also may make me seem like an unreliable source, but the events I experienced happened before I became a big X-Files fan, and were most likely the reason I enjoy the show so much. It makes no difference to me whether anyone believes me or passes me off as a "UFO nut". It's hard to expect people to treat one seriously given the subject matter.

Originally posted by Preest
now not pointing any fingers at you but, you do have a rep on this forum for being overly paranoid, almost unstable at times...for instance, accusing various people of working for the government.
[Edited on 5-3-2004 by Preest]

If it is me that this post is directed at, I don't recall ever accusing anyone of working for the government. I am probably "overly paranoid" at times, but wouldn't anyone be slightly paranoid if there were unexplained events such as these in their lives?

posted on May, 4 2004 @ 04:47 AM
Hi watcherof the skies,

Preest has a point with his medical suggestions. Could you have a mild form of epilepsy? It could cause you to be 'vacant' for a length of time. :puz

posted on May, 4 2004 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by worshipthemoon
I assume this was directed towards me.

Your assumption was incorrect. It was directed toward watcheroftheskies.

Originally posted by worshipthemoon
I am probably "overly paranoid" at times, but wouldn't anyone be slightly paranoid if there were unexplained events such as these in their lives?

*flicks zoloft and paxil at worshipthemoon*

Thanks for replying though.

posted on May, 4 2004 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by iwouldificould
Hi watcherof the skies,

Preest has a point with his medical suggestions. Could you have a mild form of epilepsy? It could cause you to be 'vacant' for a length of time. :puz

As discerning believers in the UFO community I feel the types of questions I asked should be asked more often. In the example I used before about the people receiving stigmata I still sometimes wonder..."what if Jesus was just a man? Why would they be getting the wounds of Jesus when he isn't deity?"

Could it be mind over matter? Could somebodies subconscious mind spill over into the conscious and create those types of marks? It's within the realm of possibility.

The first thing a serious UFO researcher would ask is,"Do you watch or read sci-fi on a regular basis? Do you own any books or periodicals relating to UFO's and/or Extraterrestrials?".

As I said...I'm really not looking to diminish his experience but it seems odd to me that these kind of questions weren't asked up front by others or why he never mentioned calling 911 and heading to the hoispital. Wouldn't you be interested in documenting this medically?

[Edited on 5-4-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 07:34 PM
Here it is 11th dimension .....thought id shoot it back to the top for you to read......ignore disinfo

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 07:53 PM
Very interesting watcher...I do agree with the above folks,be on the lookout for abnormal pock-marks,scars,bruises,etc...I would also say that perhaps you should look up a hypnotic specialist that deals exclusively with abduction phenomenon and knows how to draw up memory without leading you toward that scenario.Someone like Budd Hopkins or Dr.David M. Jacobs comes to mind.They have actually dispelled as many folks NOT being abductees as they have found them to be,so they seem to at least try to rule out all possible scenarios prior to falling into the contact event.
Either way,hope you figure out what is going on my man.

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