posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:35 AM
When I was 17 I rolled my car about 8 times and landed upside in a ditch,,the petrol tank burst and was pouring down on me,I couldnt reach the
ignition at first but then managed it.Just literally seconds before I just put a cigerette out the window.
Another time I was driving a long with a friend and a bumble bee landed on my lap,,that petrified me and I let go of the steering wheel,,went over on
the other side and landed in a ditch.Thankfully no cars was coming.
Some months later I was driving fast down a road,I had a voice tell me to slow down or I'll have an accident,,so I did,,,next minute another bee
lands on my lap,,,I couldnt beleive it,it was quite a busy road so it would have been distastrous.
From the age of 13 to last year Ive been addicted to lighter fluid,,how Ive survived all that alone is a miracle in my eyes.
I survived an attempted suicide.