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U.S. Economy : The Philosopher's Stone

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posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by John Matrix
I pray Obama's dream team can get us back on track. But it might be too late.

yeah that's a dream alright.

He's nothing more than a suave politician. And we all know what politicians are about.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. All we did was elect from the "chosen" few!

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by John Matrix
I pray Obama's dream team can get us back on track. But it might be too late.

yeah that's a dream alright.

He's nothing more than a suave politician. And we all know what politicians are about.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. All we did was elect from the "chosen" few!

You bet! Obama voters got fooled again!

I heard on the morning news today that his "stimulus package" will cost over $1 trillion now. Same old same old.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:59 AM
So, where is your grass root resistance? There is still quiet in capitol...

Is there even a plan? > Message should be clear for all of you already...

- 911 Inside Job
- War Crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Financial frauds and corruption
- Conspiracy inside your government
- Civil Rights destroyed
- Tortures
- Vote frauds
- Black budgets
- CIA false flag operations
- Government Drug Business
- Frauds in Medicare
- Obama Hoax about "Change"
- All exposed government and MSM lies...

... Help your self. So, what are you still waiting, a miracle?

Just pick up one above, what is your favor reason, and get to the streets, group together and make a plan, action is the only thing what matters!

That only is a "change" you can believe in..

And you already have a leader you can trust; Ron Paul.

What else you need to revolution USA? There are governments overthrown from much more smaller reasons than any of mentioned above...

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:21 AM
Great video...peter schiff and ron paul are great buy their books and visit shiffs website......

In nazi germany the concentration camps had a sign above them which read..."Work shall set you free" how that applys please dont tie nazism with what im saying....just the phrase....if we had not become dependent on them for credit giving away our control to them we wouldnt be in this mess....because if you wrok for what you want and wait to purchase things you want by working hard and wouldnt be a slave to them......Work really does set you free........but the sheeple are lazy and want now now......

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:28 AM
OK enough with the self-pitying and the inevitable conspiracy theory.

Both an avoidance of What can we do now?

More than half the successful businesses in the US got their start during the 30s Depression.

The US still has more available and disposable capital than any other place in the world. Ingenuity, innovation, initiative, plain old hard work were once what put America ahead of Europe which once had so many historical and cultural advantages.

One idea I saw elsewhere was a Think Tank like the Manhattan Project, to brainstorm a viable alternative to oil dependency.

Many businesses currently nearing bankruptcies would benefit from improved methodologies to eliminate the inherent waste that has crept into them. Improved efficiency is something America once prided itself for.

Some serious rethinks of antiquated policies might help enormously too.
Instead of a permanent outrageously expensive War on Drugs that never seems to accomplish anything, it might be smarter to admit that hundred of billions have and will always be spent on importing and selling drugs, and just tax the Hell out of it. Ironically, if drug consumption becomes legalized, the prices fall precipitously, and the criminal element goes away.

A serious War on Crime instead of the sham one we see would liberate vast fortunes and alleviate the drainage we have become used to for decades.

These are just off the top suggestions for starters.

Mike F

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