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FOX Correspondent Contradicts Himself

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posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:52 AM
I was watching a series called September Clues this morning
and noticed that a FOX Senior Correspondent seems to contradict
himself in his eye-witness statement.

Here is a Link to the video (September Clues - Part 4).
The segment is at time marker 4:57

As well I am providing the statement transcribed for you to look at.

For the record, I am very undecided about what took place on 9-11.
Some evidence does indeed seem questionable. However, I hate to
think that we live in a world where this is done intentionally. It
reminds me of Hitler ordering the Reichstag to be burned.

I'm not supporting the entire view of the authors of the September
Clues video, however I find this piece of dialog interesting. I am also
not claiming to have found the smoking gun.

Anchor (John)- Eric Shawn is with us. Eric I know you have a lot of sources
at the F.B.I and other agencies like that. What can you tell us?!

Eric Shawn- Well first I apologize for being out of breath, cause I was
walking down 5th Ave uhh which is close to our studios and I heard a jet,
uhh perhaps a 737 or a small air bus uhh flying low, unusually low over 5th
ave, making a right. I'm not gonna say, I don't know, I don't have any
reports, on what type of plane hit the world trade center, but people looked
up and it made a right toward the..the building.

John, what we just saw though, obviously, if that was indeed a second
aircraft that hit the uh, the uh southern tower of the World Trade Center,
then Obviously raises the specter of uhh an intentional terrorist attack, uhh
here. If We're.. If that is indeed what we are looking at. I don't know what
the reports say of what type of plane hit the, hit the uhh the tower, but I did
see a jet airliner that was fairly low.

1. He heard the jet making a right?!
I believe he may have heard a plane flying low overhead, but I don't
think that is enough to determine that the plane was making a right turn.

2. He seemed to deflect or put his foot in his mouth immediately after he
made this statement and say, "I'm not gonna say, I don't know, I don't
have any reports, on what type of plane hit the world trade center, but
people looked up and it made a right toward the..the building".

So did people look up and verbally say, "The planes turning right, the
planes turning right"?! Remember he only HEARD the jet and if he was
observing people looking up then how could he say the plane is turning

3. In his final line he says "If that is indeed what we are looking at. I
don't know what the reports say of what type of plane hit the, hit the uhh
the tower, but I did see a jet airliner that was fairly low."

So now he closes his statement with "I did see a jet airliner that was fairly
low." He went from hearing the plane turn right, to seeing people look up
at a plane turning right, to seeing a low flying jet airliner.

The only argument can be that this guy lacks the ability uhh to report a
credible, honest and detailed uhh story or he is uhh lying. Either way he
should be stripped of the title uhh "Senior Correspondent".

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:50 PM
LOL he sounds like an idiot in the video. He has no idea what hes talking about!

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:59 PM
A FOX correspondent contradicted himself? No way! I don't believe that - not for a second! FOX News is the most fair, accurate and balanced news organization in the history of Mankind. If you look up "objective journalism" in the dictionary you'll find a picture of Rupert Murdoch and Bill O'Reilley.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by DarthChrisious
A FOX correspondent contradicted himself?

Yes he did..

Originally posted by DarthChrisious
No way! I don't believe that - not for a second!

Well, believe it.. for more than one second.

Originally posted by DarthChrisious
FOX News is the most fair, accurate and balanced news organization in the history of Mankind.

I know that's there tagline, but I'm not sure that is entirely true.

Originally posted by DarthChrisious
If you look up "objective journalism" in the dictionary you'll find a picture of Rupert Murdoch and Bill O'Reilley.

I looked it up and did not see Rupert or Bill, perhaps a later edition

I wasn't sure if you were flat out being an *Snip* Either way I figured I would respond as best I could.
You took the time to respond with nothing worthy, so I figured
I would return the favor.

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[edit on 12/16/2008 by semperfortis]

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