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Silverstein Sues Airlines 7X Value of WTC

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posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 07:06 PM

September 10, 2001: Anti-Terrorism Meeting at WTC on 9/11 Is Canceled
Silverstein Properties, Larry Silverstein’s company which took over the lease of the WTC weeks earlier (see July 24, 2001), has a meeting planned for the morning of 9/11 in it’s temporary offices on the 88th floor of the WTC North Tower, along with Port Authority officials. It is to discuss what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. However, this evening the meeting is canceled because one participant cannot attend. [NEW YORK TIMES, 9/12/2001; HA'ARETZ, 11/21/2001] Of Silverstein Properties’ 160 staff, 54 are in the North Tower when it is hit, and four of them die. [GLOBE AND MAIL, 9/7/2002]

(8:00 a.m.) Sept 11, 2001: Silverstein Doesn’t Go to WTC Due to Doctor’s Appointment
WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein is supposed to be working today in the temporary offices of his company, Silverstein Properties, on the 88th floor of the North Tower. However, at his Park Avenue apartment, Silverstein’s wife reportedly “laid down the law: The developer could not cancel an appointment with his dermatologist, even to meet with tenants at his most important property.” [NEW YORK OBSERVER, 3/17/2003; NEW YORK MAGAZINE, 4/18/2005] He is therefore not at the WTC when it is hit, and first hears of the attacks when an associate calls him from the lobby of one of the WTC buildings. [REAL DEAL, 1/2004] Two of Silverstein’s children—his son, Roger, and daughter, Lisa—work for his company and have been regularly attending meetings with WTC tenants at Windows on the World (the restaurant at the top of the North Tower). Yet this morning they are running late. According to the New York Observer, “If the attack had happened just a little later, Mr. Silverstein’s children would likely have been trapped at Windows.” [NEW YORK OBSERVER, 3/17/2003] Fifty-four of Silverstein Properties’ 160 staff are in the North Tower when it is hit, and four of them die. [GLOBE AND MAIL, 9/7/2002] Silverstein signed the lease on the WTC less than two months previously, and later will attempt to get $7 billion in insurance for the destruction of the towers (see July 24, 2001).


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
"We talked to their private security staff, we talked to people who were there with Larry on 9/11 - they said he got a phone call telling him not to show up to work and he called his daughter up and his daughter also never showed up to work," Man that guy is soooooooo lucky!

Do you have a source for that quote? That's one I'd like to add to my collection for sure. Bush's cousin (forgot his name) had some similar luck that day when they decided to move a meeting because apparently there wasn't enough room for their little group at the WTC. Then Odigo of course...

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by twitchy

That quote was from Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, that he disclosed on the public access talk show "Conversations With Harold Hudson Channer" on 3-29-07.

As for Silverstein's alibi version, according to the Wall Street Journal, his wife forced him to fulfil a doctors appointment on the morning of 9/11, which caused him to miss his breakfast ritual at the Windows on the World restaurant, on the 107th floor of the north tower.

Note: Rudkowski's version explains Lisa's absence that day but Larry's alibi doesn't. Maybe Lisa drove her daddy to the doctor's office and Roger came along for the ride?

[edit on 12-5-2009 by The All Seeing I]

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