posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 02:30 AM
Hey, I was just wondering If TV's turning on and off rapidly is a usual phenominon with spiritual hauntings? My girlfriend moved into this new
development about two years ago, with new houses that were all built about 4 years ago... it was all old farm land in northern NJ and it even has a
very very very old little fenced in cemetery on the road of about 20 houses. But just the other night, she was home making dinner while i was on the
phone with her, her parents were out, and suddenly her big screen tv started flashing on and off rapidly, the remote was in plain site on the couch
and nothing she did would make it stop, and before she was about to pull the plug, three letters showed up on the screen in red... i cant recall the
exact letters but it was something like ssd (red squigly weird letters) as she called them haha... but it stopped after she pulled the plug...
She always tells me how her room is always so cold... and her parents room is also... But these are really nice new houses...... there's no reason
for her room to be so cold... we were all in the living room one day, it was just me her little brother and her sitting on the couch... then for the
first time ever in my life, i felt that weird cold breeze on my leg, as if there was a window open.... or wind for that matter... but there wasnt. And
i kind of felt uneasy about that... but she's told me about sometimes seeing shadows running across the walls... and that day while we were in the
living room... she saw a little kid, that she thought was her brother run across the doorway into the foyer, which she thought was her brother, but I
was like ummmmmm no, because get this.. her brother was in the computer room with the two sliding doors shut, playing music. And i was absolutely
certain he didnt open the doors and come out. What is my girlfriend seeing in this house? I didnt see a thing. Alot of things with this house strike
me as odd... She would complain about having all these nightmares, and i told her to pray to god more... and to take some holy water and splash it on
her bed say some prayers for protection.... and for the next few months her nightmares went away.... The other very odd thing is the basement.
The security system in the house has 4 different zones, and the 4th being the basement door which looks out to the back yard. On the main control
unit, sometimes the 4th zone light flashes as if it would if the door was open, then it will stop for a while and do it again, it never stops.
They've had the people come and replace the security parts with no avail. So they just ignore it. And finally, i remember around last summer that she
heard some weird noises coming from the basement, she ran all scared to get her dad, he went down to check it out and there was nothing there. Her
parents seem nieve, they arent believing any of this. So he just went upstairs and said it was nothing.
I beg to differ, but the only thing i've experienced is the very weird chills you get in some of the rooms. very very odd
I do believe if this is a haunting of any sort it isnt friendly it seems mischievious
[Edited on 5-4-2004 by porschedrifter]