Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by prevenge
I don't see it in the same way you do. I think there are people out there that want to run the world into the ground and to rule it afterwords and
there are good people that think the world can be fixed. Like for example, I think Obama is a good person who has honorable beliefs (as we can judge
by his writing in his books) but I think there are other people who may think they have good intentions but they are causing more harm to the world
than good. Don't you think these people may not be aware of what they are doing and they may think they're doing something good but in reality
they're not and they don't know it?
I think the time for that sort of aloofness and undecided incongruent misalignment in global directives is by far over, done away with beginning in
1776, and definatley in done with by 1963.
The people in power are selectively groomed and positioned for leadership in a
concerted direction.
I don't think people want to "run the world into the ground"..
I think that specific methods are being used to achieve specific goals.
Either directly enacting methods.. or by creating specific circumstances that cause specific
reactions in order to seemingly reactively enact
specific methods that lead to these goals.
If you think of them as "running the world into the ground" ...
consider the possible angle that there is a coming catastrophe, and backup infrastructure upon backup infrastructure has been created to ensure
survival of a ruling elite, and this "running the world into the ground" is merely
knowledge of that catastrophe, and milking specific assets
for all their worth in the most efficient means possible, is what you see happening as "ruining".
Whereas the catastrophe will essentially cleanse and "reset" whatever "damage" has been done ecologically.
The re-emergence of mankind in it's advanced state (with suppressed technology, true spiritual science and social structure)
Will enter a time of creation.. or "re-creation".. re-populating the planet and all of it's life.
It seems to me like you've just nonchalantly "skimmed" over the information on all of this and stuck to your guns with what you"believe" with
nary a second glance at the supporting evidence for this layout of reality, thereby not really contemplating or learning the actual
actuality and reasoning behind all of this.
I'd read up on Praxis Intervention and Phronesis.
Praxis Intervention is a kind of Participatory Action Research, with a difference. Participatory Action Research and its kinds emphasize on the
collective modification of the external world.
Phronetic social scientists study social phenomena with a focus on values and power. Researchers ask and answer the following four value-rational
questions for specific instances of social action:
1. Where are we going?
2. Is this development desirable?
3. Who gains and who loses, and by which mechanisms of power?
4. What, if anything, should we do about it?
The Master-slave Dialectic
Hagel's Phenomenology of Spirit
Science of Logic
before "suspecting" global conspiracy or globally centered leadership..
understand the highest research into the nature of consciousness, humanity's hierarchical social structure, and the fact that people with all the
money in the world actually have a plan for humanity based on this research and it's resultant conclusive truths...
Learn about these ideas that the highest minds of philosophy, spiritual and social sciences have brought us from centuries of hard work..
and understand that somewhere.. a group of people with more money than you could imagine.. and access to technology that would make your jaw drop ten
floors down..
Understand these ideas, and are
going to intervene and institute establishments that lead us closer to achieving a higher, more
desireable reality.
after you understand that these ideas are the basis for the direction the "world" (ie: mankind ie: consciousness) is taking...
then fiddle around with actual official documents backing up the plans.
But those fall short of any real weight.. compared to the philosophy and reason behind them... which would be desirable to understand before freaking
out over what's in store for us.
It's better to understand the
"WHY" before the
"HOW" and
"WHEN" because the how and when are
going to happen no matter what.
It's just preferable that during the when and how, you can process them through the filter of syntax that is the WHY...
instead of being a dumbfounded dipchit like the rest of the 99% of the world and freak out and point accusatory fingers while running for your
a "great happiness" can't be "great" if it has nothing to compare itse;f to .. such as a "great UNhappiness".
and knowing thy neighbor, in the future, is going to be a lot more than looking at them as a separate consciousness, seeing them as the "other".
This produces inevitable conflict, and at one time or another.. one dominating the other however subtly or radically... leading to one or the other's
souls will be interconnected as one, and conflict replaced with unity.
[edit on 14-12-2008 by prevenge]