posted on Mar, 5 2003 @ 04:53 PM
My favorite's Day of the Cheetah also(hey...where's the vector nozzels on the Cheetah). But what I really want to see is the Dreamstar's
micro-hydrolic wings.....oh, I have seen that technology: the YF-21 uses it(along with a neural interface) in Macross Plus. Switching gears, did
anyone notice that in Sky Masters it's mentioned that the Spirit is equipt with emittors for what the pilots nicknamed their "cloaking device". And
all this before the heated debates over an active stealth plasma field(which the YF-21 also has). Hmmmm........
By the way, if no one's noticed, here's NASA's version of the Cheetah.....the NF-15B Agile
[Edited on 3/10/2003 by dragon-class]