The control of the elections is currantly in the hands of corporate media and Democratic and Republican Party leaders.
The amount of participation by the public is limited. They often give a token amount of control over the debate to a small amount of people but there
is no way of knowing how many people are being shut out partially or completely.
The majority of the public is not involved in deciding when and where debates happen or what questions are asked.
The people who do control the debate don’t even seem to be trying to do a good job.
What is the best way to put control of the interview process into the publics hands?
What ballot question would you ask?
What questions would you ask the candidates?
How would you improve this system?
What kind of a system do you think we should have in twenty years?
The constitution starts with the words “we the people” and yet it was written by a small minority of mostly white male property owners.
Women and minorities were not allowed to vote. It was only through actively trying to change this that woman and minorities got the vote.
They didn’t get the vote by allowing the politicians to look out for their best interest they had to participate themselves. The politicians have
rarely if ever looked out for the best interests of the public unless the public spoke up and held them accountable.
Now many people portray the constitution as a sacred document. the majority of the public has almost certainly not even read the constitution!
There are good things in there that should be preserved but it isn’t perfect and shouldn’t be considered “sacred” above reproach.
What is it that is so great about the constitution?
What is wrong with it?
For one thing it was never ratified directly by the majority of the public. I think there was only one state that pesented the constitution to the
public for ratification. I’m pretty sure it was either Deleware or Rhode Island.
Back then many of the people may not have been educated enough to do a good job creating and ratifying a constitution. Today most people are still not
educated enough to create and ratify a constitution.
How can the public be educated enough so they can participate and create and reatify a constitution that is truly democratic?
Goerge Bush has done such a lousy job that the Obama is guarenteed to be much better but being better than Bush isn’t nearly good enough. The
election process has to be reformed in order to ensure that we don’t get another clown in 2012.
McCain “reformed” campaign finance. This “reform” was controlled by the people that corrupted it in the first place. They shuffled the rules
around put an band aid on a severed limb and told the public they solved the problem.
A real solution will involve much more participation from the public and better education.
If standing up for a democracy that is actually democratic is radical then I’m a radical and you should be to.
I have written about these questions and more in the following web site but in order for it to be more democratic it would be better if I got
contributions from others.