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Why do we just sit here and spectate?

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posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:37 PM
if their is an uprising on the cards, i understand that it must be kept as secret as most the things people on this site discuss,
i have been reading mostly and this is clearly my first post, it is the first thing i have wrote in a long time, since i realised this world isn't as it seems,
If people find certain concepts ats addresses i understand entirely, i have been researching the unjust and fraud and blatent disregard for the masses based on reductionism for an age now,
it has come to the point where, even ppl who are not interested in current events and certain niche's that iam, still ask them selve's the question,
What can we do? which i think is a slight upgrade, compared to my parents generation who were oblivious to it.
My point is, we are all aware of the general injustice that go's on and on, yet i have heard nothing of an uprising, i dont want civil war, im a firm believer in not fighting fire with fire! but if they go on, society will break down, like in Greece, and it will be the masses and the poor who suffer, not the NWO, not the co-olition goverment and not the EU.
to summarise, im hoping some1 is being as organised and secretive as they are, and i want in.. but i fear, we have all become spectators, like kids in a music lesson waiting for sum1else to start singing first,
Can any1 give me hope, or are we all too far down that damn pyramid, iam not scared to speak out! i just pray some1 is doing more?

p.s sorry if the topic is not well placed

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Trust me when I say that the discussions here at ATS, and at any other forum on the internet, is not a secret to the powers at be or the government.


posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:51 PM
i know exactly what ur sayin, but i could post my address and my details on here and Say, " im going to blow up the whitehouse" but because i am a nobody and i have no wealth and no arms, the MOD is not going to come knock on my door! they ignore most of the things we say because they clearly think they are untouchable, One day we have to stand up in our millions at once and say, "enough is enough" im just pleadin for sum1 to throw fear aside and let them me know when and where its goin off??

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Desolo

I know exactly how you feel, I have often wondered why we all just sit around allowing our leaders to continue to abuse us.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:42 PM
I think we need to talk to anyone we know and keep intelligent conversations over the winter months and plant seeds of information and seeds of hope, and after the winter is over we will be greater in numbers, there are alot more of us in "the know" then we think, we think that we are alone if we stand up, but TPTB keep us like that, and the ultamite question we have is ...What should be the first and right step to change this terrible system? It's tough because we don't want to get caught up in the millions of issues, the million holes in the sinking ship. We need to hit them where it hurts, at the top, but of coarse people will replace them, but the key is to inform people and be responsable for your actions and become independant of the gov. or the banks. And hopfully Good Humans will stand for what and not let the tyrants run a muck as we drink and eat and wear there chemicals. Be responsable, be independant, Love one another, help one another.

Not sure why I said all that, but it feels right to me.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Desolo

I am assuming you're new to ATS?

If so welcome. One thing you will learn here is that all we do is complain with no real solution to anything we complain about.

This same question has been asked over and over, the commonly accepted answer to the question is that we have no standing in the public arena so even if we did try to do something the public would ignore us because the majority of the public believes the things we believe are crazy. Like the NWO, completely logically possible however if you went out and tried to expose the NWO people would call you crazy ad you would get no where.

Try to think of us not as knights charging to battle but stewards only acting when we are needed and right now the public, though they may need us, doesn't want us.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Desolo

good first post

there is too much division in the resistance movement for anything to get done.
people need someone they can believe in, in order to unite and put aside their ridiculously divisive opinions. Sitting around bitching solves nothing. Sometimes you need to put your foot down and take action. Our society has so many distractions and red tape that most people give up in frustration or forget what they where thinking in the first place. Maybe Ron Paul?

[edit on 10-12-2008 by warrenb]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Desolo
i know exactly what ur sayin, but i could post my address and my details on here and Say, " im going to blow up the whitehouse" but because i am a nobody and i have no wealth and no arms, the MOD is not going to come knock on my door! they ignore most of the things we say because they clearly think they are untouchable, One day we have to stand up in our millions at once and say, "enough is enough" im just pleadin for sum1 to throw fear aside and let them me know when and where its goin off??

I dont think fear is the issue. I think its more "on edge" than fear.

There is a thread about having guns to combat terrorism, and within that thread, most are talking about vigilante justice than fighting terrorists.

Point is, everyone is on edge about alot of things. And that is to be expected with whats going on.

As far as them not knocking down your door becasue you simply say your gonna blow up the white house, is because if you had any kind of history or record that pointed to you having dealings with such activities or people who do, you can bet they would be dragging you out the door by the time you hit "post" on the button in the reply page.

People do not realize that the "G"-man has more on each of us than you can imagine, or want to realize. They dont need a direct connection to hear you, or even see you behind a wall. They dont have to "look" like a G-man either, and they certianly are just as creative as the home brew person next door.

They want to see what people are thinking, saying, reading, and doing. Its called surfing the public preception, and it gives them an idea of which direction overall the public is going, and hence gives them a heads up on what to do about it before any of us knows what they are doing about it.

Basically they are several steps ahead of everyone and everything. What people need to do is use a little common sense and just relax, for if there is going to be NWO or martial law or some major event, most likely it will be the public that cuses the reasons for it to happen.


posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:55 PM
some day ... one of us will have a lot of money, nobody left and a #ing mortal desease... yeah, I know what I would do ... ahhaha

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by LaHaver
I think we need to talk to anyone we know and keep intelligent conversations over the winter months and plant seeds of information and seeds of hope,

This in itself gives me a lot of hope, i think since ive been aware! if anything i have tried to pass this awareness onto someone else, i want to hole freelance lectures eventually showing unaware people, some of the things i have seen, in and amongst the conspiracy web, if people go about it with intelligent conversation, i think eventually just like the economic world has hit a peak, so will REAL justice, 1 day some1 with money and power/wealth will wake up and stand up without being vulnerable to the idea' that he is crazy, or he is a terrorist,
Thank u all for your response it makes me sumwat more content, that the general ppl are good and want to make a difference!


posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 10:05 PM
i have learnt a lot since i posted this, i message about planting seeds in winter has paid off, now im back with my mind stronger than before,,

very cleverly might i add, im no longer trying to save the world, THE WORLD DOE'S NOT WANT TO BE SAVED, put on your own gas mask before others, otherwise YOU cant breathe!!!!!

still need to work out wher our do gooder intelligent green friends have gone

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 10:21 PM
You might want to try to learn a bit about history first. History will put these events that are happening today into context. People don't want to do anything because they don't think things are bad enough. The tea-party protests started around 2007-2008 when the economic bailouts were starting. They were rallying against the federal reserve. There was a just cause and so people were mad at the banks and were protesting. People from the left and the right took charge.

The media has dismissed them as crazy people. And has been smearing them ever since the whole health care debate started, and, with some justification too since the movement has now been taken over by health care companies and the Republican party.

Why don't people do anything? It has to do with history. People don't think it's bad enough. It wasn't just the left that was protesting against the Vietnam war. People protested the Vietnam war because they were forced to support a war they did not approve of. They had to fight for the state. That's what you need to understand. People don't do anything unless they see the problem right in front of them.

It's like with the war in Iraq during the Bush administration. People had a justifiable target for protest at that time. Same with the war in Afghanistan. People can protest that because they know what it is. But if they are protesting bureaucrats and enemies of freedom, or, people who want to purchase our sovereignty, unless they have hard evidence for a case against those organizations they're protesting- they'll just look like they're protesting for a lost cause, like they're a bunch of crazy people.

I think that's your answer. And you don't have to worry about saving the world. The idea that the world is going to end soon is a fallacy. It doesn't have to end. We're still a Republic. We can control what politicians do or what they do not do with our ballot box.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Desolo

HI Desolo

Why do we just sit here and speculate, you ask

Lots of reason, imo

People seeking like-minded others, for one

Another reason is that the requirement to write down their thoughts here, forces people to think about how they really feel about an issue. Sometimes, this leads to our discovering that we feel far more strongly about a subject than we realised. And the reverse is also true

Then, there's the value of the general-rant, which could also be described as 'getting it off the chest'

Discussing issues of concern with others works as a kind of personal barometer, insofar as you might learn something which bothers you a great deal ... isn't a major concern to others. And so on. So let's say you're worried the Great Lakes might rupture as a result of alleged HAARP activity. It might be giving you nightmares to the extent you're even considering moving your family to another location which you hope will be safer. Then, after posting your worries on ATS, you might learn from others that your fears are generally groundless. And they might explain why and provide you with sources which you find to be very helpful. End result --- you log out feeling much lighter and happier

There are posters here from all over the world, of many differing age groups, with varying levels of experience, expertise, etc. So, whilst it might appear that we're just (as you say) 'just sitting here and speculating' --- in fact we're learning, we're being reassured (or not) and we're discovering others who have the same opinions as ourselves (or not). But we're gaining, either way, from shared discussion. And that makes us feel stronger and more able to cope

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:04 PM
Gave a star to both of you , you both speak logic ,

i know a lot about the smear tactics and things put in place to stop the mass's causing a ruckus, but i was sat back the other day just admiring there work really, and it really is very clever, they know a lot about the human mind and its behavior , , some very intelligent , rich and powerful people run this world (or the majority of it) but i just wondered where all the the righteous and loud speaking do-gooders wer that may have seen such a lockdown coming,,
You might want to try to learn a bit about history first. History will put these events that are happening today into context. People don't want to do anything because they don't think things are bad enough

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
You might want to try to learn a bit about history first. History will put these events that are happening today into context. People don't want to do anything because they don't think things are bad enough. .

.....this is exactly what i need to find the time to do, i know little snipets of history, where to start? from the begining lol,

Originally posted by Dock9
So let's say you're worried the Great Lakes might rupture as a result of alleged HAARP activity. It might be giving you nightmares to the extent you're even considering moving your family to another location which you hope will be safer

.... lol not quite but your in a warm place lol, im a great believer that when "its about to go off" the people will let me know before hand, humans are very sensitive and civil riots will fill the streets on the first sight of any extreme danger, that would defo be in the case in manchester England,
and im totaly the crazy guy, my family dont really listen to me, im the vegitarian alien lover wwwwhhhhhoooppp,,

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:52 PM
Because we are "controlled" by an economic system that regulates our energy spendings!
It controls our freewill and awareness by keeping us distracted with his illusory powers! Like social recognitions and the likes!
You might ask why is this an illusion, its because, if we go in a WWIII tomorrow, this social recognition power will be busted and becomes irrelevant as a war is removing the economic system holds on peoples by rationing all our energy spendings!

Anyhow, this is all related to the BEAST, 666's threat! You can read more below:

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Mindtraveler

cheers bro thanks for the link will definately check it out, ppl have drawn me some important lines tonight, like my need to learn history, the mark of the beast and other familiar subjects such as harrp !!!!! but like i said before the world isn't an entirely stupid and ignorant place i'e ATS (loving it) but surely ther is a very actice peace extremist group that maybe has a little political and persuassive stature???? if not what is the closet thing to one!!!!! i see ghandi and lennon, bob marley and JFK but wher o wher is my modern day eco here ,,
tut tut

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