posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:34 PM
I've always had a tug of war with myself over the concept of euthanasia...
I believe we should have a choice but there are so many different good and bad situations that might arise when legalizing euthanasia it would be
impossible to make up my mind either way...wouldn't it? What are the moral implications of being involved?
I can clearly imagine the unfortunate yet positive outcome of being allowed an assisted death for those involved when all parties are in support but
there will be different cases where things are not so clear...for an obvious example, a situation that makes me think is...
Mr A wants an assisted death, Mrs supports but daughter and son A do not support. Would those helping the father die not forever remain murderers in
two young peoples eyes?
I don't know, what do you think?
Some people are not very happy about the documentary being aired here in the uk...
[edit on 10-12-2008 by Odins Advocate]