reply to post by falcon
Well, there will need to be a catalyst of some kind, but I don't think it will be the financial situation.
I think you need a sudden event or sense of injustice to create massive civil unrest. And the PTB seem to be creating and controlling the economic
collapse to be in stages. If it's a gradual decline, like a frog in gradually heating water, the people will likely not notice a dramatic change
which could cause massive unrest.
But if something happens during that time, it will likely be exacerbated by the financial crisis. Just like what is happening in Greece right now; it
started with the shooting of a boy, but has now become an economic and anti-government issue.
I don't think it is bad enough just yet to assume that this is inevitable. But I think you are only a few months away from the beginning of a very
precarious time when one bad action or choice of a Bank or Corporation could cause widespread anger.
I'm willing to state it'll be Feb-ish.
You'll have a high with Obama taking office, then the economic situation will hit the news again, and a Bank, one of the car companies or the
government itself will do something so outlandish that it causes a protest.
During that protest the PTB will do something unjust, and many more will take to the streets.
The media will report on it because it's too good a story to pass up, and perhaps the controlling factors will be disaffected now that Bush is out of
office. The propaganda machine will love the opportunity to cause problems for Obama where they would have limited exposure for Bush.
But if it's simply a likely scenario for Martial Law you're looking for, that could happen any time if the U.S. is attacked.
So, I'm guessing obvious problems could really start in February.