posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by comiesk8er
Hey there comiesk8er,
I can offer a couple of simple suggestions on 2 of the topics you mention (I only advise on the subjects I have some expertise in and have had
firsthand experience with);
#1 (Telekinesis) - The most important things to remember are -
(i) Don't hold back and never allow your conscious mind to edit the images/symbols that come to you (however obscure they might be) -
(ii) Practise with people you are comfortable with and who will not make fun of you when you get it wrong ... and trust me ... you will get it wrong
(many times).
Only regular practise can help you distinguish between psychic and mundane thought-waves.
#2 (Meditation) - As qualified tutor of Healing Meditation, I would have to say the secret (for total beginners), is keep it short and gradually
extend the length of you meditations over a month (adding 5 - 10 mins every other session).
There are a couple of really simple meditation exercises on my website (see the link in my signature below this post).