posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 02:36 AM
Hi hcml, I agree that a nuts-and-bolts definition of 'reality'.
Everything more is 'theorizing'. Heck, even assuming that your perceptions are 'real' in any way may be theorizing, and you'd have to fall back
on the old saying "I think therefore I am", making
thought the only reality.
But the reason people give more weight to 'reality' as an abstract concept is
consistency, and uniqueness. Think about this: if someone
describes something to you, that you have never seen or experienced, you might be able to paint a picture in your head, somewhat, of what they're
describing. Then, if you actually go to that place or experience that thing, you might notice some
consistency between what they described,
and what you're now experiencing first-hand. Additionally, parts of what they described might make you notice things that you otherwise would not
have - adding
uniqueness to the experience.
It's not 'proof', in a mathematical or philosophical sense, of course, but it's highly circumstantial evidence that there
is a level of
shared reality, beyond just individual perception, when stuff like that happens.
I likes ramblin', too.