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need brains - problem to develop solution too:

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 09:36 PM
911 was an inside job and we ask people to research it for themselves on the internet... does anyone else see the flaw in this ... ?

we dont control the internet and tell people to do their own research.
we have to come up with a better way of transfering video to brain
on the street.

I from time to time show movies on the side of the local shopping center next to the Cinema.. when the 11PM crowd leaves the theater I get a healthy dose of kids not wanting to go home. and a few parents ... but I guess that Idea is dead now with my car and laptop... another story...
I even had a couple of cops stay and watch... I did get a dick one weekend that wanted to see my public permit ... I sniped and said the United States Constitution gives me this right and well he backed off once he saw the firefighters giving their testimony about the Lava.... but he did tell me to pack it up about 10 mins after that.

gee, I'm out of Idea's to get the word out... I keep running into this later check it out on the web answer... and well thats LAME... come on guys lets work to gether ... the give a DVD to a Cop went very well, the people here at ATS - - those who emailed what they distributed the numbers totalled over 70 police recieved DVD's but did they watch them..?

I dont know, trying to over come this information bottle neck ...
I even thought about handing out Thumb Drives Pre-Loaded but that $8 bucks a pop... maybe we can sell them pre-loaded with evidence... ?

I like the Idea of Bumper Stickers but my poor truck cant stand any more vandalism.. so I took them off. I think it would be funny to see some cop cars with INVESTIGATE 911 on them that would be cool. but that would be vandalism, and thats a crime - and we cant commit any crimes... man our hands are tied... how do we untie them?

[edit on 9-12-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:11 AM
response to LRS, Email:Thank You LONG RANGE SNIPER, I think you are right, a Corporation Entity - Direct Mail Campaign is probably the best way to go under Not-for-Profit status.

* email is mixed otherwise I would post it...

direct mail would allow this NFP Corp. to unify a concentrated effort at signing up 300+ million people for Truth - Justice and the American Way.

and No, I dont work for the Government LRS...

just a computer repair man. more bored than Maytag man... he he , thats not because I suck, its because I'm good .... one of the best techs in the business is what other people and corporations that I work for tell me anyway.... I have never ran into a better tech than me... thats for sure...

any way... I think LRS is correct.. "does anyone know who LRS is..?

I cant find a single post from him... nor does he have an account... ?

well - thanks again... good idea... how do we start... I'm in central florida where are you...?

[edit on 10-12-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Can you edit your post and add some punctuation in please? Its hard to work out what your saying and what your quoting, and well, its hard to understand you.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:54 AM
Sorry trojan... ,are you LRS..? if so is this your real screen name... and would you like to debate the other stuff on ATS..? or what do you want me to do with it..?

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot

The problem is, just giving the research is not enough.

It takes some actual studying to really understand what happened on 9/11, and truthfully Americans don't like to read that much.

People have to WANT to know the truth.

People easily rationalize or simply ignore the evidence if they can't accept that truth.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:27 AM
AMEN, how do we overcome such brain damage... my gosh if you could do away with commericals on TV... I think, we would be better off... I think these cutesy TV spots cause Brain Confusion as most are not logical or informative but they cause confusion. and day after day of confusion well ....

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:39 AM
guys, i'm not big into the truth thing, to be honest, but there are a few common problems that i see in the way things operate.

the marketing of the idea, which is what you are talking about here, is pretty crap.

you guys, truthers i mean, tend to make promo material that you, personally, would be engaged by. this is a waste of time. this will only engage someone in the same frame of mind as you and they probably already know what your message is. most people can't be bothered sitting down and watching a two hour in-dept analysis of the 9/11 event, they find it boring and distateful.

first thing you should figure out, if you want to "get the word out", is who you want to get the word out to most of all.
so who are you trying to engage OP?

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by pieman
guys, i'm not big into the truth thing, to be honest,....

Isn't this what one would call an amazing oxymoron!!

How can you possibly be "honest" and not be into the "truth" at the same time???

Shouldn't these two aspects of the same "Light" go hand in hand!!

Or is it just your funny way of confessing to us (honestly but begrudgingly), that you're
more into lies than anything else??

Hope You'll rephrase it, so it makes more sense!

[edit on 11-12-2008 by djeminy]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 08:59 AM
Look, I'm into Truth - and - Justice, I haven't gotten to understand the American Way part but until I do -- I will continue to include it...
Superman sold me on the idea, what can I say ... he is awesome..

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:13 AM
If it's just an attention grabber you need to get people to watch it from the start then I have an idea I've never seen the dvd so maybe this intro is the one you have but to grab attention you need emotion right off the bat.

Intro of maybe some folks who lost loved ones who believe it is a cover up, let them tell the story of what happened and then work into the conspiracy theory part of it from their perspective. If they are too over the top yelling it will just look like it was scripted and drive people away.

Emotion that others can instantly identify with in an intro will capture the attention and very slowly work into the inner workings of the whole theory, but if your too slow people will still lose interest. But once you have it down you will know by peoples reaction.

I guess I should ask are you the author of the video? lol I may said all that for nothing lol

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Darthorious

well the DVD's I gave away, was LooseChange 2e Recut... LCFC well not as good. I also gave two copys of Terrorstorm I had burned.
I dont know what truth the other people gave away.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by djeminy
Isn't this what one would call an amazing oxymoron!!

not all that amazing, but well spotted.

i'm not particularly interested in a push for official recognition of the conspiracy behind 9/11 or spreading the word that the media story is a falsification. people want to believe the official story, it's easier to live with.

you almost need to actively avoid the truth at this stage, there is nothing more that can be done by us. at some point you just have to let people do what they need to do to get by.

however, it isn't that hard to get someone to buy into something you want them to buy into. people are already conditioned to it.

okay, use a poster that says something like "you must learn the truth" or "you should listen to the truth" in big red letters on a yellow background. phrases like "you must" or "you should" are a strong suggestion and the colour scheme is powerful.

make a promo sequence that is made up of a mixture of shots in quick succession. something like shots of the planes hitting for .5secs, anguished people for .5 secs, and the title for .5sec cycling. include as many different iconic shots associated with 911 as possible slow this rate as you come towards the end of the sequence and use less and less violent images, ending with your message, the tag line.

use a soundtrack of about 120bpm that slows to around 70bpm towards the end in tandem with the images.

your aim should be to make people anxious and attach a combination of 9/11 and TPTB to it, then lower the anxiety level and attach the truth idea to it. you should be authoritative, "the truth is obvious, you would be an idiot to believe otherwise." and this message needs to be reinforced and reinforced.

just copy all the things you hate.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:47 AM
8ball just called me, and we were talking about how to get the truth out... and well his brother edits film for Paramont Studios , he says he is doing his part by leaving in signs and 911 was a inside job even though the directors are requesting that he remove such propoganda and that all started after Jeraldo and Jones live broadcast... I get the jest Wdc is turning up the heat for broadcasting 911 was a inside job...
I think we need to turn up the heat even more. ... like hold funerals for all the victims of this administration.... anything to wake people up....

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