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US Surpreme Court to hear Obama case Dec 12th.

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posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn

Originally posted by adkchamp
who gives a **** already!

It doesn't matter if you were born an American or not, Obama was raised as an American and he's clearly America's pick for president...thats it.

You sir are representative of what is wrong with this country. Most people are like you. No clue what the constitution is let alone have any respect for it. People like you are the reason this country will be invaded and occupied without resistance. People like you are the reason America has no identity left, and what we do have is marred by globalist wars, and crimes against our fellow man that are unforgivable. America elections are NOT about some feel-good ideology. It is about keeping together a Union that has lasted the test of civil war, world war, slavery, and countless other challenges, that without our Constitution, would not have been possible.

That particular stipulation in the Constitution is meant to PROTECT America from foreign infiltration, which is a very real threat.

I'm not saying Obama isn't legitimate, because I do not know. But if there's even a chance that he isn't, I'd like it to be looked at and reviewed using proper legal channels. Voting a foreign born person into the White House does not negate the Constitution. At that point they may even opt for a new election or to dissolve the government pending that election, and they would be right to do this.

Mind you, I'm a foreigner. And that is why people like you make me so angry. This is your country, why the hell do you not know anything about it?

Amen. I can't even wrap my head around why so many people think this is a "waste of time".

How lazy many have become..

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by ACEMANN
Amen. I can't even wrap my head around why so many people think this is a "waste of time".


This case has no head and no foot.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 01:13 PM

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 06:22 PM
I am an American And I Live very Close to Chicago.
Does anyone watch the news on a regular Basis. ..Meaning Years Before they VOTE.
It seems from Local news over time,Everyone in chocago's government is in everyones pocket.


Let's Face it Americans.
We are useing a old system and it has been getting hacked for the last 200 years.
IE: when our Democracy was Put in Place we diden't even Have a Telephone.
Now the space shuttle is out of date.

BUT we are still using a proven to fail way of Governing Ourselves.
We no Longer need the Liers and Thieves.

We Pay the Bills, we are informed,
We can Press the yes or no button on Issues.
Not some higher class to make our choices for us, a Higher Class that does not live like Most of us.
Just to steal from us. and keep Us slaves.
We Pay the Bills We can Make the Choices.
A president Should be a Puppet of It's People.
One who Is Smart ,Respectful Of Our Neighbors
And Only does what the People Vote.

People who have nothing to Hide would have not let this get so far.Period
Too Much Grey area on The Obama issue.

A presidential election is not a hores race..It is not about hype ,Or smooth talking..
It is A Job Request
And a Resume.

I do Know what it is Like to Hire and Fire.

Most americans work for others and do not understand that when it is election time AMERICANS are the boss for once,AND that WISE CHOICE will choose who runs or ruins there very future and that of there children.
Max Angel

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by omega007

You are right in your assesment reguarding the law, but do you know what the name OMEGA really stands for?
IF Obama is not cerified on December 15th there may be riots in every city in our nation that may cause a state of martial law to be declaired.
The choice is wether to override the law to keep the peace, or risk a civil war and preserve the constitution. Water, Food, and Shelter should be thought of as a way to aproach the next few months. Either way it looks like we are in for a bad year ahead!

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:21 PM
To the tools on this site that throw themselves to this Obama guy. Its clear that they lack the ability to think for themselves.

I still would like to know what this man has even done for this country to let us know .. he has the experience.

the world may never know

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by KaiBosh

People still think those other internet sites about Obama's BC are still worth and that is unreliable. It will be interesting to see where the debate will go from here.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:54 AM
I agree this will not go away until this question is answered.
taking this to the supream court may answer this and it may not...
however the electorial colledge (hope i spelled it right) should have answered
this question before they cast their vote. and if they did not do their jobs
in this matter according to the constitution then they are guilty of not doing their job they were elected to do. The electorial colledge has the responsibility to
ask this question and the power to carry it out... If they did not ask the question
then he is still not qualified...If they asked the question and did not get a good answer then he is still not qualified...the only way barack obama is qualified is to answer the questions before he is sworn in... if he does not then he is guilty...
and if he is guilty what punishment should he get after learning the presidential
secrets??? would that make him a traitor or a spy??? it certainly would make him guilty..._javascript:icon('

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