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Rev. Wright Calls Hasslebeck ‘Dumb Broad From The View’

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 06:45 AM
Nice talk from a preacher. And to think, Barack never saw this side of him in his 20 years of listening...

Reverend Wright returned to Trinity United Church of Christ Sunday and spoke on Barack Obama and the media.

Wright said “The hatred of the media and the haters in politics may have caused him to distance himself from us, but the love of Christ will never allow me to distance myself from him, I can no more disown him than I can disown any other child of mine who makes a bad decision. He made a bad decision, but he’s still my child.”

Wright did not mention Hasslebeck by name but referred to her twice as a broad and once as ‘that dumb broad from The View.’ Wright continued his criticism of American foreign policy, criticizing Guantanamo Bay, saying “What we doing with a base in Cuba? We just take stuff.”

Wright had retired from Trinity United Church of Christ earlier this year but had returned for a guest sermon.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:04 AM
Nice find. So the good ole wright is back to his usual Sunday sermon. I doubt that his retirement was permanent. He retired just long enough to stay quiet and our of the spotlight.

Furthermore, The timing of his return eerily coincides with the leaked campaign ad that McCain never aired. The ad featured no other than Rev . Wright himself. Not running that ad was a huge detriment to McCain's campaign IMHO.

Sounds like Wright is a little bitter about Obama leaving his church after 20 years in the congregation. A little touch of sour grapes.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by jibeho]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:39 AM
Wright is a classic example of the black liberation theology preacher. He doesn't teach the bible. He teaches hate, revoluton, and over throw of the goverment by whatever means necessary.
Don't think I'm being racist, however. There are white preachers who teach the same sort of stuff from a white standpoint.
I thing it's time to get away from the racism, and work together. I didn't vote for Obama, don't really care for him, but I hope he can do the job and help the country out of this mess.
It is the job of the citizens of this country to support the government, to hold the government accountable, to change the government, hopefully through legal means, every few years. But divisive men like Wright and Father Fleigher(sp?) just make it difficult for those of us who are tryng to improve this country to get the job done.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:24 AM
How he calls himself a preacher, and that place a church I have no idea. How he can talk about the love of Christ and "forgiving" Obama in one breath, and then talk about someone else as "dumb" and preach hate in another is beyond me.

I just can't understand how anyone can listen to this man and not be outraged at his comments.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:48 AM
He's backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!

Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the election spotlight, our favorite reverend is back and ready to go on the attack.

The only thing left on my mind is when will Obama sit down with him and resolve the differences, if any, between them.

I say less than 6 months.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:33 AM
To be fair...

She is the dumb broad from The View, in that everyone on The View is a dumb broad.

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