posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 05:24 PM
A single general holiday discussion forum that covers all holidays in depth (the conspiracies in holidays, the meaning behind the holidays, the
meaning or message behind all the fictional holiday characters and tales and myths, the reasons why one should or shouldn't participate in holidays,
the hidden messages in holidays, what one personally did for or against a holiday, lost and ancient holidays, what should become a new holiday, why or
why not holidays are yet important, and etc. how endless the material for quality discussion) for BTS...
^^If religion and dreams have a forum, why not?
Hey, no other popular message boards I know has such the discussion forum yet. Beside, ppl find holidays equally important as politics, says the fact
that many participate in them and even the news media focuses on average ppl from all walks aswell as on the politians all participating in special
holiday events. Holidays making for a swell discussion forum is so overlooked if at all. So how about it? Anyone else in favor for it?