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Contacting an Alien &/or a ufo ......

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posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 10:20 AM
So I've read several books, posts, videos and so forth. 2 things have really stuck out as far as contact, though I have not tried them, I'm wondering if anyone else has or dares try these:

1. Steven Greer mentions that he goes to the Arizona desert once/twice a year with some powerful lazers and basically flashes them out into spaces, and every time he does this, there always manages to be a UFo that shows up close by, sometimes within feet.

2. Another post from an individual who seems to be genuinely in contact mentions to turn off all your lights and to in the darkness to call out to them daring them to make contact with you. Since they are interdimensional, they simple enter are realm and try and make contact.

Personally, I myself have seen a few things in the forests and sky's, pretty close by and I can assure you my stomach just couldn't handle the possibility of contact. Just didnt have nerves of steel that I figure requires a first contact, though Im very zen and meditate tons .....whenever this idea pops up .... again the stomach churns.

Anyone wanna try these or has anyone already done so????

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by dominicus

Yeah I began using the light signals maybe three years ago. My communicator is pointed west and I flash it three times, one second between each flash. Sometimes say out loud "come down, come on down UFOs, we are your friends and we want to meet you." It certainly worked in the past and attracts UFO orbs of all the different colour varieties even dumbell shaped types!

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 11:05 AM
Back in 2003 I met a contactee, an old man in his 70s, and this is roughly the technique he used. We went outside so he could "call" them, and this is what he had us do. He said how they communicate telepathically and had us lie on our backs and think our names to them. So we're all laying on the ground and he starts flashing a flashlight into the sky. Within moments, several orbs appear and come and go for the next couple of hours.

Now this guy also claimed that we could think our names to these aliens and go out for the next couple of weeks and maybe have similar luck. Well, I still see them regularly over 5 years later. Most are just orbs in the sky but one time an orb came within an inch of my left knee (I can give details if anybody wants them). But I don't use flashlights or lay on my back to summon these things. I do try and "think" to them, but that's all. The reason I say this is because there's no magic formula for contacting them. However, a flashlight and stuff may give one better results.

And if anybody else has similar orb stories or knows anything about them, I would love to hear about it.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by killuminati2012

That's interesting. These orbs are they like golf ball/basketball/cow sized? Also can you list the colour types? Lots of questions, shape too, are they orb or occasionally like different?

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

The one that I saw up close was about the size of a tennis ball. It floated there for about ten seconds, and made a static crackling noise that I could only hear when it was right next to me. It started floating away and I walked after it, but then it shot across the highway and disappered (I was at a picnic table on the side of a highway out in the middle of nowhere in West Texas).

All the others are various sizes and sometimes they even change size. Since they're up in the sky, I can't really say how big they are because I don't know their altitude. But I have seen some below the clouds when it's overcast, and I would guess their size to be equal to a car. And all the orbs I see are a pure white light like a star, and they never take any other shape besides an orb.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by killuminati2012

Very interesting, and I know exactly where you are coming from on the cracle noise. I only ever had one crackle, it was white and was spraying off molten metal like an angle grinder then turned into a religious like holier than holy light. You are the first one ever to comment on the cracle noise!
Seen most of mine in Derbyshire, UK. It's amazing this thing. Most of mine basketball shape, majority either amber/orange like Chinese lanterns (joke) and white, other blue, green yellow, red with laser beam attachment.
When you see them are they usually in pairs, single, other number?

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Miriam Delicado has an interview on Project Camelot, and her book: Bluestar Fulfilling Prophecy is very good. She tells of one of her childhood experiences in the book and its very clear that the orbs are probes:

page 39

We both stood very still, staring. As we watched a blue ball of light the size of a baseball came out of the center of the hovering light. It flew across the field towards us so fast that I thought it would hit me. It stopped six inches from me in the center of my body where it hovered for a moment. Then it moved slowly down to my feet before returning to my forehead. It then came to rest at the middle of my body. After it was done with me, it slowly moved to Janice and did the exact same thing. When it finished it went up to Janice's forehead where it sent a blue beam of light into her head; then she simply turned and went back to the house without saying a word. When she was gone I heard a voice telling me to go with them.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Wow. That's a very realistic account. Had pretty much the same with the sparkling one that turned into the Jesus type light. Project Camelot, what is it?

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by mystiq
Just reading her website. Very fascinating. Not sure about what the larger ufo orbs are, probes maybe. Possibly so many things, certainly they can appear and disappear to our eyes at will, seem to be something along the lines of what the UK MOD admit to, like a plasma body, certainly intelligent, maybe an undiscovered type of creature by science. I know what you mean by probe though, they do seem to check you out, all very bizarre and wonderfully beautiful. They seem connected with bigger white motherships too.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 12:25 PM
Heres a direct link to her interviews:

There are many others on here, a wealth of information and disclosures. The two that are really of interest to me are: for nordics, Miriam Delicado's, and for greys, Jim Spark's. Orbs are more commonly probes for nordics from what I understand.

[edit on 7-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Thank's for the link. You seem to know some about these orbs, connected to Nordics, that's new to me, I never really studied the Nordics yet. Anyway to the link, ta btw

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 01:05 PM
I speculate that "orbs" are more than just probes. I think they can be living beings, constructs, ships, portals, etc.

When something wants to cross from one dimension to another it must use an energy source that is readily available in both dimensions. The energy is gathered, stored, and frequencies synced up at both ends. This is the conduit or path of "travel" if you want to think of it that way.

The reason we see this energy as orbs is because it is bleeding through to our dimension, and that is how it appears in the visual spectrum, at least from higher frequency states than ours. These charged objects are in between dimensions so to speak. Really in two places at once, but unable to affect either dimension unless they shift more into one frequency.

Again, I am only speculating/educated guessing based on my own sources.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Flux8

Yeah the ufo orbs may well be dimensional. I remember on one encounter there was this orb far away, we communicated with it and gave it three flashes, in reply it sort of stretched towards us, like jumping out of the distance towards us, like stretching on an elastic band and zooming towards us then away ever so quickly, it seemed to be pulling against the fabric of the background.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 01:49 PM
Glad to see so much great info. Ufoorbhunter, you definitely need to check out projectcamelot. There's so much info to be found there.

And the orbs I see are usually by themselves, but when I see them there are usually several that appear one after the other, and then there's no activity. Hope that makes sense. Basically, I see spurts of activity, one orb at a time. Occasionally I have seen several at the same time interacting, but that's rare.

And I'll comment a little more on what the contactee said about them. He claimed the orbs were the ships and could change size (which I've witnessed) but even said they could take the form of a bird or anything else. It reminded me of Native American accounts. Also, he said the aliens look exactly like humans, but their eyes are completely black.

Some of my friends have seen a molten spewing orb, and I've heard several similar stories. But like I've said, I just see pure white/blue orbs that only seem to change in size/intensity. Also, when I saw that one orb up close, I had a very strong spiritual experience. I had the deepest feeling of being at ease, and that lasted for a good year and still lingers around to a strong degree.

Thanks for all of the feedback guys

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by killuminati2012

The angle grinder type white orb turned into a white light not even white, like a holier than holy beautiful pure white orb (molten effect went) and came within a few feet of us. I'd have watched it all day if my mate hadn't said "what's that" pointing up to over our heads, we were surrounded by about twenty pairs of orbs, all in same coloured pairs, yellow, white, orange, green, blue, red, if that wasn't enough then a pure white mothership buzzed us four times. I'm so amzed you know someone else with the angle grinder type ufo orb experience. Only had it once and it was like something out the Bible. Once read about a Russian who saw one in a car park.
You say they can change shape, in what way? The two nervy amber orange type I saw once were shaped like a body builders dumbell, but on a shortened handle, also one type like rhombus and bright yellow and having some weird like heiroglyphic lines on it. Also found the red type orb slightly smaller than others and not in same coloured pairs having uniquely among the others a laser beam facility that is scanning the floor.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 02:55 PM
If I said that I've seen them change shape, then I meant only size. But like I said, the contactee that introduced them to me claimed they could take on the shape, or appearance, of something like an eagle. I think I also recall him saying that he saw a huge orb shrink down to the size of a quarter. And he's also seen the typical saucer craft, but I don't know if they're from the same beings. Just to note, I've never seen anything resembling a typical UFO.

And back to the orb I saw up close. My memory may deceive me, but I remember thinking that the orb cast little to no light on the environment around it. And the intensity of the light would vary, which made it kind of hard to focus on the object. Maybe it relates to the idea of being interdimensional, because it seemed as if the object wasn't fully materialized in this world when I first saw it. Forgive me for not being more clear, but it's all very hard to explain.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Flux8

Its possible. The probe idea is the simplest for human minds to grasp, but even some of the crafts (if not all) seem to be alive in a sense as well. Of course this implies an entire technology or knowledge that is remarkable, and mystifying to me.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by mystiq

I totally agree. Personally, I've always felt like these orbs were some form of consciousness. I don't know if I have any reasoning for thinking that, but it's at least what I feel.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 03:16 AM
You wrote:

"1. Steven Greer mentions that he goes to the Arizona desert once/twice a year with some powerful lazers and basically flashes them out into spaces, and every time he does this, there always manages to be a UFo that shows up close by, sometimes within feet."

So this is something I can't imagine.
- if Greer is THE man for disclosure he would know that such an ability would make him the most important man on earth.
- If he knew that he could "call" a UFO like that, global disclosure would
have happened by now. If Greer knew that a UFO would come by really close (within feet) you would have set up at least 10 different video cameras in advance, right? In addition to that you would bring as many tv crews you could get.

So here's my point...I like the disclosure project but how on earth can
Greer claim such a thing? It's like saying "Guys...I have the ability to contact UFOs in such a way that they come close by, sometimes within feet. I could offer full disclosure a breakthrough each year but I choose
not to do it".

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 07:50 AM
I also believe water plays an very important function in these kinds of phenomena, or more specifically natural running water, whether above or under ground. I think it's part of an energy distribution system for "living" planets, (I think some people refer to it as ley lines?). The water literally carries energy and distributes it along it's path to the surrounding land. When an area gets charged up with this energy (could be magnetic like Ed says) it becomes a potential playground for all sorts of "things".

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