RCH definately does not have it all right. But much of his research, some of which span over 20 years, have been proven to be right. Such as the ocean
below the ice surface on Europa, the abundant frozen permafrost layers found by Odyssey on Mars, and currently being examined more closely by the
Phoenix probe.
Oh as to the "face" issue. Well that is still out for heavy debate. It was proven many times over, that the first round images aquired by MOC/MGS
were deliberately altered, and even ol Malin released later revised images that ended up being from the same datasets but clearly did not have the
flatness or "catbox" crap as the first one did. Shortly after that, and after hundreds of thousands of letters to congress and NASA, Malin released
about 95 thousand more images that were tucked away in his "drawer of amazing discoveries" and all are currently up at the MSSS website. And tons of
them clearly show unusual things that are not just simple dirt and rocks.
Later ASU, the folks that handled the THEMIS instrument onboard Odyssey, began taking IR images of various areas on Mars, including Cydonia. On July
25th 2002, a particular daytime, multiband IR spectrum image was aquired directly from the ASU THEMIS website and processed by several independant
researchers, under the direction of one ASU THEMIS team specialist...back then known as "BAMF".
This multiband IR spectrum image clearly showed some strange things underneath the frozen permafrost in the Cydonia area. RCH refers to it as "The
City". Article can be found
What is even more ironic, is that after the selected few who got the download on July 25th, 2002, ASU, or someone at ASU, swapped the image to a very
noisy, junk filled version that contains far less actual data than the first image aquired by the selected individuals. I was fortunate to also get
this "leaked", real data image on that evening of July 25th 2002 and still have it. Everyone who had this "leaked" real data image had them
analyzed and it was found that the headers of the file, which are at the tail end of the file, not the front, indicates that the image was produced by
an old UNIX system and even has data in the headers that verify the image came from a government mainframe.
The two different versions of the processed IR multiband spectrum strips can be found
Take note that the processing was done by an individual who at that time, and currently still does image processing for NASA as an independant,
volunteer image processor.
(Man I remember all this happening as if it was yesterday!)
When RCH went on the Coast2Coast radio show with Art Bell in August 2002, the evidence was presented to the public along with the images. Between July
25th 2002 and August 29, 2002, anyone and everyone associated with this investigation, the old TEM forum, Anomalies Network, even my online radio
station Disinforadio.com, were subject to the heaviest ridicule, internet DOS attacks, countless email and letter threats, and one person who did the
final processing of the images that are shown at the EM website, was called a "liar" by the very person who headed the ASU THEMIS team who had hand
picked several individuals to aquire this "leaked" real data. However, this person.."BAMF", refused to go on air with Art Bell and RCH that night
to speak his case and prove his "liar" claim. Basically chickend out and stayed hidden behind their pc and keyboard at the EM chat room that
It should also be noted, that "BAMF" had spent the previous 4 months, day in and day out, at the TEM forum and chat room, during which the careful
selection of who would get this image would be selected. During that time, "BAMF" would spend hours in private chat sessions, and even in the public
chat room and forum, giving lessons on how to examine and process IR multiband spectrum image strips.
The altered data image was also processed using the same procedures on it as was the leaked real data image, and there were definate differences
between the two. The altered data image had so much noise and garbage in it compared to the real data image it is very easy to see these differences,
as it is easy to see the result of such manipulation of the raw data after it has been changed.
Now before we get the broken record effect in here and every other skepitc saying its all fake, well how do any of you explain why the Russian probe
"Phobos2", launched back in 1989, took pictures of an area with an early version of an IR multiband spectrum camera and captured the same buried
structure effect as the Odyssey IR image?!!!
Russian probe "Phobos 2" thermal IR image taken in 1989.
Another one to examine, taken by the same spacecraft "Phobos 2".
Funny how two different spacecraft, two completely different missions, two different space agencies, two different nations, two different year
periods, would get the same kind of data!!
As Art Bell said on his program on August 29, 2002.."I wonder who bamfed the Russians?!"
Article to above images can be found
I remember all this very well because I was a moderator/admin for the TEM forum and chat room, and also ran the online radio station
"Disinforadio.com" and was also a moderator/admin for the forum at Anomalies Network. And I can testify and have records, including chat room logs,
forum logs, audio archives of every single bit of these events during that period. I never throw away anything valuable.
Shortly after all the fiasco and 11th hour attempts by debunkers and all the DOS attacks on 3 different websites, TEM moved their forum to its current
host, where it has remained safe ever since. Anomalies also went through changes and even lost a considerable number of members over this controversy.
Disinforadio.com changed hosts as well and became ZeroPointRadio, currently on air now at the link in my signature.
Often I run the audio archives from this event, so maybe once in a while you might catch it. The site also shows pictures and images of the screen
captured chat room logs and forum logs at various points during the programs.
My entire point here, is that NASA has covered up so much since the early days of them sending out probes to the Moon and Mars before and during the
Gemini and Apollo programs. Then suddenly, like hitting a 20 foot thick cement wall, the entire space program stops, is stripped down to next to
nothing, and from that point, NASA has kept space and its secrets from the public in a very elaborate fashion, up to and including using hired help
from the outside, to actively debunk and discredit research and authors of the subject, some of which currently post here at ATS. I used to be one of
these hired hands and I know their tactics, their tricks, their approach and their patterns. It is abundant at this forum, particularly here in the
Alien/UFO section, tho some of them wander off into the other various sections dealing with technology or other space related forums.
If one does the research, which it is abundant and available to anyone who wishes to find out the truth, anyone can clearly see that since the early
days of NASA after WWII, that there has been an elaborate and secrative effort by members of the Project Paperclip, CIA, DOD and military to cover up
what is really going on out there in space, and what IS currently on the Moon and Mars.
It doesnt take any huge nuclear science degree or a simple slide rule to see the evidence and the plot. One just has to take the time to go through
the tons of research and evidence to see for themselves.
edited to comply with img link rule. thanks for the bump FC!!!
[edit on 8-12-2008 by RFBurns]