posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 07:21 PM
If Al Gore had been the great leader the democrats made him out to be, Nader wouldn't have meant a damm. They lost, and will loose again because the
only voters they apeal to are left leaning hardcore democrats or bush haters. The same goes for the republicans, each party panders to its base
instead of reaching out to everyone. Neither party has a clear madate to lead, niether party can claim to speak for the American people. They can't
win on the issues, so they just attack eachother and hope for every vote they can get through fear, and control of the system. Untill they get that
not everyone has to fall along party lines on every damm issue like they do, both parties will continue to divide this nation.
We need independent voices, and more choices, I don't agree with Nader on many things but at least he the balls to stand up and show people there can
be another way.
[Edited on 3-4-2004 by TheEXone]