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Obama's 3 Million Donors Asked to Pay Clinton Debt

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posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 06:40 AM

Obama's 3 Million Donors Asked to Pay Clinton Debt

NEW YORK -- President-elect Barack Obama's vast list of donors is being asked to donate to Hillary Rodham Clinton as she scrambles to reduce her massive campaign debt before she becomes secretary of state and federal ethics rules limit her fundraising, an Obama adviser said Thursday night.

An appeal on Clinton's behalf signed by Vice President-elect Joe Biden is to be sent by e-mail to all of the more than three million donors to Obama's record-setting fundraising, according to this adviser, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the e-mail had not yet been sent.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 06:40 AM
It just doesn't get any better than this. Hilary needs a bailout too.
They are even holding a party/fundraiser/debt retirement event selling $50 - $1000 tickets to raise money for the cause.

This is the lowest of the low given our current economic state of affairs. I might not care as much if it were 1999 again. She's got stones bigger than Bill's and he his stumping for handouts also.
American's shelled out a record $ amount for this past election and this is what you get. You are getting panhandled just in time for Christmas.

The nation is buried in debt and Hilary needs to pay the bills.
Say hello to your new Secretay of State.

The article goes into greater detail. I now have to go vomit.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by jibeho

UN flipping believable!

Won't this "personal bailout" set a dangerous precedent? Has this ever been done by politicians before?

I think I'm gonna write an email for my own bailout and send it to as many govt reps as I can. Maybe we should all do that and flood their inboxes with requests for personal bailouts. Just figure out how much debt you owe and tell them you need that much!

Just when you think they've surely pegged the audacity scale.......

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:00 AM
What makes them think that anyone who donated to Obamas election campaign would want to donate money to the Save Hilary Fund?

Gee, is she now a registered charity or something?
Are all donations tax deductable?


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:05 AM
Excellent political move by Obama....

he holds out Hillary for Sec of State....
knowing she will be nullified by statute
and not confirmed by Congress unless 'extraordinary' measures are taken

so, Obama has shown the PTB he is willing to offer Hillary a position
But, in the end... his hands are tied. And he will be happy to return the Senator to her NY constituency

will Obama make his cabinet & administration reflect the population demographics,

if so, might we expect Colin Powell as the next nominee for the SecOfState ?

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:16 AM
Perhaps she can sell popcorn from a table outside my grocery store. Sorry boy scouts, Hilary needs money pronto. Better yet, she can bump off the bell ringers and solicit for Hilary's Army.

I haven't been this pissed off and insulted by a politician in a long time. America's companies are laying people off by the thousands just in time for Christmas with more layoffs looming in January and she needs your help.

It is going take one hell of a steak to heal the black eye that she is about to receive. This doesn't bode well for Obama either. They have about 6 weeks to squirrel away as much dough as they can before she takes the oath.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:20 AM
This isnt about money obviously,some political strategy to whos benefit who knows...but the clintons aint in debt lol they are worth a fortune...

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
Excellent political move by Obama....

he holds out Hillary for Sec of State....
knowing she will be nullified by statute
and not confirmed by Congress unless 'extraordinary' measures are taken

so, Obama has shown the PTB he is willing to offer Hillary a position
But, in the end... his hands are tied. And he will be happy to return the Senator to her NY constituency

will Obama make his cabinet & administration reflect the population demographics,

if so, might we expect Colin Powell as the next nominee for the SecOfState ?

Kerry and Edwards didn't get picked for any reindeer games. Perhaps they are just waiting in the wings for their call to action. This whole appointment game does have quite the stink hanging from it. Who will be the thimble and who will be the race car?

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:16 AM
While Obama has every right to ASK for this money, I was put off by the request. I'm not giving her any money. If she didn't have the money to spend, she shouldn't have "borrowed" from herself - if she couldn't pay it back.

Here's how I answered the email:

Dear Vice President elect Biden,

I fully support you and Barack Obama and I wish you all success. However, Bill Clinton gets more money for giving a 20-minute speech than I will see in 5 years. So, no. I have no interest in helping pay off Hillary's campaign debt. I'm sorry.

I'm frankly somewhat put-off by this request because it indicates to me that, to a certain degree, you guys don't "get it". I am a member of the regular working class of this country, and for members of the economic elite class to ask me for money for a wealthy person's debt just doesn't sit right with me at all.

I freely contributed to Barack Obama's campaign several times and his administration has my full support. However I do not consider it appropriate for me to work to pay off a debt that was incurred by someone (a very wealthy someone) campaigning in opposition to Obama.


I expect to disagree with some of the moves Obama makes over the years and I will not hesitate to let him know (as I did with the bailout vote).

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Great letter! I would imagine that your sentiments will be echoed by many. I just hope that they will actually send the letters of refusal back to Biden. A clear message certainly needs to be expressed.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 10:36 AM
So that's how to get around further spreading of the wealth... Nice strategy!

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
Excellent political move by Obama....

he holds out Hillary for Sec of State....
knowing she will be nullified by statute
and not confirmed by Congress unless 'extraordinary' measures are taken

so, Obama has shown the PTB he is willing to offer Hillary a position
But, in the end... his hands are tied. And he will be happy to return the Senator to her NY constituency

will Obama make his cabinet & administration reflect the population demographics,

if so, might we expect Colin Powell as the next nominee for the SecOfState ?

First, all Obama has to do to make the Sec. of State position legit for Hillary is reduce the salary of the position to match the senate position she currently holds. Bush was the one that raised the salary for cabinet members through an executive order, and Obama can undo it just as quickly.

Second, Colin Powell has already stated that he is not interested in serving on the Obama cabinet. He endorsed the guy to clear out the current administration, but he still wants no part of Washington politics, which should tell you that even he knows the two party system is as corrupt as they come.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:38 PM
The way Obama pulled in money, he should start taking donations to pay down the national debt...I bet he could do it in 8 years with the way he pulled in money, no need to raise taxes, that man could get a hobo to give him a dollar.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:46 PM

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:12 PM
Text Black Hillary has a net worth of about 35Million Dollars she can well afford to pay off her own debt , Obama should tell his fianacial backer to donate that monet to the needy and unemployed , they forget who signed NAFTA her husband BILLY BOY .and if he were the head of a major corp . or Church he would have been made to step down which

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:18 PM
Er does anyone remember how much money they said the clintons had last Tax cycle? 100+ Million, she ran the primaries about 3 months longer than they had to be(it was a statistical improbability she'd win, she would had to win 55%+ in every state which wasn't happening and everytime it didn't that number got higher). I think Bill can bay the bills. =p

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by djpaec

Welcome to the new face of charity in the United States. First, the Wall Street charity and now this. These people truly need our help. Instead of money, I will be sending Hilary and family a box of non-perishable food items to help them through tough times.

Bill can cover the bills just through speaking engagements alone. They are worth a mint and I will send Mr. T after the fool that gives them one red cent.

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