posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I really don't mean to turn this into a cat vs. dog thing - as I just said - I love them both
just on the topic of animals - and how we look at them
and, also - I do understand the difference between a house cat and a lion
but, here's a story that really got to me:
the only real difference between a house cat and a lion is - I'm pretty sure I could take my cat in a fair fight - I think
cats, being smaller - can't compete with dogs in the hero/bravery category in quite the same way
but, they've done their part:
I have a cat that did something very similar to this
it came about because of something that I did that was so stupid - I don't deserve the right to use fire
the circumstances will go unreported here - but, I'm sure my cat reconsidered her living arrangements after that