posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:49 PM
Yeh 10 years and nothing bad,,the first voice I heard was a boy called Peter and he was about 8 years old,,my daughter used to play with him,I also
was aware of other children being here,,but dont they age in spirit? I always thought they did but then alot of spirits can play games at any age.
Not so good about your sister,she must have been petified,,which is what they feed on,,how can anyone keep calm knowing bad s**t is going on and the
knife thing,,God I cant even find the right words to say how friggen scary that was.
Im glad for her she got rid of it and glad she dont dabble anymore,I hope her story detors others from doing it.
Even though I get freaked out by shadows and clicking noises and other noises,,I do know inside they are good