posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by VixWix
This type of nonsense is not new. people who believe they are aliens, such as in th book "From Elsewhere" written by a guy named Mandelker.
However it is nonsense all the same. Usually these people allege that they have human bodies but alien if they could give their "soul"
which hasnt even been proven to exist) some sort of cosmic DNA test.
Your parents had relations on Earth, giving birth to you, on Earth your human.
My own personal theory on this starseed /humans as alien nonsense is that these are socially akward people who just feel as they dont belong, they
dont fit it, ad maybe suffer from some depression. Then since they cant fit in with any of their peers, they make the biggest jmp in thought to
"Hey, I dont fit in..I must be an alien!"
Thats my own personal theory.