posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 02:43 PM
We have been able to accurately detect and measure earthquakes for a long long long time. Earthquakes would not be caused by any sort of technology
(other than one that manipulates plate tectonics HAARP). I mean tectonic plates are massive and not really within the realm of our physical ability. I
hate to say it but this and the tornado data kinda of leans towards the Niburu believers. I know I know don't flame me. Just cant rule anything out,
because this data is rather disturbing. Niburu would cause this kind of thing though especially in the few years before its crossing. I don't really
support the Niburu theory but the data seems to. If the trend increases in the coming 3 years then it would all but prove the theory. (other than
seeing a big red dot in the sky) I guess we will see what happens, but I doubt anything will.
P.S. It is supposed to be visible in the northern hemisphere in 2010 I think. Still a very southern location from what i know. I'll get the Telescope
out just in case.
[edit on 17-3-2009 by DaMod]
[edit on 17-3-2009 by DaMod]