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Humanity: Why all the doom and gloom?

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posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 02:24 AM
People see the 2012 phenomenon as a "doomsday" because the majority of people will face death. I really don't have any words of confert for those people as their fear is unrealistic. Their doom is an illusion. The way I see it is upon death, as long as you weren't a real bastard in life, you wake up.

When you're sleeping at night and having a dream, it's often something scary that wakes you up. However when you awake you realize it was more a dream then a reality anyway. All that pain fades away. Would you dread being awoken from a good dream? Sometimes we do. I know I am like "darn that was an awesome dream" but then I have a cup of coffee and get on with my life.

Sure you're going to be held accountable for the things you've done here. However God judges by your heart.

I sometimes wonder why people find this phyiscal life so captivating they'd not want it to end.

I guess if the question is why do people search for doomsday the answer would have to be because something deep inside all knows its there.

Death is there every day, if you get out of bed or not, if you cross that street out of time or if you stay on the sidewalk. Death is coming for you, it's only a matter of time.

Everyone might not consciously think such but there is those thoughts somewhere in the greater conscious mindset of the phyical animal that is man.

However doomsday isn't the same to everyone. To me it is exactly what it truly is, the havesting of souls. However to some bitter people it is the selfrightous belief that "THEY" will get what's comming to them. Those that believe such don't realize "THEY" are them.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Seekingmyself
you are too kind. Here are a few questions, if you feel like answering them

1. What exactly do you believe will happen in 2012? Will it be cataclysmic? How will 90% of the people die? Do you believe the survivors are pre-determined?

2. How did you come to your conclusion, and how long ago?

3. Is there a way for people to prepare?

First of all I must admit you are SEXY ... lol ... Sorry couldn't ignore that cute face of yours ... and now let me tell you what I have seen in MY VISIONS I was shown in 2003.

In one of my visions I found myself stranded in my own city (I reside in Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Yonge Street was unrecognizable anymore due to the great amount of snow that filled the entire place I was in. There was SO MUCH snow that at one point I simply had to make my way out of the deep snow. If you ever seen aftermath of an avalanche that would be it. One thing I must mention is that the geography itself has changed. Instead of what one would recognize to be Yonge Street and it's surroundings there were mountains with hills and valleys which in turn makes me to conclude that there were a series of great earthquakes that took place previously to cause an acute geographical changes to the surface of the land itself. Throuthout this entire vision I only seen a few individuals and a few barely recognizable structures . I felt lost, helpless and desperate. I knew that there were only few who survived and I was one of them. I will never forget that feeling of helplessness and desperation. What do I do now? Where should I go? How will I survive this? God please help me! I couldn't believe I found myself in this dire situation. It's was unreal but I knew it was my reality and I had to find a way out of this mess.

I had more visions including what some people call planet X and though I see no evidence by our astronomers to indicate that it exists I have seen it in one of my great visions. I am willing to tell you about it only if you are interested.

Thank you for your time.

[edit on 2-12-2008 by stanislav]

[edit on 2-12-2008 by stanislav]

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by Incarnated

Is it a physical death, or is it the death of this reality? I`m not saying there won`t be physical deaths, there will be, but I see it as more of a shift from this reality over to another reality on a world wide scale. This shift is already taking place as we speak. Look at how things have changed, and are changing at this very time. Reality is being turned upside down.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by Incarnated

Is it a physical death, or is it the death of this reality? I`m not saying there won`t be physical deaths, there will be, but I see it as more of a shift from this reality over to another reality on a world wide scale. This shift is already taking place as we speak. Look at how things have changed, and are changing at this very time. Reality is being turned upside down.

There are many physical deaths, thought it didn't have to be. The basic and mostly lost idealisim behind "baptisim" is the death and rebirthing of the being.

People tend to see what they want to see unless they try to see what's really there. I think the change you're seeing is within yourself.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

Even though there are chnges going on inside of me, I can still see them going on in the world around me. These changes are about everyone and everything, not just one thing. You see it as death, I see it as rebirth. We are all going through this together. And yes, to have rebirth, there needs to be a death of sorts. A death of the old realities, and a rebirth into the new realities.

Oh, and by the way, I have talked to many of my friends, and they are saying the same thing I am, a shift in the realities.

[edit on 2-12-2008 by FiatLux]

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 03:40 PM
humanity in itself has never been peaceful. in all the history we have on record, never once was it peaceful.

even the mayans, supposedly as long as 10,000 years ago sacrificed humans in the cruelest of ways. there have been thousands of civil wars. there was the holocaust, KKK, numerous hate crimes and more wars starting every single day still.

as much as we would like to think of people as being generally good... many of our actions prove otherwise.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by FiatLux

The world "around you" is a reflection of the inner workings of you. This is the understanding of most christmas movies. Scrooge seen nothing to be joyful about around christmas time but finical gain, but overnight his inner workings changed, and he was a new man. He seen the world in another light and the world reacted to him as such.

A good way of saying has been said as such. Be that change you want to see in the world. If you go from being of a negitive mindset to a positive mindset then sure the world will seem more positive then it does negitive. The world didn't change, you did. To know the "TRUTH" you must be objective.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

Please stop, i`m not here for you to analize, so don`t even think about going there. I`m here because someone asked a question and I did nothing more then give my opinion. They can take it, or leave it, it`s up to them and no one else.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by FiatLux

everyone, thank you so much for your help. my paper is well on its way

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

Most of We are part of a "Never ending story" that includes this planet. This planet has had "worlds" on it before and it will have "worlds" after this one.

All a world equates to is the way mankind through kingdoms have cut the planet up into nations and states. So even though this is the "End of the World", and it will be as doomsday as that sounds, it is for the betterment of the brotherhood of mankind.

The next World set up on this planet is already foretold about. Thou some wouldn't see it as "great" it is great. Higher forces force mankind into being higher or at least not to drag others down.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by calihan123
humanity in itself has never been peaceful. in all the history we have on record, never once was it peaceful.

as much as we would like to think of people as being generally good... many of our actions prove otherwise.

Well calihan123, unfortunally you're mistaken, although what you say is true. The fact is that when things are peaceful, there is very little "history" to record.
Most of our history has been written by the winners or such things as wars. As the statement goes, "to the victor go the spoils", but in times of peace everyone is too fuzzy bunny to need to record the lovefest.

I've seen both selfish and selfless actions come from the same people. True be said we are a mixed bag. Their is an old indian story that goes:

Each man has within them a white wolf and a dark wolf.
The white wolf lives on truth and light and love.
The dark wolf feeds on fear and anger and hate.
The question remains what wolf will YOU BECOME.
The answer is the one you feed the most.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 11:50 PM
with the world how it is and all of the starving, poverty ridden countries, wars, terrorism, etc. how can people not have a doom and gloom outlook on life ... it's all most people hear about in the world

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by baseball101

Life is only started here. Those that have some of the hardest times here and now have the easier times in the harder steps along the path of life expantion plan.

So you could have a easier life here and now, a easier temporal life where you'll soon enough die and your easier time is taken from you, then you're growth will be harder.

Or you can have a real hard time here and now, a tempory hardship, that will make the life everlasting easier.

Who's really suffering?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Seekingmyself

Originally posted by FiatLux
Doom and gloom? Doom and gloom can be used as a tool for waking people up. We have brought the problems we have upon ourselves, as a way to awaken us from many many years of spiritual slumber. Are the problems we are seeing real, yes, very much so, no doubt about it. But, as we awaken that which has been asleep deep within us for many years, you will see many changes occur around you. The spiritual side of humanity has been buried for so long, we have ventured away from our true selves and our return to the one. And now is the time of awakening of that spiritual side of us all.

Do we need what is going on around us, yes, many do. Sometimes it takes a good slap in the face to wake us up, pain and hardship will do that. I know I will get sliced and diced for what I am saying, but, what is a little more pain in this life going to hurt? Will everyone wake up? No, not everyone will, but a vast majority will.

I feel spirtually lost. Raised catholic...but I don't agree with most of the principals. I am struggling to find the religion thats right for me. I feel very in tune with the world, I am very intuitive...but I am at a point in my life currently where I don't know where to go. Again, this is a subject that I can seldomly bring up in everyday life. Do you have any words of wisdom?

Do you have to have a religion? If you are spiritual and you beleive in an afterlife or somekind, that doesnt mean you have to follow a specific religion. You can be happy just being spiritual.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated
If you truly look at the positive, the 2012 phenomenon is very GOOD for "Mankind" as a whole. People are born and die, but mankind carries on.

The benifits for mankind from this 2012 phenomenon are countless.

I don't exactly agree with you because if only 10% of mankind survives, it's going to be positive but to Nature, not to man.

If human population became sparse, we'll have to compete with animals again, we'll be exposed to more dangers. We'll probably lose our technology because we'll concern ourselves with survival than, maintaining technology.

Unless of course, people have finally got beyond their corrupted nature and learned to cooperate and care for each other. Even just 10% of human population is just enough to start a new civilization and develop technology even surpassing what we have now.

One such Positive scenario depicted in a movie is the film 'Star Trek First Contact' Where a tiny fraction of human survivors after WWIII got over their differences, went on to develop technology that would solve energy problems, unite the world and later, a large chunk of the galaxy.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by ahnggk]

[edit on 3-12-2008 by ahnggk]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by ahnggk

It hard for most people to look outside the roll of the human into the deeper context of the story line. You have to understand the full scope of the story to enjoy the meanings behind the reasons.

Long, long, long long, ago this planet was seeded with life, and there has been several interjections of dna over all those epics.

Again, I say the life on this planet is like a farm. We grow souls here.

There are universal forces that can not interact with humanity unless all life is jepotized. However upon a world event of this nature where life actually could be stampped out of existance, the watchers are alowed to step in and make things right.

It has happened before.

There are many many other reasons that this 2012 phenomenon is an uplifting event for lot of mankind too.

Moreover! Excluding off world help.

Those higher technologies that you spoke about already exist somewhat. However old buisness models believe they "own" the rights to these because the persons' that throught them up didn't have the funds to devlop the technologies so they sold their patterns to the old way of doing things.

Now with this "End of the World" process, sure there will be groups of all types scrambling to set up the new ways. However they all fail. What is set up is the brotherhood of mankind were people learn to work for their fellows because it is that which benifits them the most to do.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Incarnated]

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

If you go to YouTube and search on "The 2012 Ouroboros Doomsday Clock", you will find a 9-part video lecture by the amazing David Flynn. Despite the title - not of David's choosing - the first 3 parts cover what I consider a proof that a crop circle in England of an alien holding a disc was left by the same race of aliens that were involved in the Roswell 1947 UFO incident, and that the "accident" was no accident - it was planned to occur at that specific spot. In parts 8 and 8.5 of the 9-part series, David covers the 25,920 year precessional cycle, the next cycle end of which will occur 12/21/12, and calls it a "Doomsday Cycle".

As to Nibiru, there is lots of debate about that, but at, you can read about what is in "The Kolbrin Bible": "The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the "Destroyer," the Celts later called it the “Frightener". And we call it Nibiru. Some say it has been sighted by South Pole thermal imaging telescopes. What is commonly called "Nibiru" may in fact be an incoming solar system with a dwarf star at its center, thus the use of a thermal imaging telescope. Nibiru is said to be one of the planets in that solar system.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 09:29 AM
I think humanity is just more easily moved by evil and suffering than by happiness.

Which is kinda pathetic and I think what will REALLY happen in 2012, if anything happens, and I hope this happens, is some kind of cosmic energy shift in the solar system that will shift us from "half empty" to "half full" - which is all we REALLY need for world peace.

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