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Web bot Predictions, right on target

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:13 PM
This was posted online on 2/26/08

Web bot predictions for 2008

[link to]

January 2, 2008

A Few Highlights

*Catastrophic collapse of the dollar is possible –
as the language is active around that concept.

*Some kind of winter/spring natural disaster
which caused people to become angry about
government response

*Possibly early elections, or at least calls for
that because of anger.

*Global economic collapse possible in Fall 2008
cascading of the US woes


January 2008

*January “secrets Revealed” something comes out
that is ‘unauditable’ and we see some of the
presidential wannbe’s pull out of the race over
disclosures of their links to what in model space
is the finance/powers-that-be.

*USA-Pop begins a shift out of paper assets into
defensive positions to protect their retirements
which will be coming into question. Perhaps due
in part to the continuing CMO/CDO paper
collapse and how much has gone into pension

February 2008

*Acceleration in the ‘employment crash” meme,
construction slows dramatically including commercial.

*Due to high prices, food enters its ‘encounters with
scarcity’ and gasoline soars (due to falling dollar)

*Key: People’s ability to live is tied to debt – and with
credit card defaults expected to rise in this period, the
widespread repudiation of credit card debt will mark
the emergence of the civil disobedience meme to the
corporate cannibalism/powers that be/global elite if
you want to think of it that way.

March 2008

*Again, in modelspace we have the “millions of small
[financial] particles causing problems – repudiation
of credit card debt.

*Late March we see a female leader/figure emerge who
will begin to fill a role as ‘social unifier’ for the
financial rebellion/revolution meme. Most likely, she
will be from south/central American highlands and her
visibility and prestige will grow in national media
over the summer.

April 2008

*Like to see a widespread tax rebellion – people
putting in phony claims for refunds, delaying
filing, and so forth as we see dollar crashing,
market declining and so forth with lack of
government fix.

*Natural Disaster: We get high winds/damaging
rains over wide enough area to feed another
modelspace meme: Diaspora (population in
forced relocation). Incredible tornado season
with heavy rains or out of season hurricane, that
kind of thing and a lack of government response.

May-June 2008

*More of the same – but somewhere in here we
get a temporal marker as a group of veterans
takes over a national monument and the powers-
that-be stand down because of the media

*Also in this period we see calls for an early
election as the government response to the
natural disaster earlier in the year will be judged
a failure and the economy will be in full-scale
slide now.

Summer 2008

*Tensions build in cities, encounters scarcity (.e.g.
food/fuel) are about

*The populace of the US impacted by a condition
like post traumatic stress – about the best we can
wrap our heads around it, it will be something
like “time shocked” or “time stunned”

*Just as you wrap you head around one big
change, another will come along bigger and
harder to absorb

September 2008

*Mood of the population improves: People
have a renewed sense of optimism that the
corporate/elite can and will be replaced in the
elections and the ‘us against them’ grows

*Possibility that elections will be held early, but
it could just be language around that meme

October 2008

*Global emotional release event begins –
largely economic.

*Think of the US economy as a lit fuse that is lit
over the early part of 2008

*In late 2008 the rest of the world’s currencies
are ‘touched off’ by the dollar and US decline.

*May be a global replay of what the 1932 bond
crash in the Great Depression was.

Balance of 2008

*Bad gets worse

*Highest payoff hedges for most people today will likely
– Debt reductions
– Getting in shape
– Having modest stores of food/clothing
– Agile mindset to adapt/cope with any change
– Fallback and backup plans – like relatives in another
city/state – that kind of thing.
– Learning to think independently and get a vision of the
future before it arrives so you can move ahead of crowds
and thus maintain your freedom of action

2009 Global Coastal Event

*The bigger things are in modelspace, the more lead time
we get

*Collapse of the dollar has been in modelspace for 2 ½ years
or so. Even longer has been Global Coastal event.

*Global Coast Event likely in early to mid 2009

*Permanent loss of low lying territory globally but one
continent in particular get hit badly. We don’t know which
one, but we hope it’s like a Greenland or some not heavily
populated area. (*working on this now, but it’s at the limit
of our software)

*Places to avoid: anything at sea level (Bangladesh/Florida)

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:40 PM
heres the link to the origional
it has 171 replies right now. i dunno how u missed it/ it's in the HOT category right now.
good info, but it's almost exactly like the other post, so i was gonna let you know before someone else did it without being polite. the other thread deals 100% with just earthquake predictions though, so you do have a lot of different info as well. By the way, this is so hard for me to believe, but i am open to it. Just how in the heck does the bot do this????? What is it's main function? looking forward to learning more.

[edit on 1-12-2008 by Enigma Publius]

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 09:06 PM
This was different then that thread that involved different subjects via the webbot predictions.

It scourers the internet for useful keywords then it is sent to a central location where it deciphers the meaning

The projects concept is aimed at tapping into the "collective unconscious" of the universe and it's inhabitants.

It is some precise and a weird eerie contraption in my honest opinion.


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

thanks for taking the time to explain how the bot works. that IS a very intelligent idea, i'm going to do more searching on this now.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:18 AM
Don't waste your time with this BOT nonsense. As I've said in a previous post it's a piece of code, a bot similar to the Google News bot which scours the Internet picking popular words and phrases from selected web pages. It churns out meaningless crap which is deciphered by a human.

To the OP - show me the proof these predictions were made in 2007.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by vonspurter
Don't waste your time with this BOT nonsense. As I've said in a previous post it's a piece of code, a bot similar to the Google News bot which scours the Internet picking popular words and phrases from selected web pages. It churns out meaningless crap which is deciphered by a human.

To the OP - show me the proof these predictions were made in 2007.

Look at post date.

Also it's meaningless if you do not believe in global conscious and how mass thinking contributes to paranormal preferences. It may also be broken down the a science but we are far from that explanation.

I do not completely believe and welcome this vague idea of the webbot, but these predictions cannot be debunked in any means.


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:24 PM
i would like some outside source to prove that these were amde in 2007. and i want some outside source to prove that there really is a web bot and not a mentally deficient ape hitting a keyboard.

saying that web bot is right on target is like an oxymoron

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:36 PM
I've been watching this web-bot for a few years now and it's always funny to me that the folks that believe in it do NOT ever talk much about how many times it is wrong.
It is wrong a LOT.
But then you get those that ( like a horoscope ) will try to fit some obscure happening into what they had spit out earlier and say - oh yeah, that's what it was referring to.
Also, just watch this - there will be an earthquake ( or 2 ) soon, and most likely NOT on the dates of the prediction, but when they do occur, these folks will say - YEAH, the web-bot predicted it - OR - they will conveniently forget about it.
I too call BS on this from watching it for years.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
i would like some outside source to prove that these were amde in 2007. and i want some outside source to prove that there really is a web bot and not a mentally deficient ape hitting a keyboard.

saying that web bot is right on target is like an oxymoron

Sorry next time I'll re think my thread title, It's up for discussion....

Also these predictions were posted at that date, so I don't care if it's a WEBBOT or not whatever or whoever made these predictions did a noticeably decent job at doing so


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:43 PM
The thing about this webbot buisness is that it is easily manipulated to output false predictions, or controlled predictions simply by a group or perhaps even government, to publish a hord of webpages and insert blogs on popular sites to sort of "fill in the missing pieces of the pie" to cause the webbot to put out such predictions, then all of a sudden you got a mass of easily convinced people thinking that the world is gonna end, thus inducing fear and thus inducing control via reasons to initiate NWO and martial law etc etc.

As Scottie once said in Star Trek III..."The more they overtake the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain" this case the drain is your brain.


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:46 PM
Of course it could be used to induce fear, but would they induce fear about money flow... i'd think now it's been pretty damn close.

Also for the fact of it being wrong, of course it may be wrong 99% of the time I don't know but the predictions I posted were not to off.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:54 PM
link I was hoping that dumb bot was worth looking into. The first bunch of predictions at the beginning of the year were vague and wrong. The dollar got stronger for some odd reason and every thing else but the obvious year in and year out stuff. Yeah, an asteroid is going to hit somewhere in Russia...if I say that every year at least once and then get it right do I get to be a Nostradomus or Shiffer or Webbot?
Sorry but your computer oracle is as accurate and reliable as my old magic 8 ball.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:59 PM
yes, you do get to be nostradamus

i think we can even scrounge up a medal or something nice.

but you have to promise to take a lot of drugs.

[edit on 4-12-2008 by Mozzy]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 09:00 PM
Well maybe its timing may be somewhat off, but predicting failure of the economic system could be seen as accurate, again noting the time of the prediction vs when the economy actually began to sink past the bottom of the barrel. However, keep in mind, it has not completely collapsed, but yes pretty darn close.

If the webbot can predict these things...say a year or two in advance, maybe even with a bit more accuracy in timing, it might have more believability. Its interesting tho. Kinda cool in a way to have a program search the web and take note of certian words. Perhaps with a bit of modification, it would make one hell of a SEO tool.


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by RFBurns
Well maybe its timing may be somewhat off, but predicting failure of the economic system could be seen as accurate, again noting the time of the prediction vs when the economy actually began to sink past the bottom of the barrel. However, keep in mind, it has not completely collapsed, but yes pretty darn close.

If the webbot can predict these things...say a year or two in advance, maybe even with a bit more accuracy in timing, it might have more believability. Its interesting tho. Kinda cool in a way to have a program search the web and take note of certian words. Perhaps with a bit of modification, it would make one hell of a SEO tool.



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