posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:00 AM
For the cheap college guys...
everyone throws in a couple bucks, and i can make enough to last several days...
for 2-3 meals a day for 2-3 guys for several days...
I am someone who lived near the water most of my life... so... to get good fish is something that i cannot realy do where i live...
Here, its buy one, get one free with the sausage packages....
I am trying to cook in more...
and not screw up...
Ok, here what happen last weekend...
One of my roomates is a Vegan... and the food he makes is VERY flameable...
So, he had cooked the night before, and some of his stuff got under the Stove Burner...
I was using a large skillet, that covered the 2 burners...
i was making pancakes, and i noticed that white smoke started coming from under the skillet...
No worries i thought... just a little smoke... then about 5-10 mins latter, the smoke starts to get thicker...
Then, all of a sudden, i see the smoke go from a milky white, to a dark black...
OH NO... smoke is not Pouring out from under the skillet...
now i start to semi-freak-out, i need to stop this smoke, we have water sprickets in out apartment, so, if they go on, our whole apartment is
So, i grab knife, and stick it under the Skillet, and lift it up and over...
Doing this allows the fire to have a news source of oxygen, and a giant flame shoots 2-3 feet up in the air...
There is not a flame roaring out of the stove...
And tha pancakes start to burn...
Now fun... i grab a towel and try to fan out the fire... after a few frantic moments, the fire is out...
My pancakes are toast...
and my roommates finnaly make an appercene into a room full of smoke... and half the stove burned to a crisp...
I am not good in the kitchen...