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The NWO - It's nothing new - a warning from history

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:38 AM
I have a good friend who is an economist, she's a bit on the fringes as she's involved with Douglas Social Credit (which I have to say, if you can break your current train of thought regarding money etc, seems like the most obvious & beneficial system of government & society that would benefit us all), and she sent me this recently.

It is a scritp from a broadcast made in 1943 by the former Premier of Alberta in Canada warning against the recent push for a new World Currency etc - exactly as we're seeing now.

The man in question was William Aberhart, often known as bible Bill. He made this broadcast on May 3rd - by May 23rd he was dead - he "died suddenly"

Below & in the next post is the broadcast he made - note how things are heading today:

Saturday, June 26, 1943.
Page 5

Reference has been made in FROM WEEK TO WEEK to the broadcast addresses of the late Mr. William Aberhart, Premier of Alberta, on
post-war problems. These, recorded for serial distribution through Canadian broadcasting stations, are still being transmitted through
six Canadian stations, including Ottawa, CKCO (1310 M.) The following is the full text of No. 28 in the series transmitted on May 3, the
day of the first announcement of the late Premier's illness:—

The Plan for World Control

A few nights ago I was listening to one of those "quiz" programmes which have become so popular with radio Stations; and it struck me
very forcibly that it was but another example of how people are being taught to-day to guess rather than to think for themselves. The kind
of questions being asked were: "Who is the Minister of Agriculture?" "Is Moscow further North or further South than Quebec?", and so
forth. The participant either knew the answers or he had to guess them. I cannot recall a single question that would have the effect of
making people think. Has it ever occurred to you that it is becoming very much the same in regard to all phases of our National life?

For example you will recall the famous plebiscite we had recently in Canada. In it the people were asked a question, the answer to which
would not commit the government to any particular course of action. The government refused to indicate what they would do if the people
voted either yes or no, hence the people themselves could not possibly tell what would be the result of their decision. They had to guess.

Or take election time. As a general rule the candidates of all parties came forward with their platforms all nicely dressed up to catch votes.
The people are not asked, "What do you want? Do you want security in terms of more goods and better homes? Do you want these
without regimentation and bureaucracy so that you may enjoy the maximum of freedom? Do you want freedom from debt and overburdening
taxation?" Oh! No, no! they are not given the opportunity of voting on anything so straightforward as that. They are asked to
vote on tariffs or free-trade, on compulsory unemployment insurance under one party's bureaucracy or another party's bureaucracy, or
whether they want industries nationalised, or would they prefer an international police force. In this way complicated and technical
questions are put before the people, without giving them the proper information upon which to form sound opinions regarding what the
results would be for them if these things were done. In other words—they have to guess.

That is the kind of thing that is going on all the time. People are being discouraged from thinking. We are being drilled into becoming a
Nation of guessers—and as the men who manipulate the situation from behind the scenes know all of the answers, and the necessary
information is carefully withheld from the people, the manipulators are always right and the people generally guess wrong.
Nowhere is this more strikingly demonstrated than in regard to the stuff that is dished up to us as news. To-night I propose to deal with
just one example, to show you the dangerous intrigue that is being perpetrated right under our noses.

Suppose that you pick up your newspaper some evening and read bold headlines such as these: "World Totalitarian Dictatorship by
Finance Proposed as New Post-War Order – Confidence Expressed British Empire and American Governments Will Be Hoaxed Into
Acceptance of Plan." What would be your reaction to that news? Would it make your blood boil? Would you feel indignant that anybody
should dare to put forward treason like that while your son or your brother or your husband is over there risking his life for the ideals of
democracy and our traditional British freedoms?

Well, my friends, let me tell you frankly, you have read that news in your papers, but it was not stated nearly so boldly. Possibly because
what you read was complicated or was couched in altruistic language, and since you had no definite information on which to form an
opinion, you just had to guess what it meant. And you probably guessed that there was nothing very sinister about it. That is what you
were intended to do.


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:39 AM
A short time ago you may remember reading in your newspaper that plans for an International Monetary Reform were published on the
same day in both London, England, and in Washington, by the British and the United States Governments. These two plans were
presented in the newspaper reports as simple and innocent expedients for making it easier to re-establish international trade after the
war—a most desirable and worthy objective.
Strange as it may seem, though, the so-called British and American plans were supposed to have been drawn up independently, they were
basically similar, and both were made known to the public on the same day. This would tend to impress the people with the spontaneity of
agreement and the unanimity of purpose in the whole matter. It was another of those strange coincidences like the similarity of the
Beveridge, Marsh and N.R.P.B. plans of social security which were offered to the public within a few days of each other and were
identical in their main features. Well, I tell you frankly I don't believe in coincidences of that kind. They are too weird to be genuine.
Let me draw to your attention some of the main features common to both the British and the American plans for an international money
system. Both advocate setting up an international unit of money, based on gold. In one case the name "Bankor" is suggested; in the other
the term "Unitas" is put forward. But what does the name matter anyway, since both plans involve control of the international money
system by an international authority, which will likewise control international trade ? You see it is all international—centralisation of
power, etc. Both plans suggest that some such system should be set up in a hurry. Both plead its necessity on the grounds that it is
essential for the purpose of averting confusion in world trade after the war. How plausible! How persuasive! "Will you come into my
parlour said the spider to the fly," sort of manner.
Lord Keynes, a director of the Bank of England, is reputed to be the author of the British scheme. He is reported as having stated that such
international monetary system might be used to finance a World Police Force. All Totalitarian Powers evidently need a Gestapo. We are

Page 6
Saturday, June 26, 1943.

told who was the author of the American plan.
On the face of it there seems to be nothing in those schemes to unduly alarm people, does there? But that is only because the people
haven't the information which would enable them to understand what an international money system controlled by an international
authority, backed up by an international Police Force, would mean to them.
Listen carefully, Ladies and Gentlemen! For the past three years—in fact ever since the outbreak of war—there has been a steady stream
of propaganda, carefully organised and well financed, to win support for setting up a World Federation of Nations under an International
authority, to which all Nations would surrender control of finance, international trade, their armed forces and their citizenship rights. How
long is it going to take for the people to realise what is going on and what it will mean to them?
In the first place it would mean that the people of Canada would no longer be sovereign. They would no longer be the constitutionally
supreme authority in their own country. By giving over control of finance to some alien dominated international dictatorship, they would
be giving that authority complete control over every aspect of their national life. You see, control of finance would mean control of the
money system—and that in turn controls every phase of production and distribution. Stripped of all its camouflage, the final result will be
a slave state, worse than anything as yet proposed by our bombastic dictators. Is that what our brave soldiers are fighting and dying for?
Do you, as a true Canadian, desire such conditions? Then I ask, what are you doing about it?
Now is the time to act. If we wait until the bonds are welded and this dreadful totalitarian order set up, the people of Canada will then be
helpless to do anything about it if they do not like the harsh conditions that are imposed upon them. Remember that in addition to control
over finance, the international authority would also have control over the Armed Forces and the citizenship rights. If any individual dared
to challenge the authority of the international dictatorship he might find that they had deprived him of his citizenship rights. And if the
people as a whole started to kick over the traces—well, they would be un-armed and helpless while the international over-lords would
have control of all the Armed Forces and the World Police Force. So it would be just too bad for the people.
Do you consider it fantastic to imagine that anything like that could happen? How can you when the very idea I have outlined has been
put forward seriously as the basis of our Post-War Order?
Published Plans
In the first instance, two books on the subject were published. One of these was written by a man connected with a newspaper which, on
the evidence of a British Ambassador to the United States, was controlled by the banking institution that is the Headquarters of
International Finance. The other book was by the son of one of the founders of the Money Power on this continent. There is absolutely no
question about it that this plot, this evil conspiracy—to set up an international totalitarian dictatorship with control over every aspect of
our lives and armed with overwhelming forces to impose their will upon us, can be traced to that small group of men which comprise
International Finance.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:40 AM
If ever that scheme should be put over, it would mean the end of democracy, the end of the British Empire, the end of freedom. On the
other hand, it would be the establishment of a World Slave State more ruthless and vile than anything which the evil genius of the Nazis
have (sic) as yet conceived. Yet poisonous propaganda in favour of this diabolical idea is being openly scattered far and wide in Canada—
and that in wartime also. I assert that it is treachery of the worst kind that, even while all the suffering and sacrifices of this present war
are going on to overthrow totalitarianism, anyone should even suggest that we do away with all that our brave lads are fighting to defend.
It is most important that we realise that the proposals for inveigling us into an international dictatorship are not put forward in an obvious,
above-board manner. No, indeed! They are carefully wrapped up in an attractive, and subtle propaganda form. You are told that
international control of money is a means for ensuring orderly world trade. You are not told that immediately you hand over constitutional
control of finance to an international authority, it will be impossible for the people of Canada ever to change their unsatisfactory monetary
system. That fact is kept hidden.
Again, you are told that international control of the Armed Forces is necessary to maintain world peace. The plausible term used to
describe it in (sic) an "international police force." It sounds more innocent. You are not told that such a force would place the people of all
nations completely at the mercy of the international authority which controlled that force.
And remember where you have· a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get
control. History has proven that. As the British peer, Lord Acton, put it so aptly: "All power corrupts; absolute power corrupts
I warn you, Ladies and Gentlemen, with every ounce of sincerity and vehemence I possess; for your own sake, for the sake of the brave
lads who are fighting so heroically to overthrow tyranny, for the sake of your children, for the sake of the future of our country—yes—for
the sake of everything you hold dear, oppose, expose and resist by every means in your power this audacious and evil conspiracy by the
Money Powers to set up a World Slave State.
And now before I close, may I once again thank all
Saturday: June 26, 1943.
Page 7
of you who have written to me, and who have contributed to these broadcasts during the past week. You will be glad to hear that our radio
fund is building up nicely, but we have not yet reached the point to undertake the more ambitious programme to which I referred last
I hope that, if these broadcasts are giving people the satisfaction which the increasing number of letters indicates, the time is not far
distant when all who listen to them will be sharing in their cost.
I feel with all the fibre of my being that this question of Post-War Reconstruction is so urgent and the situation which is developing is so
critical that it will require a supreme effort by us all, working together, to meet the problems we face.

I will be on the air again one week from to-night over this same Station at the same time. Until then I bid you goodnight, Ladies and


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