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The 9/11 Mystery Plane... Mystery Solved?

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:16 PM
What interests me most, is the sudden launch of at least 3 "high-priority" reconnaissance planes in a very tight time frame, all around the alleged impact-time of flight 77 at 10:38 into the west wall of the Pentagon.

But no fighters.

Launching those planes do cost more preparation time than fighter jets, I do suppose.

Btw, to add another suspected rogue plane to the 9/11 story:

I posted on page 199 and 200 of the huge "A 757 impacted the Pentagon" thread, a long time ago, another appearance of a likely "high-priority" plane, around the late afternoon time AF1 was returning to Washington protected by a shield of fighter jets, and was starting to descend to a landing approach.

The strange fact about it was, that the flight handlers of that shield obviously were not aware of the presence of that Learjet high up but near in the sky around AirForce-One, and 2 jets of the shield were send up to investigate, until they came so close that that unidentified plane had to make itself known to the pilots and the handlers.
Was it a CIA handled plane, or another comparable agency owned plane?

We still don't know, only that it was up all day already, according to that one and only officially afterwards released Air Force report.
While ALL other non military, non-governmental aircraft, were ordered down already a long time ago.

In the afternoon, Sasseville and Lucky were flying their second mission of the day--armed with AIM-9 missiles now--when they were told to contact an AWACS aircraft in the area and "expect special tasking." They were directed to fly a 280-deg. heading for 140 naut. mi.--almost due west of Washington. Unable to communicate by secure or encrypted means, the AWACS controller lowered his voice and told Sasseville via radio they were going to "escort Air Force One," President Bush's aircraft. Two Langley F-15s offered to go along, and Sasseville concurred. Soon, an AWACS controller reported a fast-moving, unidentified aircraft southwest of Air Force One, approximately 60 nautical miles away, but on a "cutoff vector" to the President's Boeing 747. It was above 40,000 ft. and the 747 was "in the 20,000-ft. range," but Sasseville sent the F-15s to intercept the unknown aircraft. It was a Learjet that had not yet landed after aircraft nationwide had been ordered out of the air.

Why the Washington-based F-16s were sent to shadow the President's aircraft back to Andrews AFB has not been disclosed. Apparently, someone in the Norad or Secret Service command loop had received information about a potential threat to the 747, prompting a request for additional armed escorts.

Btw, let's try to keep this discussion flowing on this so important subject.
I do highly respect the efforts of John Farmer (911files?) and Boone just as much as Craig Ranke and the CIT team and the PilotsforTruth team.

No good flow of info without any opposition. Keep it in mind, and show respect to each other, how difficult it may seem after former clashes.

We all like to come to a conclusion on 9/11, as soon as can be, and vitriol will not promote such effort.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT
You are the one trying to change the topic here to avoid discussing your own published claims in relation to the topic.

No... you appear to be derailing a potentially valid discussion into a non-productive tit-for-tat conversation that comes across as a personal.

Please keep this discussion on the topic, and not your opinions of each other.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Boone 870
Did the F-16s come out of Ellington Field?

The first return for the fighters is at 29.6308 Lat, -94.9783 Long at 15:02 (GMT). That is ~9.5 nautical miles east of Ellington Field.

The last return is ~33 nautical miles east-southeast of Barksdale AFB at 15:33 (GMT).

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by LaBTop

But no fighters.
The fighters at Andrews were not on alert.

Launching those planes do cost more preparation time than fighter jets, I do suppose.
Considering that these aircraft were developed to act as command and control during a nuclear attack, I would suppose that getting airborne quickly is part of their mission.

Btw, to add another suspected rogue plane to the 9/11 story:

Listen to this mp3. It is a recording of Washington Center working Air Force One as it returns to Washington, DC. Thank 911files for the audio.

The Learjet in the article is not a Learjet, it's a Gulfstream 2 using the call sign CDC Lifeguard 1218C.

Washington Center controllers let 1218C know that there is military traffic in his area and he reports that he has them in sight. Shortly thereafter, 1218C calls center and says, "CDC 1218 Charlie is contact with traffic, sir." Then the giggling Center controller replied back, "all right sir."

Lifeguard flights were not grounded on 9/11. Washington Center was aware of the lifeguard flight. The AWACS probably sent the fighters over just to check it out. No conspiracy that I can see.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 07:57 PM
Interesting that it is a "CDC lifeguard".......any other Lifeguard flights were subject to the grounding.........CDC lifeguard is a "critical to national security bio/chem" flight.....

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by 911files

Thanks for the info.

Ellington was an alert site on 9/11, that's what I was after.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 11:48 AM
I am aware of a medical emergency flight on 9/11, coming from Alaska, if I remember right, and there was even a political figure put on that plane too, who wrestled a seat on board with his influence, if I remember right, someone with ties to FEMA or such agency.
The plane was hired to bring a kidney or other organ to Walter Reed Hospital, or another famous hospital in the East of the USA.
As you can see, my memory isn't as sharp anymore as it used to be.

I have read and listened to an interview with that pilot in these and other forums, but as far as I know, he never mentioned an encounter with AF-1 in that interview, the only thing he was adamant about was the fact that this politician was able to get on his flight after all civilian traffic was downed.
He was quite amazed about that and expressed that feeling clearly.

So he would have been much more amazed to have been crossing the path of AF-1, and would certainly have mentioned that. No need for secrecy, everybody knew it flew to Washington around that time on 9/11.
So someone out there, make my day and find his story with him mentioning AF-1, and thus proof me wrong.
I think I will have it saved somewhere, so we can compare my original to the one nowadays to be found online.

Btw, fighter pilots interviewed shortly after 9/11 by other official Air Force personnel, will not mix up a Lear Jet with a Gulfstream, in my opinion.
They are trained to identify plane silhouettes, just as Navy personnel is trained to recognize ship silhouettes.

Boone, I listened to your MP3 of the handling of Air Force One, and I hear in the first 8 minutes about a few unidentified planes, and one specifically, who's identification tag disappeared from the controllers radar screens, and then they didn't bother anymore about it.
That's strange.
That could mean it put its transponder OFF.

That should have triggered a LOT of suspicion, on that day, when 4 other planes put theirs off, and one put it on again later.

I know now, that when planes are switching from one controller to another, their identification-call sign can disappear from one radar screen.
But the first controller who saw it on his screen and then it disappeared, talked to the other and asked if he saw it coming up again on his screen, but this second controller did not see it on his screens eather. They say to each other then, that it doesn't come back up, and that's it.

Especially if you take in account that the medical flight had filed for an extraordinary flight plan already very early on, and so its where-abouts would have been well known to Washington handlers, who were used to handle thousands of flights per day normally, and now had a field day with just a few flights in the air and a sea of time to concentrate on AF-1.

How many hours to fly from Fairbanks, Alaska to Washington with such a plane?
What time did it take off, and could it be in the air above Washington with AF-1 without being in the air far too long for that distance, in that medical urgency caused hurry?

Btw, CDC is also the FAA code for Cedar City Rgnl Airport in Utah:

There is no airport Control Tower located on that airport.
I don't think they used the FAA airport code for the flight number too, but who knows what was possible that day, where so much impossible things occurred repeatedly.
My question, just to eliminate a possible cover-up, could CDC Lifeguard 1218C have flown off from Cedar City?

Or was it really hired or owned by

There were 7 years to fix all mistakes of that bloody day.

Just so everyone remembers, they lied us into an unwanted war, and nearly into another lately. That one was a near miss.
So circa 3000 US 9/11 deaths triggered the deaths of 3000+ US military and perhaps one million Iraqi deaths (including their US invasion military deaths).

How many more deaths to come, based all on lies?
The same lies as proposed by our bankers.
Who paid our politicians, who gave their fiat to the ever increasing demands of a bloodthirsty megalomaniac part of the military brass.

Wake up, change the rules.
Let's play it nice.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 02:20 PM
link escriptions=on&dosearch=on&search=Go

The overseas flights of the Gulfstream V jet, apparently owned by a CIA front organization and used to transfer prisoners to countries for detention and interrogations, are stalled. [Guardian, 9/13/2004]

The Gulfstream V with tail number N379P used to rendition Jamil Qasim Saeed Mohammed and many others. [Source: Washington Post]

All types of Gulfstreams:
All types of LearJets:
Since we don't have the types mentioned by the reports and the MP3, it will be difficult to compare them.
But both my sources were OFFICIAL Air Force sources, from the day of 9/11 or very shortly after.
The MP3 is published 7 years later, but seems to be an official source too.
Who do you believe more, the report from the day itself, or the possibly falsified data from 7 years later?
I don't know for sure, but I doubt that pilots on the day itself would all make the same mistake.

Source for the next excerpt:

Before 6:42 p.m. September 11, 2001: Unknown Aircraft Racing Toward Air Force One.

As Air Force One is approaching Andrews Air Force Base, just outside Washington, with the president on board, the FAA reports an aircraft racing towards it. Fighters quickly intercept the aircraft, which turns out to be a Lear business jet, “in the wrong place at the wrong time.” [Filson, 2003, pp. 88]

Entity Tags: Federal Aviation Administration

Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline

This above piece of information comes from the official US Air Force book on the events of 9/11:
Air War Over America: Sept. 11 Alters Face of Air Defense Mission (Hardcover)
by Leslie Filson (Author)

Now we have two reports from 9/11, indicating a Lear Jet and not a Gulfstream.
Did I give already ground enough for reasonable doubt regarding the validity of the FOIA requested data received from the US government entities?
What about the crazy long time in the air for a proposed medical urgency flight with a fresh kidney aboard, which left from Alaska, and seemed thus to have been in the air for nearly 7 hours.
However, I may remember that the pilot's story mentioned a pickup from another airport for the politician.
Now, that's real crazy for one, of a few only, medical flights on 9/11, to stop to load a damn politician.

However, the book review online at Amazon by Mark H. Gaffney (Chiloquin, OR USA) offers a lot more insight on the subject of this thread, the first 9/11 mystery plane (the one addressed by me first, is the second):

This review is from: Air War Over America: Sept. 11 Alters Face Of Air Defense Mission (Hardcover)

One would think that the defeat of the most powerful military in the world by 19 stumblebum jihadists armed with box cutters would inspire a degree of humility and soul searching by the US Air Force. But you won't find any of that in Air War Over America.

In fact, the amount of self congratulatory back slapping in the book is nauseating.

Nor is the book well written. Still, it has historical value for its content. The USAF commissioned the Air War Over America, and CONR's Maj.General Larry Arnold wrote the Foreword. So, the book may be regarded as the official USAF record of 9/11.

What is noteworthy is that it conflicts in a number of respects -- with the now official story presented in the 9/11 Commission Report. Bear in mind that Air War was published in 2003 -- about a year BEFORE the release of the 9/11 Commission report.

According to Air War Over America, the first notice from the FAA came at 8:30 AM -- which is 8 minutes earlier than what is stated in the 9/11 Commission Report. The difference is significant because this would easily have given NORAD time to intercept both Flights 11 and 175.

The book also mentions that Fl 77 was a possible hijack -- indicating that NORAD knew about Fl 77 long before it crashed. This admission also flatly contradicts the 9/11 Commission Report.

The account of the Langley scramble is particularly valuable. According to F-16 Pilot Borgstrom they received an order just after take off to fly NNE -- which means the F-16s were flying up the Chesapeake Bay -- what you would expect. Then they got an order to fly NW and according to the author were "vectored toward Washington -- instead of NY." Again, this flatly contradicts the 9/11 Commission Report.

Borgstrom also notes that the 3 fighters from Langley were on different frequencies and "we were getting orders from a lot of different people." This is important information and the 9/11 Commission should have followed up by interviewing the Langley pilots about their orders and conversations to reconstruct what happened. All the commission had to do was track the orders back up the food chain. But apparently this kind of simple detective work was too much for the official investigation to manage. There is scant mention of the Langley pilots' testimony in the 9/11 Commission Report.

Neither Air War nor the 9/11Commission Report explains how the F-16s from Langley ended up flying in circles over the Atlantic. This omission alone should stand your hair on end.

The Air War also mentions that Dawne Deskins at NEADS (NORAD) was watching the blip of an aircraft "that appeared to be going in a turn around DC." According to the author, Deskins got "6 or 7 radar returns on it before it faded and was just gone..." The author assumes this was Fl 77 -- but was it? This is doubtful since Fl 77 never flew over or around DC. In fact, Fl 77 never left Virginia. This blip may have been the E-4B command and control platform I documented in a carefully researched paper now posted on the internet. Simply google "911 mystery plane" and my name and you will easily find it.

Along these same lines: Air War mentions that NEADS was participating in an exercise on 9/11, Vigilant Guardian -- but there is no mention of Global Guardian, which as we know was also underway. In fact, Global Guardian was the BIGGER drill to which the others were tiered -- and we know it involved the E-4B.

This is consistent with the continuing blanket suppression of everything related to the E-4B that circled the White House at the time of the Pentagon attack. The question we should be asking is: What was it doing there? And why has its presence been covered up?

Air War also confirms what I learned from Barbara Honegger, a military journalist. The Air National Guard unit in Florida never even took off to escort Air Force One when Bush left Florida. No, instead Bush relied on a Texas Air National Guard unit -- part of the 147th fighter Wing. The Texas unit escorted him to Offutt AFB -- then later home to DC. Was this Bush's old ANG unit? If so, on 9/11 Bush clearly trusted no one except his own pretorian guard.

The book's last 50 pages is nothing but fluff about the "war on terror." Near the end the author cites General Ralph Eberhart that "military forces will be used when and where needed to augment and assist first responders.." What does this mean? It can only be a veiled reference to martial law in America. Which I suspect was the whole purpose of 9/11 -- to scare Americans into giving away their freedoms for the phony security of military rule - a concept as false as this book.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 02:12 PM

This highlighted text in the following excerpt makes room for some more questions regarding the supposed Lifeguard flight from the MP3 :

I went to the OR for lung surgery and my nurse informed me that the towers had collapsed. I began operating and the phone rang: There might be a set of lungs from a donor in Alaska.

Doctors once thought donor organs, such as the lungs, could only last four hours outside of the body. Now we are successful with organs that have been out eight hours or longer. Alaska is a stretch for us, but we've been doing retrievals from Alaska. --snip--
But the people coordinating the transplant, LifeCenter Northwest, stated that they were able to get flight clearance. I called my dad and he voiced his concern. He told me that the more people involved, the more room there is for error. "I really think you are going to be vulnerable," he said. Ultimately LifeCenter stated that the clearance was genuine and the window for flying was broad. I sought two additional assurances and then agreed to go.

We left Boeing Field in two separate planes. I was to do the heart and lung retrieval and Adam Levy the liver and kidney retrieval. It's standard procedure. Because the organs I retrieve are more fragile, I have to get back quickly. On the way up, the pilot was quite nervous. He informed me that we were the only civilian aircraft flying in U.S. air space. We reached the donor hospital and the procedure went perfectly. The donor was a young man who had died tragically. The lungs were pristine. The heart was perfect. --snip--
We returned to the airport and met an executive from Alaska Airlines who had been stranded and obtained clearance to fly to Seattle with us. Upon crossing into Canadian airspace we were intercepted by a Canadian Air Force jet. Minutes later we were also picked up by a U.S. fighter. About 12 minutes from Boeing Field we suddenly changed speed and veered off course. We were flying over places we couldn't recognize. At this point, the pilot wasn't talking to us.

We landed at an airport I didn't recognize. As we taxied closer I saw a sign: "Bellingham International Airport." My heart sank. We were well into the time limit for reimplatation and we were far from the University. We were told that we were diverted for security reasons and, as I looked up, I saw two F-16 fighter jets, circling just above us. We found out later that while Dr. Levy's return flight plan was OK'd, ours somehow got lost in the complicated events of the evening.

Now all of this happened in between Seattle and Alaska, and please pay attention to the bolded "only civilian aircraft flying in U.S. air space" and the "evening" part at the end of the story.

Now this is not the same story I read and saved years ago, but it resembles it somehow in some of the details, like the pick-up from another person.
But it was different in its locations and designation.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
Then the giggling Center controller replied back, "all right sir."

Who in their right mind would be "giggling" on 9/11? Especially if you are in control of aircraft that day.

My country is being attacked but the air controlers are giggling and having a good time? Disrespectful at the very least IMO.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 03:46 PM
Griff, I definitely didn't hear a giggling in that voice.
It's an awkward interpretation by Boone, in my opinion.


During that two-day period of full lock-down, only the military and specially FAA-authorized flights that delivered life-saving medical necessities were in the air. The enforcement of the empty skies directive was so stringent that even after the United Network for Organ Sharing sought and gained FAA clearance to use charter aircraft on September 12 to effect time-critical deliveries of organs for transplant, one of its flights carrying a human heart was forced to the ground in Bellingham, Washington, 80 miles short of its Seattle destination, by two Navy F/A-18 fighters. (The organ completed its journey after being transferred to a helicopter.)

Do you see all the inconsistencies in all these stories, so which one is the true one?


Now, after reading the above posts, imagine a pristine clear sky on 9/11 after 1200 hrs, and only military flights are allowed, and one civilian rescue flight.

Damn coincidently, that in that immense empty airspace, suddenly an unknown ( do you really believe that, on that afternoon) civilian plane is racing in the direction of the supposedly most protected plane at that time, AF-1.

And nobody knew?
Can I sell you some more fairy tales for a fortune?

On the day of 9/11, there has been a very near miss regarding a full fledged nuclear threat quickly arising between some nuclear armed players, who were getting very nervous that the whole 9/11 plot was a quick excuse for the obvious victim, the USA, to deliver a first strike to old adversaries, which they could see as the real force behind the attack.
There was much more power play behind the scenes that day than is published.

[edit on 8/12/08 by LaBTop]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by LaBTop

I am aware of a medical emergency flight on 9/11, coming from Alaska,
Lifeguard flights were permitted to fly on 9/11, there is no way to know if the Alaska flight you mentioned is the same flight heard in the audio recording.

12:16 Airspace is clear of traffic-except for law enforcement, military, medivac, lifeguard and rescue operations. Source PDF

I have read and listened to an interview with that pilot in these and other forums, but as far as I know, he never mentioned an encounter with AF-1 in that interview,
The article you quoted does not mention an encounter with Air Force One, it says that an F-15 was sent to check it out and it also says the "Learjet" was 60 nautical miles away from Air Force One with over 20,000 feet of vertical separation.

Btw, fighter pilots interviewed shortly after 9/11 by other official Air Force personnel, will not mix up a Lear Jet with a Gulfstream, in my opinion.
I agree. Did you notice that there were no quotations around Learjet? Show me an Air Force pilot that says it was a Learjet instead of a journalist and I'll dig into it deeper.

and so its where-abouts would have been well known to Washington handlers,
The aircraft was unidentified to the AWACS, not Washington Center. I did not detect any concern in the air traffic controller's voice.

Or was it really hired or owned by
1218C is the aircraft tail number and it can be found in the FAA database. There you will find who owns the plane.

But both my sources were OFFICIAL Air Force sources, from the day of 9/11 or very shortly after.
The MP3 is published 7 years later, but seems to be an official source too.
Who do you believe more, the report from the day itself, or the possibly falsified data from 7 years later?
Aviation Week is an "OFFICIAL" Air Force publication?

The recordings are from September 11, 2001. The Aviation Week article is from September 9, 2002 and Filson's book was published in 2003.

Now we have two reports from 9/11, indicating a Lear Jet and not a Gulfstream.
Did I give already ground enough for reasonable doubt regarding the validity of the FOIA requested data received from the US government entities?
No. You have given the interpretations of an author and a journalist. Neither one of them quoted the pilot.

Now this is not the same story I read and saved years ago, but it resembles it somehow in some of the details, like the pick-up from another person.
But it was different in its locations and designation.

So now we are up to four medical flights on 9/11. The politician flight, the two mentioned in the article you just posted, and the CDC flight.

Griff, I definitely didn't hear a giggling in that voice.
It's an awkward interpretation by Boone, in my opinion.

Giggling may not have been the best description. Maybe chuckle?

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 06:48 PM

Boone : Show me an Air Force pilot that says it was a Lear Jet instead of a journalist and I'll dig into it deeper.

The book : Air War Over America: Sept. 11 Alters Face Of Air Defense Mission.
The author : Leslie Filson
The book's publisher : Tyndall Air Force Base Public Affairs Office (January 2003)

From the Amazon book review link I gave above :

The USAF commissioned the Air War Over America, and CONR's Maj.General Larry Arnold wrote the Foreword. So, the book may be regarded as the official USAF record of 9/11.

Thus I assume, that the author interviewed the pilots, or had access to trustful transcripts of their flight reports.
So, that's one official USAF report.

Then we have the Aviation Week article from page 199 and 200 of the "A Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon" thread, which following 2 posts are really loaded with many names of pilots you can research for :

This is the last post on page 199 where one of the pilots, the wing commander, explained to the interviewer what happened:

but Sasseville sent the F-15s to intercept the unknown aircraft. It was a Lear Jet that had not yet landed after aircraft nationwide had been ordered out of the air.

Sasseville is the pilot who was interviewed and stated that it was a Lear Jet.
Looks to me as an official USAF pilot.
I do understand your mistrust of US journalists, but in this case it seems to be the pilot doing the talking, and not a "clueless" interviewer.

(Off-topic, but still valuable, for CIT and others.
Read again some of my posts on that page 199, f.ex. the exact female witness position far from the Pentagon, under the low overpassing plane, and she told that books fell from her book shelfs after the impact, but we saw no seismic proof from LDEO of the impact, very strange;
and the NEXCOM video from a gas station to the SOUTH of the Pentagon, not the CITGO station to the WEST)

Release Date: 09/14/2001

Organ Transport Available by Air; UNOS Contributes to Red Cross.

Since Wednesday, Sept. 12, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has allowed charter flights to transport organs for transplantation. As of Friday, Sept. 14, several airlines have announced that they will accept onto their commercial flights donated organs and other vital medical supplies.

That's 2 sources who both reported that the FAA allowed organ flights from 12 September on. Reads like it was not allowed on 11 September.
Look at the release date, the 14 Sept. 2001.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:08 PM
Sorry, this is the second source, forgot to include it in above post.

During that two-day period of full lock-down, only the military and specially FAA-authorized flights that delivered life-saving medical necessities were in the air. The enforcement of the empty skies directive was so stringent that even after the United Network for Organ Sharing sought and gained FAA clearance to use charter aircraft on September 12 to effect time-critical deliveries of organs for transplant, one of its flights carrying a human heart was forced to the ground in Bellingham, Washington, 80 miles short of its Seattle destination, by two Navy F/A-18 fighters. (The organ completed its journey after being transferred to a helicopter.)

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by LaBTop

Here you go LaBTop. From the FAA's Air Traffic Control System Command Center:

9:29 a.m. advisory ordering the nationwide ground stop

2:30 p.m. advisory releasing medical flights


[edit on 20-12-2008 by Boone 870]

[edit on 20-12-2008 by Boone 870]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 08:49 PM
LabTop and everyone who reads this thread should also check out this relevant thread.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 10:41 PM
Boone and Craig, thanks for the response.

Boone, is this audio file (~188 MB) from John Farmer's site covering the radio traffic of Emergency flights with Washington Control ? :

DRM3 DAT2 Channel 24 Emerg-AICC.wav
Link: DAT2 Channel 24 Emerg-AICC.wav

Comes from this Farmer page :

It is obviously not the same file as your MP3 file up there at the top of this page that I listened to, which I suppose is an excerpt from Farmer of that NORAD tape? : ZDC 125 A1 9-11-01 2200-2218 UTC.mp3

It seems that most US journalists are not very careful with the data they collect, and make serious mistakes in their reporting, all the time.
It is clear, that the one flight from Alaska which was forced to land 80 miles from his destination at Bellington Airport was not the flight near AF-1, however the journalist reports it to be the only emergency flight in US airspace at that moment. It flew at Pacific time around 18:30, which was 14:30 in Washington, so that's causing the confusion.
Probably, in the next 5 hours, a few more emergency flights were allowed.
I am interested in the LearJet still flying around at 18:30 East coast time, not the Gulfstream.

It still looks to me as if president G.W. Bush has a bi-polar personal structure, which showed off in the first days of and after 9/11, when he was a mumbling wreck in most of his TV appearances, but suddenly recovered just before he addressed the Nation on Capitol Hill at the end of the week.
His whole attitude during his presidency is of someone who was so surprised by some events, that he lost grip on reality, but recovered and understood that he was used in a grand scam and scheme of such immense proportions, that he understood that each US president in fact is and was a chosen puppet who has to follow foot with the real power brokers.
If not, he and his whole family will be in jeopardy for a long time to come, such as the Kennedy's.

[edit on 22/12/08 by LaBTop]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:26 AM
This Emerg.AICC file from the Farmer site can only be listened to by me, using my Quick Time Player, the other audio players do not allow to speed forward for some reason unknown.
Most of the file is no noise, with some small pieces of air traffic control communications scattered around.
Use the Quick Time A/V applet to set the speed between 1/2x and 1x, to hear the conversations more clearly. And use the slider to arrive at the, indicated by me, time frames. The file is 129 MB big, so not suited for slow connections downloading.
It's four and a half HOURS long, so perhaps you could find some more interesting snippets.

Start listening in at about 03:29:00 when one pilot reports something at 60 miles out. It starts to get interesting after 03:31:20, when the controller is reporting this at 03:31:31 :
"" Sting11 is chasing somebody "", then he remarks the following sentence "" There's next to no aircraft in the sky, so its pretty safe to fly "" then he says "" is chasing an UNKNOWN "". He's getting worried about fuel loads left in the protecting fighters, and talks about that, in combination with this still unknown thread.
I do not hear a Gulfstream mentioned. Perhaps my hearing is not good enough? I also hear some very faint communication, as if it is suppressed?
All in the 10 minutes after 03:29.

Again, I emphasize the fact that the controller and the pilot considered this plane to be an UNKNOWN, which is very suspicious at that point in time.
Or, was the US Air Force so crippled in its Intelligence reports, that Air Force One with the president on board, and its flight controllers on the ground, had no idea what was flying around there? With "next to no aircraft in the sky"?

As I said before, there was much more going on that day, than what is published till now.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by LaBTop

Again, I emphasize the fact that the controller and the pilot considered this plane to be an UNKNOWN, which is very suspicious at that point in time.
Or, was the US Air Force so crippled in its Intelligence reports, that Air Force One with the president on board, and its flight controllers on the ground, had no idea what was flying around there? With "next to no aircraft in the sky"?

The recording begins at 12:30 Zulu (7:30 Central) and the unknown is mentioned 3 1/2 hours into it which would've been 11:00 Central. And if I heard the coordinates correctly, the unknown was flying 25 miles southeast of Cleveland.

Go to 3:45:00 into the recording and you will hear STING11 report to Huntress that the aircraft they were sent after and intercepted was a Cessna.

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