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Oops, We Meant $7 TRILLION!" What Hank and Ben Are Up to and How They Plan to Pay for It All

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posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Oops, We Meant $7 TRILLION!" What Hank and Ben Are Up to and How They Plan to Pay for It All

Treasury Secretary and Fed Chairman feel they can now pledge whatever they want. Perhaps they are inching up a zero at a time just to see what the public’s tolerance is for unrepayable debt. The new sum – $7.76 trillion – represents $25,000 for every citizen in the country, or half the value of everything produced in the nation last year; yet it’s not clear that a mere half of our net worth will rescue the financial system. One bankrupt bank after another has been bailed out with public money, in a futile effort to prevent a collapse of a massive multi-trillion dollar derivatives pyramid created by the banks.[2] But according to the Comptroller of the Currency, U.S. commercial banks now carry over $180 trillion in derivatives on their books. The public is liable to be bankrupted before this mess is resolved.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 07:51 PM
I suggest that we flip this car over now. Make a run on every bank and every stock . It is time to cash out of every thing and cause full collapse! Why, you ask? Because this controlled fall is leading to one place, the removal of the Dollar and the implementation of the Amero. Don't be fooled this is all planned but we don't have to go down with out a fight lets cause them to pull their hair out! now is the time to stand up against these theifs
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 07:54 PM
why is everyone saying this is all planned?
by who exactly and for what purpose?

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by ll__raine__ll
why is everyone saying this is all planned?
by who exactly and for what purpose?

The source of the info is not a news source; it's an opiniated web site article. Your question is exactly what collapses the reason behind the lengthy opinion.

If you look up related news source, you find out that Ben and Hank have had a hard time to troubleshoot the mess and their mind is simply not up to any preconceived scheme alleged.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by ll__raine__ll
why is everyone saying this is all planned?
by who exactly and for what purpose?

If you will indulge me, I will endeavor to answer. I tend to the verbose, so please forgive me. Metaphorically speaking, one can look to movies such as "Them" and that ilk.

But that is a trite response, and I suspect your question was intended to be taken seriously.

First, there is always an element of the source to with which to contend. There is an element of definitive judgment in the rendering of the facts. And one might be inclined to write off the content as skewed towards the inflammatory.

I don't subscribe to theory that there is no conspiratorial element to this scenario. Consider this:

Part one - this isn't wonderland

The economy is finite. The architecture of the banking system is clearly and purposefully self-serving. They exist to increase their wealth. What have we, the producers of wealth (the population) ACTUALLY GOT for the trillions of dollars with which we have been indebted? Can it be measured? Where - exactly - in no uncertain terms - IS THIS WEALTH?

That question alone - where is the money we are talking about? - cannot be answered - has not been answered - and has yet to be even addressed by our representatives. Why? Is it too 'difficult' to comprehend? Do you need financial priests and priestesses to conjure up a fantastical feat of optimistic mathematics to convince the world that all is as it should be?

No one seems to want to account for their wealth, and to what purpose is it committed?

Part two - What exactly is it that they accomplish?

There are those who use genealogy and social allegiances to identify clusters of individuals who concentrate and focus the flow of wealth to themselves to maintain control - ultimately based on a sense of inbred entitlement.

That seems defensible in and of itself, but I think the clue to the truth of the 'engineered' aspect of the situation lies elsewhere. I propose that the nature of the currency system and its stewardship by commercial opportunists is naturally going to cause predation upon the highest level of our social contract with the government. Trust, is something we are sold these days. I suspect that the product has been diminishing in quality as time has progressed and the system became increasingly easy to influence.

This kind of profiteering, where trillions in dollars appear, almost magically, in the form of debt, yet the 'owners' of the principle are so far removed from the transaction that we are left without a clue as to where this mighty treasure is actually going.

Irrespective of motivation the fact is this event was not a manifestation of 'normal' economics. Certain key-stone decisions are so well hidden, like how much currency is in circulation, what the going interest rate will be, how much 'ownership' of the national wealth are we selling, and at what price. These things are not accidents. Therefore purpose is imbued into the action as it is taken.

Part three - The King and I

The Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, is a political appointee, unelected, and our representatives told him that the people of this country think its OK that he can do whatever he would like in his function as CAO of the nation. My accountant has never asked me to manage my accounts without my input, I don't think he would dare. But the new Czar recognizes no legal challenge nor accountability for any decision he makes. Interesting that "we're OK with that".

Leaving it all to him is what our reps did. He now devalues the nation by instant debt, we are now officially worth less than half what we were worth before. What kind of capitulation is that? Can he offer economic surrender to the predators without a fight, and WE CAN'T STOP HIM?

In my opinion, this is a rather 'inflamed' state of affairs, and some emotion should be tolerated in describing this economic atrocity.

Part four - History

Other nations are known to have suffered under a small group of interested parties using tactics that are strikingly similar each time. In fact, the rise and fall of economies can be deterministic as long as the currency is controlled by a monopoly cartel of international bankers. To deny this is kind of paradoxical, for without the presence of a fractional reserve lending bank model operated centrally, this entire system would be a 'free' market.

Free from intercession, free from political manipulation, free from ideological bias, free from 'middle-man' exploitation as a fixture of the economic landscape. Surely, there would be chaos until such time as an equilibrium of trade were established between nation states. But then, that's been in the cards since the dawn of what we laughing refer to as our civilization.

Forgive my verbosity. I've lingered long enough..



posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:24 PM
What would you like Bernanke and Paulson to do? Do nothing? So you would like banks to fail and businesses to fail and trade be interrupted because there is no credit and then because there is fear, nobody lends creating a money shortage leading to deflation coupled with job loss?

I am tired of everyone hounding on especially Bernanke. He is trying to fix the mess that Alan Greenspan and the Government has caused and was perpetrated by the banking and investing system.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by ll__raine__ll
why is everyone saying this is all planned?
by who exactly and for what purpose?

We're saying it's planned because it defies belief that this situation could have happened through incompetence.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by ll__raine__ll
why is everyone saying this is all planned?
by who exactly and for what purpose?

By people who don't understand economics. Best to say "oohhh ya THOSE guys are doing it! damn rich people!" .. then it is to pick up a book and read a lil about the fundamentals of economics.

There is no such thing as an Amero either. Only 'speculation' from some obscure websites.

An Amero wouldn't be a "bad" thing anyways.. AND YOU DON'T NEED AN ECONOMIC COLLAPSE TO REPLACE A CURRENCY. Europe did it quite easily.

But I digress.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

Originally posted by ll__raine__ll
why is everyone saying this is all planned?
by who exactly and for what purpose?

By people who don't understand economics. Best to say "oohhh ya THOSE guys are doing it! damn rich people!" .. then it is to pick up a book and read a lil about the fundamentals of economics.

There is no such thing as an Amero either. Only 'speculation' from some obscure websites.

An Amero wouldn't be a "bad" thing anyways.. AND YOU DON'T NEED AN ECONOMIC COLLAPSE TO REPLACE A CURRENCY. Europe did it quite easily.

But I digress.

Umm they are starting to push the "Amero" on CNN here's a video with each known cnn mention of it

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:09 PM
Let me explain so people can see that that they are really fretting about nothing.

The goverment is lending money to these institutions. They have first priority on the assets of these companies. If the institutions go belly up, a whole pile of derivatives will go bellyup as well, causing a chain reaction ruining almost everyone. Since the institutions now have basically bottomless loans from the goverment , they will no go belly up and the deravitives will not collapse. Over time the derivatives will be settled or will expire and at that point the institutions will start paying back the goverment. Mostly they all just needed time and the goverment has provided that.

If this action wasn't taken we would have had a complete collapse of the financial system. Then a change to a new currency would be a given and would have been pretty quick. Noone would have escaped its ravages.

So the next step is what happens as the banks pay these loans back? Well then we will be looking at a shrinking money supply and even more drastic deflation. You gold bugs hear that? Deflation and on a massive scale. Dividends will be where the money is at.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity

So the next step is what happens as the banks pay these loans back? Well then we will be looking at a shrinking money supply and even more drastic deflation. You gold bugs hear that? Deflation and on a massive scale. Dividends will be where the money is at.

I agree with you until here. If the Federal reserve is successful, then we will have inflation which means their plans have worked and we have worked past most of the mess. If we do not have inflation, then we will be in trouble for a long time. I think we will have inflation as they are throwing A LOT of money around later on. Which is better than the alternative. Thus I think metals and commodities are good to buy into as the prices are decreasing due to deflation, demand and dollar strengths.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:12 PM
"Amero" is an "idea" .. a take off of the Euro. This guy sounds like he read a website and was like OoOoo Amero. OK.

If the NAU where to come into fruition is would be highly likely a united currency will be created.

An economic depression would not be needed to create this new currency.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
An economic depression would not be needed to create this new currency.

That's right. The euro wasn't born out of some economic emergency.

Now check this out. The German investment banks screw up the same way as the American banks did, and the German moneymen decide to bailout the system big time. But Germany doesn't have the sole power to create euros. Now when the EU financial guys decide that the bailout is not a good idea then what?

You know how Paulson also call nightmare?
Yep. Amero.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:20 AM
The populace would be alot more prone to the idea of the Amero if the dollar became worthless,if its value was fine there wouldnt be much incentive for your average American.

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