posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 05:18 PM
I haven't had a nightmare in a long time. I was thinking about this just the other day. I had terrible nightmares up until about two years ago. Since
then, there's been one time where I've had the experience of a dream that's starting to turn for the worst...... I remember in the dream, I was
waiting for a subway, and when the subway pulled up, a man was staring at me through the window, and his face started to turn into a rotted demonic
corpse's face. I noticed that all I did to change it back to normal was say "No I don't think so!" to myself, and boom back to normal.
You may have developed some lucidity in your dream state which you are not aware of while awake.
You prolly know the feeling.... you're in a relatively happy dream, and then you get like this fear creeping up that almost seems like vertigo or
something.... and then BAM it's turned into corpses and demons and ghosts and monsters.
I wonder if possibly you have had any spiritual awakenings or philosophical epihonies which have really affected you around the time you stopped
having these nightmares?
[edit on 28-11-2008 by dunwichwitch]