I just put on the Breaking Political News Forum about how it is looking like the current Conservative Canadian government is going to be falling,
after the Liberal, NDP and Bloc Quebecois Parties are not going to support their pathetic Economic Update plan.
Instead of triggering a second election in 6 weeks, former Prime Minister Jean Chretien and NDP Leader Ed Broadbent are currently negotiating a
coalition government, which would see the Liberal party (which would be led by Michael Ignatieff) run the government, while the NDP sits in on
cabinet. You can read more information on the specifics by going to my thread on the Breaking Political News forum here:
Now, where it fits in with this NWO Forum. As this situation has popped up rather quickly here in Canada, and there are some names now in the
national spotlight that have a serious possibility of running the country, and maybe some of us Canadians on this forum should be doing some digging
to see what we can find about this possible new government. Won't really change anything, but it might be interesting what is found. So if any
Canadians are interested in contributing to some background research, you might be surprised at what you might find!
For starters, I found some information on Michael Ignatieff (who is rumored to be the guy who will lead the coalition, hence, become the next Prime
Minister). There was a newspaper article in the Globe and Mail back in 2006 linking Ignatieff with the Illuminati, but I have not been able to find
the actual article. I did, however, find an editorial that features comments based on the original article.
It can be found here:
Original Source:
I wish I could find the actual article, and I am just playing Devil's Advocate here (I would be quite happy if the Conservatives were removed from
power), but I find it odd that the editorial writer noted that if Ignatieff were to be put into power, it would not be via the two elections he would
have to win to get there (the Liberal leadership vote and the national election), but they would put him into power another way.
Well, if this current plan ends up panning out, with a Liberal/NDP coalition government running the country, then TECHNICALLY, the coalition
government would not be the democratically elected government and Ignatieff TECHNICALLY would not be a Prime Minister voted by the people, rather
choosen by some of the Liberal and NDP bigwigs (Jean Chretien and Ed Broadbent)...I don't know about you guys, but I really think some more research
should be done on these folks. Well, hope this proves for some good conversation, peace!