right as far as i know the nwo will be 1 world goverment funded and ran by some rich people who have paid there way into this position or thats my
grasp of what i have read any way.
i can understand this and belive it is 100% possible and may be happening but how will theses corupt few take over.
in realitiy they have no power over any 1 and neither dose the govement how many police army navy or airforce employees are really going to turn on
there familys and freinds in the name of the goverment
i have to good freinds in the army and 1 in the airforce ( im in the uk btw) and they follow orders like every othere solider but if they were told go
aresst all your freinds beacuse they dont like the goverments palns or shoot them if they wont go quietly they would say no and im sure others would
in my opinion its not the people or the millatary officals or the nwo eliets that have the power the soliders carrying all the wepons do and i cant
ever see them chosing the goverment over there own people.
what are your thoughts on this ??
p.s. sorry if i spelt anything wrong or my grammer is bad im dislesic
Well for one they are going to start with Unions. AKA European Union, North American Union, ect. Then the World Union.
To answer your question about soldiers, of course some may leave the force, but look back on history, WWII, Hitler may have given the orders by
millions listened to them. Some of the people in Germany had so much respect for Hitler they were worse than he was. The soldiers did what they were
told even though it was wrong and they killed friends and families. The Jewish Police, the nazis hired Jews to work as police in the ghettos, they
knew what was happening, they did it because they were sparred because of that. People are easily persuaded, especially in desperate times. If they
want to keep their own jobs and their own lives, they'll do what they are told.
I don't think there ever will be a one-world government. it wouldn't work!
Read George Orwells' 1984 and you may be surprised to find out that he describes our present situation, which IMO is NWO.
Well if it isn't quite NWO, it's just as bad.
(George Orwell was the 'inventor' of Big Brother, please just read the book)
aldolas is right, 1984 was a good book and there are certainly some interesting parallels that can be drawn between that situation and the situation
we are facing. orwell was a good observer of social movements, but i think his power of prediction is mostly down his pessimistic view of humanity.
the largest portion of the NWO's power comes from the psychological manipulation of the people rather than from wide spread and direct force. if the
NWO can convince the population that you are being attacked by an ill defined group that may or may not exist, they can control the population using
the old divide and conquer tricks.